Z Pizza – kicking it with the Hawaiian toppings.
The book Too Small To Ignore by Wess Stafford, President of Compassion International (disclaimer: only read if wearing waterproof mascara).
JJ Heller’s soul-catching song, Your Hands.
The smell of Elizabeth Anne’s baby lotion (care-packaged from South Africa – thank you Boo!)
A birthday bash of epic proportions.
Email exchanges with my Guatemala-bound-Compassion-International travel buddy.
Vuvuzelas! From my parents to my kids. There are no words. (Well, “ear plugs” may be one.)
And, “is that really the safest place to store a Vuvuzela, eh son?” may be another.
OK, your turn. What were some of your favorites this week?
Subscribers, wanna click over and share?
{PS: Did you know you can get my updates by email for diddlywinks, by just clicking here?}
Hearing Tom Davis of Hope Chest speak at church Sunday.
Getting my house closer to feeling/looking like home.
Spending time with old friends.
Having my children jump in the car and declare school was, “Awesome!”
I was so so happy to hear that too – had your boys on my heart this week!
Watching the sun rise on the Indian Ocean.
Realizing its 14 days till my parents and church come for work trip!!! =)
I’m on your blog…what?!?! hahahaha I love you, Lisa-Jo!
Visiting some of my students at their home after school and having them steal my keys so I couldn’t leave, then literally throwing a kicking tantrum with biting and clawing when I found the keys and went to leave. Its priceless to be so loved.
Skyping with my sister and nieces after two weeks.
Finally watching The Blind Side, and weeping at what love does for a person.
The Indian Ocean, The Blind Side, and YOU can all make me weep with the happy! :)
Having a good cry with trusted friends
A good night’s sleep
Olive Garden: bread sticks and alfredo sauce
And the best moment of this week: Finding out that we are expecting a boy!!!
A BOY?! Congratulations!! You may want to start the babyproofing now – they have the destructive qualities of large, heavy machinery!
Silas’ first real smile! Pure magic. :)
Football started again. Visions of Fall with cinnamon candles, crock pot roast and warm apple pie tempted me to forget that I live in S. Cal.
Sending the two older kids to a movie with our church and getting to spend the morning with my 3rd oldest all by himself – a rare event!
Going to a friend’s for dinner…not many are willing to cook for a family of 6.
Receiving my giveaway prize in the mail from Holley Gerth’s blog! I love free stuff!
Speaking of, getting one of a few copies of Anne Jackson’s new book “Permission to Speak Freely” from BookSneeze!
It’s been a better week than I thought. Thanks for helping me remember. :)
Oooo I also snagged one of Anne’s books just before they were gone! So exciting. But not as exciting as baby smiles!!
Too true! :)
Having one car wrecked and one car die on the same day leaving us without any vehicle – and standing in the kitchen hugging my husband as we laughed at the absurdity of it all.
My daughter declaring she has decided to sleep in her bathing suit at night.
Another daughter asking if it was okay if she slept with an old shoebox.
My daughter rubbing my arm and telling me that she “loves my skin.”
No that was one heck of an eclectic week! (And my son pets my skin too – kids, they’re the greatest!)
The smile on my baby child’s face (she’s 22) when she met me at the back door to tell me she’d gotten “the green light” for her RUF internship at Wake Forest.
The text from same daughter last night telling me how much she loved everything up there in Winston Salem, her apartment, the girls she met, her roommate…..sweet relief
Everything about my 18month old grandson but especially when he wanders in and out of my laundry room saying “bite, bite” because he knows that where I hide the Smarties Candy.
My very clean kitchen after I deep cleaned it yesterday after my daughter left on her approx. 9 hour drive to Winston Salem.
Knowing my 4 daughters on this day, in this one moment, are settled and safe. All we have is this one moment.
Knowing I have my husband to share this empty nest with. We really really like the 2 of us, if we can just get and keep it down to the two of us. (again, all we have is this one moment, right?)
Knowing if I get confused about so many things controversial, I have the word, God’s word to go to and just bury my nose and heart there.
I could go on and on.
Ah man, the joys of both a full and empty nest! Yea, I look forward to knowing what the other side is like :) Some days I really miss just being the two of us.
Walking with my husband – twice – on a long walk
Eating healthy all week!
Time with my mentor
Creating our St. Thomas video from our honeymoon
i love jj heller. small is my favorite :)
New sneakers…
New haircuts…
New backpacks..
First day outfits (okay, technically- I didn’t like them, but my daughters did, so I guess that counts)
Great teachers…
Can you tell it was back to school week here???
99-cent bracelets from Burlington Coat factory that look like gum balls.
Flowers from my sweet hubby, just because.
A hair cut & highlights after 3 months (tomorrow)
fun! those are great favorites.
some of mine were…
sitting with girlies on my lap during worship
bedtime…doing devotions, tucking girls into bed, praying with them.
seeing excitement after one of my kiddos said the verse right
lots of high fives
seeing joy all around me on faces
and so many more…
What great pictures!!