I’ve been traveling and my fingers couldn’t seem to find a keyboard and my head couldn’t seem to find words anyway. I confessed to Nester that I’d missed 2 days in my 31 day streak. She laughed over shared drinks at Starbucks and said she’d missed as well. So then I felt better.
Grace and laughter from good friends. Nothing like it.
When I was a teen my friends and I were all about “girl power.” You know what I mean; the beautiful belief that inherent in womanhood is something fabulous, powerful and good.
As a grown up woman I believe it now more than ever…and I believe God designed it that way.
Something remarkable happens when women come together to support each other. Sparks fly as spurs connect and boots walk boldly right up to the problem that needs to be shared, dissected, solved, or soothed. There is joy in the camaraderie even when there is sorrow to be shared.
As a lover of the written word I believe it happens here out in the seeming vastness of cyberspace as well. Women share. They shout their pain, their love, their honesty into the black hole of space and wonder if anyone heard it. They offer themselves up in the form of words typed on a page, cast adrift like a message in a bottle, and they wonder if they will be read.
Do you know what happens when we care more about people than stats, more about stories than page views, more about community than platforms?
Hundreds and hundreds of blogs, like those bottles, are opened…the sacred pages gently removed, smoothed and read. And the stories cupped against the hearts of strangers who become sisters with the stroke of a keyboard.
I know this because of you.
Because of the women who hold hands and yell this into the darkness:
What you write, what you share in the dark hours of the night after tucking kids in and cleaning house, matters.
The honesty that sharing costs you – we treasure that.
The snort-milk-out-your-nose funny portraits of motherhood that you paint – we love those.
When you weep over the entry you are typing, we are reading it with blurry eyes and a wet keyboard on the other side of the screen.
You are not alone. We hear you.
Girl power. There’s nothing like it.
The ferocious freedom of loving on someone else and thanking them for their words.
When last did you do that?
May I offer a little challenge to pony up a cheer for a woman whose words have changed you? Go ahead, link to a blog in the comments that has blessed, transformed, loved, challenged, amazed you.
We could all benefit from both the giving and receiving of those recommendations, yes?
And may this be a reminder to you that – even if you think no one hears you – the God who gave you your voice, your story and your words always, always does.
Along with His daughters.
I’ll go first:
Annie Blogs for her heart and humor and relentless joy in the face of whatever life throws her way.
Tsh for her conscientious commitment to equipping and encouraging women to live simpler and fuller.
Stacey Thacker for laying all her heart and enthusiasm on the line to cheer on the weary amongst us.
Oh Amanda for inspiring such intentional and diligent teaching of the Word to our kids.
Kristen Strong for modeling what it looks like to be the friend you wish you had.
Nester Smith, for being the friend who has liberated me from being embarrassed by my house and who I wish lived next door instead of inside the Internet.
///OK///now it’s your turn….
(Art credit: Jan Spangler, pony up aficionado and illustrator of the Survivor Girl card series.)
I discovered a theme as I thought of these: women who are authentic, pure storytellers and who make me laugh :)
Stuff Christians Like (jonacuff.com/stuffchristianslike)
ok I realized after I posted that … um…obviously Jon Acuff is not a woman. sigh. sleep deprived brain fail. He’s still funny though :)
Holley for mentoring and encouraging me (http://holleygerth.com)
Robin (http://www.pensieve.me) and Deidra (http://www.deidrariggs.com) for reminding me that we’re not getting older, we’re getting better. :)
Angela (http://www.buttonbirddesigns.com) for her wild creativity
Sarah (http://www.sarahmarkley.com) for her courage and grace
Maggie (http://www.gussysews.com) who doesn’t hoard her knowledge, but teaches others what they can achieve with hard work and a desire to learn—yeow! ;)
Stephanie (http://www.sbryant.me/blog/) for how she challenges and educates me
This could go on for a long time, so I’ll stop now. I’m also thankful for YOU!
I second Dawn’s description of Robin and Deidra. They make me excited (not mournful) of the day my mommy blogger status doesn’t include carpool and naps. ;)
Amanda, it *is* a beautiful thing!
