So, here’s the skinny: I’ve been thinking about writing and how often our perfectionism gets in the way of our words. And I figured, why not take 5 minutes and see what comes out: not a perfect post, not a profound post, just five minutes of focused writing.

Ala-ka-zam – Five Minute Friday was born.

We’ve all got five minutes – while the kids are wrestling, while the macaroni’s boiling, while the dog is doing his business, while the plumber is resuscitating your washing machine.

Wanna just write? Without wondering if it’s just right or not. You’re welcome to play along. The rules are easy.

  1. Write your heart out for five minutes and show us what you’ve got.
  2. Tell your readers you’re linking up here and invite them to play along.
  3. And most importantly, go visit, read, and encourage the fellow five-minuter who linked up right before you.{I humbly beg you to turn off word verification for the day to make this easier!}

Easy peasy.

Oh and there’s always a little fun something-something in it for one five minute artist. Last week I got to give away the All Things Are Possible Water Bottle to random winner Erin @Closing Time.

This week the beautiful Victorious Life Charm Bracelet  by DaySpring is up for grabs.

OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes for the prompt:

Deep Breath…


Into the fray, into the week, into the wonder of being a mom and a woman and a wife and a daughter of the King. Deep breath into the work and the calling and the words and the ways to encourage and love and laugh. Deep breath into the tears and the standing in the gap alongside friends who have lost their voices, their hearts, their way.

Deep breath into the deep heart of the Father God who made me and calls me and breathes life and grace and passion into these lungs that rise and fall with the sun and the moon and the getting up at 2am with a baby girl who breathes me in like I’m her whole world.

Deep breath with the boys and the dirt and the incomprehensible ways they find to challenge, to push, to pull, to break off all those bits of me I didn’t know I didn’t need. Deep breath as they piece me back together in a jig saw version of myself that looks nothing like the me I planned and everything like the me I dreamed.

Deep breath with the house and the laundry and the never being really cleaned up in here. Deep breath with the travel plans and the passports pending and the Kindergarten wending its way to me and taking my boy to bigger and older and wiser and reminding me of him all so much newer and smaller and safer in my arms.

Deep breath with the new week and the new season of work and the new baby and the new plans.

Deep breath.

Deep breath.



OK, your turn – show me what you’ve got.
Subscribers, just click here to come over and play along.

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