On Fridays around these parts we stop, drop, and write.
For fun, for love of the sound of words, for play, for delight, for joy and celebration at the art of communication.
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?

2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Most important: comment and encourage the person who linked up before you.
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:
Sometimes being away from them we wake up to the details that we love about them.
Cold nights in Arkansas wrapped in the prayers of two friends pry my eyes off myself and into the world of women who need our words, our love, our noticing the details of who they are. To read them awake instead of sleep walking from link to link to how all this promotes me. Instead I trace the outlines of what she just said and replay the chorus of how many crave community.
No one wants to do this alone.
And as much as a minivan in the dark might be beautiful the first night, by the third it’s just lonely. Tomorrow I will wake up earlier than I like and fly longer than I like, but it will deliver me to the people who I know by heart.
They Skype with me this evening and I want to know why they’re still awake even while I’m delighted they are. The relief of seeing those bodies i grew dancing and laughing and monkeying for me is meat and potato nourishment to this mama.
Those are my boys. That is my good man. They have tucked my baby girl in for the night. And day after tomorrow we will all wake up crammed into a bed that took in strays over the night and it will be so good.
OK, show me what you’ve got.
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Beautiful post! It’s so true – when we’re apart, we really focus in on all those things that we love about them – and also can laugh at the things that maybe drive us crazy. Wishing you a safe trip tomorrow!
how ture this is, that it’s a breath of fresh air to get away from it all, but then it’s time to return, and our hearts know their home among the ones we love. Thanks for this, and praying for safe and speedy travel home to your sweet little ones, and dear husband! ;)
My bed takes in strays too and they are 8 and 13. I’ll take it while I can! ;)
Confession: I edited……(forgot the title) Can’t NOT have a title… ;)
Thanks again for the opportunity!
I love the sharing and caring that comes out of this exercise, and how well I know the crowded love of a family bed.
Lisa-Jo. I needed this writing exercise today. Thank you.
ps. Lovely crop job LinkyTools did on my photo. I’m #72 and I apologize for that strangeness. ;)
Are you gonna be at Blissdom. It will be our one year anniversary, you know :)
Beautiful post. Good timing for me. I needed to read this after the morning I had fighting kids, fighting snow, fighting myself. I’ve been walking around in my sleep. It’s time to wake up and love, not because I have to, but because I want to.
Good morning everyone. Lisa-Jo, I so enjoyed your words on awake. For the awakening of your soul towards the hearts of your family whom miles separated for a time…lovely. I’m happy you’re home in their company once again. I love your perspective. As always, thank you for calling our hearts and words to climb out of deepness to wash afresh in 5 minutes of freedom. Hopefully leading the way to many more uninhibited moments of written wonder and holy celebration. Happy Friday!
I didn’t stop at 5 min, BUT…it was my first time and that was trying to stop …well I just found it too hard to stop, I also edited,oops..next time I’ll do better.
“…the world of women who need our words, our love, our noticing the details of who they are. To read them awake instead of sleep walking from link to link to how all this promotes me. Instead I trace the outlines of what she just said and replay the chorus of how many crave community.”
These lines are wow, Lisa-Jo. Reading and re-reading. Letting them sink deep.
I also remember the crammed in the same bed Saturday mornings and all the joy , snuggles and laughter…I was teasing my grown kids over Christmas saying how much I missed all their jumping in with us those days and that there was still room…Not a chance they said with big smiles of remembering all the past fun and keeping it that way!