My best friend is a photographer and showcases her beautiful photography on her blog, but what I love reading each week are her Orange Wednesday posts…they’re beautiful: http://photographsbyanjuli.com/blog/?p=9244
Well, of course new.thegypsymama.com tops my list! But you’ve got welcome company with:
And I can’t stop marveling at the comedic genius of http://www.theHonesttoddler.com!
Honest toddler rocks
Ann Voskamp http://www.aholyexperience.com/ What she writes is real, cuts deep and heals.
Molly at http://www.allthegracebetween.com
She loves Jesus and her family and pours out her heart about both. She is collecting and telling deployment stories that will touch you deeply. (As a former Army pilot and current Army wife she has a good understanding of the life…)
Ashley Campbell at Under the Sycamore (http://ashleyannphotography.com/blog/) for her beautiful snapshots of real life, inspiration and the marvelous things she does to fill her children’s hearts with compassion;
Big Mama (http://thebigmamablog.com) for making me laugh till my sides ache and reminding me that it’s possible to be God-fearing, down-to-earth AND full of mirth;
Ann Voskamp (http://www.aholyexperience.com), more so recently, for much-needed quiet moments to draw closer to the heart of God at home (and for all her honesty);
Katie Davis (http://kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com), especially after having read her book, for laying open the wonder and the reality of God moving in Uganda
…I’m sure none of these are unfamiliar blogs, but their words are the ones I swallow whole in the ten minutes I have every morning. And obviously, this is one of my favorite stops as well! :)
I’m checking out Big mama for the first time :)
You will fall in LOVE with her brand of funny. She is the bee’s knees!
Sarah Markley, at http://www.sarahmarkley.com/
-Honest writing that cuts to the quick in a few paragraphs. She sees the ordinary and weaves something miraculously beautiful in her words. Grace is scrawled all over her writing.
A Deeper Story at http://www.deeperstory.com/
-A group of writers who share their lives, and what they are learning. Always stretching. Always learning.
Ashleigh at http://www.ashleighbaker.net/
Stories. True ones. With heart, voice, and poignancy….makes you cry, makes you think, makes you ponder.
Life in Grace
Flower Patch Farmgirl
Farmgirl Paints
Lisa Leonard
Dream & Differ
Paper Doll Tales
There’s more, but I don’t want to hog the comments.
Elizabeth Foss at http://www.elizabethfoss.com is someone I read daily. She encourages and inspires me to keep Jesus as my focus of all I do at home and beyond.
Amanda Soule at http://www.soulemama.com inspires me daily toward a creative, gentle life of mothering and living.
And I know most everyone else has mentioned her, but Ann Voskamp at http://www.aholyexperience.com is the one who, along with Holley Gerth at http://holleygerth.com helped me to see the value of my own story, helped me have courage to write in my own little space on the internet (you have helped me in this way too, Lisa-Jo…especially this series!!).
Annie Barnett for her courageous art. Oh, my, that girl has words–especially when they are from the place of God speaking her art, her trusting and partnering with Him. They leave me breathless and want more of His presence shining in.
Annie Downs for her wisdom and courageousness and vulnerability and beauty. She goes where the Father calls her, with that heart of surrender, {even if it is so hard} and it makes me feel bold, too.
Mary DeMuth for her generosity of spirit. In a room with her speaking, I am invited to come alive, to join her in discovering the life of freedom God offers when I fully let Him in. She knows who she is in Jesus, and she *shines*.
This is great!!
Amanda over at http://www.life-edited.com always has a wonderful mix of honesty, hope, faith, encouragement, love and poetry. I always leave her space filled with…life.
Tamara at http://tamaraoutloud.com always makes me ponder, and think about the stuff I tend to want to ignore.
Leigh at http://www.leighkramer.com is another awesome one beinging fresh perspective to the life of a Chrisiwn woman.
Jen!! Thank you so much for this, friend. You’ve blessed me.
YOU. You would, you cheerleader you. xo
How could I not?? :)
What a lovely idea. Thanks so much, Jen, for thinking of me.
you, Lisa-Jo, for encouraging me that my story matters.
Ann at http://www.aholyexperience.com, for the encouragement and challenge to see Him in all of life.
Deidra Riggs at http://www.deidrariggs.com, for her realness.
