It’s a #FiveMinuteFriday free write flash mob! <—click to tweet this!
Where a beautiful crowd spends five minutes all writing on the same topic and then sharing ’em over here.
Want to know how Five Minute Friday got started and how to participate? All the details are here.
And every week I’ll pick a post that caught my eye and share it down there in my side bar – see where it says “Featured Five Minute Friday”? Yea -that could be you!
I also have some Five Minute Friday stories from readers I’m going to start sharing with you each week – they’ve meant so much to me and really, they’re because of you. So thank you – for loving on each other so well.
This one’s from Tiffany who blogs at Raising Paityn:
One FMF that was especially meaningful for me was last year’s prompt on “Loss.” It was posted during July, which is the anniversary month of the miscarriage of my first child. I had been grieving that week but unable to really find an outlet, and when I saw that prompt, I felt such a peace about sharing my story. I received so many words of comfort, but even more importantly, so many women commented that they had experienced a loss, as well, and found healing in my words. It’s still one of my most popular posts, and I appreciate it because I think it is something women are silent about in their grief. I am thankful that your prompt encouraged me to share because it not only helped me, but it helped other mamas, too.
Thank you. Thank you beautiful Five Minute Friday community for loving on Tiffany! Got a FMF story you want to share – just shoot me an email thegypsymama1(at)gmail(dot)com.
Now, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
OK, are you ready? Please give me your best five minutes on:::
Here I am.
Don’t even need to stand on tippy toes anymore to see 40. I feel it coming all breezy and determined to place me in my skin and own that zipcode of wrinkles. My lines are my legacy – I have laughed so much.
This place and time and country and children. We are here and we love each other better each day. Even when the nights are a hamster wheel of kids out of bed, there is space in the chaos for me to lean against Peter and ask him why he loved me today. The question I’ve been asking him since I was 21. Every day, he answers with something new that grows my roots even deeper right here and now.
We lean into that leather sofa that made the trek from South Africa with us and we’re home. In our choices, our lessons, our prayers. There is always time for cookie dough ice cream.
And then the dog lunges at my lap and I yell and candles flicker in the faux fire place.
Now it’s midnight except that it’s two in the afternoon and we’re alone again and Michigan is full of memories and that middle baby boy. And Virginia beckons and we step through the looking glass bringing with us a piece of the South African puzzle. Jackson blinks blue eyes and six years later he has a baby sister. Goldilocks steps into my fairytale and here I am the mother who loves her children even when she’s yelling at them for that stain on the new ottoman cover.
Here I exhale.
Here I build.
Here I pray.
Walking slowly so I don’t miss the view.
OK, show me what you got! {Subscribers, you can just click here to come over and play along}
The beauty in the exhale of loving who we are, truly — in all the longing beauty and chaotic crazy of present. Walking slowly, yes. Love this community, here, where we join in a piece of it, too, together. Thank you, Lisa-Jo.
Oh I don’t know about this week! It was hard to hit publish!
I love that last paragraph. Felt like we were just dancing through your life but with words!
Such a nice post.
“My lines are my legacy – I have laughed so much.” Yes, and again, yes! I would fear what I looked like without them. Every line tells a story and each one is precious.
you inspire me. i’ve heard time and time again that life just gets sweeter with age…. “walking slowly so i don’t miss the vew.” me too :)
I love the *realness* in these words today, I can picture it all, and how fast the time leaps and bounds away with us. Thanks for this glimpse into your world. It’s a beautiful place… Xo
This is such a beautiful post! It met me right where I am and has great meaning for me today.
Thank you!
Beautiful! I’m eye level with 40 too. Only thirtysome more days away…but who’s counting? ;) Enjoying the here…right now!
Love, love, love this 40 will be here in mere months for me as well. Here. I’ll take it with the grace it brings. Love this imagery in your post. It is what keeps bringing me back to savor and view these moments of cared for ordinary. I am so enjoying this Friday ritual, this weekly practice. The few minutes of reflection fill up my heart each week. My heart, their hearts- which incidentally is my “here” post story. I would love to share any of the Friday posts with your readers. They have been such a heart-felt joy- a snapshot of words. Love them. Love this. Love you. Keep sharing and happy weekending!
I love the post. But the last line…. Isn’t that what we long for? To not be so caught up that we miss the view. Thanks for kicking off my weekend in style. Now…off to read and sip my coffee. :o)
Ah, walking slowly so as not to miss the view. YES, amen. Your words are beautiful here and sound like the lapping of waves on the shore. They are calm but full of life!!! Great post. Thanks for your hospitality here. Grateful.
“So I don’t miss the view…” My favorite line! That’s my mama-heart’s cry these days with two teens. Beautiful!
What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing and for hosting the Friday meme.
Beautiful words. Soaking in the here.
Thank you for sharing my post.
Very uplifting. Thank you!
My heres have been numerous, but there are those things that have gone with me and make each new one home – just like your sofa. Love these sweet words.
Hi there :)
I love your site and so many of the other sites I’ve found through you. I happen to be a new blogger. New as in my only page that has published content is my About page :) I would love to get in on your Five Minute Friday action but wanted to first ask if that is okay. May I jump in or would you prefer that I wait until I have some posts running on my site?
Thank you :)
Dude, jump right on in – the water’s lovely :) Also? welcome!
Zip code of wrinkles. Love that! Walking that trail of memories can be so overwhelming–from there to here. And I still can’t get over the fact that it’s possible that our footsteps crossed somewhere along the way. :)
What a beautiful outlook on life! I can almost feel your excitement for all that you have and all that lies ahead.
Having traveled here and there–and knowing the feeling of each place pulling on my heartstrings–I enjoyed your beautiful writing.
I am staring down 40–it’ll be my new age in a couple of months. Blink. Blink. Here I am.
Can’t really post this on my blog…but felt so compelled to write it. It was very theraputic. Thanks for the prompt…
He’s not here.
Not sure I even want him to be here.
He left here before he even left here.
He says he wants to be here now, but it hurts to have him here.
God is here though. He is faithful. He is safe. He is trustworthy.
My heart needs to know God is here so I don’t obsess about him not being here.
He’ll be here on Sunday…for a visit. But even then I don’t think his heart is here.
Is it with her? He says it isn’t but his face says it is.
Will I ever be able to have him here again and feel my heart is safe?
The children don’t seem to miss him not being here.
But when he is here for a visit, they are not upset. Happy to see him, but they don’t stay here very long. They go about their life leaving him here with me…alone.
I don’t like it when they are not here and he is here.
He’s not here now.
I don’t want him here now.
Will I ever want him here again?
Your blog is a blessing. Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for this. These days I’m feeling the unsettledness of here not being home; you encourage me with the joy and comfortableness that can come with having your only real home on earth be linked to your husband and children.
Weird! somehow I commented on the photo above–hope you see it, LisaJo!!!
Your words are so magical. I love how you wove this piece. I love how your perspective as you look back at the pieces of your life.
I love this…and I must say how GRATEFUL I am that you have put this together. I LOVE writing like this, and I love READING everyone’s posts. Thank you for being HERE. :)