Emily Wierenga at http://www.emilywierenga.com, for talking about those things we wrestle with but hardly ever talk about.
Emily P. Freeman at http://www.chattingatthesky.com, for what she teaches me about grace.
Kris Camealy at http://www.alwaysalleluia.com, on the journey of writing and how He leads us, prepares us and never leaves us.
Duane Scott at http://www.scribingthejourney.com, on the deepness of walking with Him; what that journey is like in humble truth.
Shannan at http://www.flowerpatchfarmgirl.blogspot.com, for the challenge to laugh and be serious all at the same time.
Im post-allume at 7:30am unshowered with suitcases and schoolwork all around me. And your words strengthen and remind me –not that I’m better than this mundane mess of motherhood but that it’s as big as the “bigness” I hope to create on my blog. That my words AND my motherhood is what makes me Me and alive and big for Him. Your words bless me always and inspire me everyday. You have found your purpose and live it so well, LisaJo. Thank you for being a cheerleader for my blog AND for my mothering. Love you more! (and I’ll be back at Naptime to add my blog heroes)
You are so sweet. And all those girls you mentioned? Umm, yeah, I’m huge fans of theirs. So humbled that you would put my name down friend. (And can I be the one with the pink cowboy hat?)
A small section of a growing list of Word Girls who daily challenge me to shine light into the dark places?
Brooke – She let me write a book with her. (http://brookemcglothlin.com)
Holley – Who I want to be when I grow up. (http://holleygerth.com)
Emily – She welcomed me. (http://chattingatthesky.com)
Tracie – The brave. (http://tsjphotography.com)
Kristin – The best cheerleader.(http://kristinschell.com)
Terilynne – Faithful. Faithful. Faithful. (http://terilynneu.com)
and on. and on. and on…..
You sweet, sweet girl. To be on two lists by you today = best Monday ever! xo
Ooooo…I always say THE same thing about Holley Gerth!! #LoveHer
Thank you, Lisa-Jo, for inspiring me to write—even if it’s only once in a blue moon or on a random Friday.
Thank you, Nester, (http://www.thenester.com/) for introducing me to all of these amazing women (last year) and the wide world of blog-land. And, for enouraging me to love my home even in its imperfectness.
Thank you, Ann Voskamp, (http://www.aholyexperience.com/), for your beautiful words of Life, and opening my eyes to the eucharisteo all around me.
Thank you, Deanna Davis, (http://deannadavis.wordpress.com/) for your wisdom, obvious love of Jesus, and emails from blogosphere.
Thank you, Katie Bower, (http://www.bowerpowerblog.com/) for making me laugh on a regular basis—and showing me I CAN do things to improve my house.
Thank you, Jessica, (http://www.howsweeteats.com/) for all your yummy recipes—and I’ve tried many.
Thank you, Chraissa Steyn, (http://charsteyn.blogspot.com/), for your honesty as you struggle in this new thing called motherhood.
And, finally, (I know you are clapping that I’m almost done) thank you http://drieculturen.blogspot.com/, http://theprovencepost.blogspot.com/, and http://expatexplorer.blogspot.com/ for keeping my hopes up of someday living abroad again.
I am terrified of opening up online. I fear allowing someone too deep a look inside my heart. Maybe it’s because for so many years I wore my heart on my sleeve and left it bare for anyone who asked and I was passed by, looked over, assumed to be fine when really I was dying a little inside.
My life is blessed. To tell people I struggle feels…like a plea for attention. To be authentically real makes me fear that people will think I’m begging for encouragement or that I’m whining or that I don’t know or understand how blessed my life is. So I keep things light and simple and airy, which isn’t necessarily bad. I enjoy making people laugh. The problem, however, is that deep down I don’t really believe I have anything worthy to say. There are so many others who can say those things better than me – who can paint pictures with words that reveal our Savior and lift the weary and dig deep into a woman’s soul in a way that I cannot.
So I type posts that I never publish because I don’t want people to see too deep inside of me. But the truth is, I love to read blogs of women (and men!) who aren’t afraid to dig deep and write raw. Oftentimes these blogs merge a beautiful blend of humor and depth in a way that makes me want to laugh and cry all at the same time. :)
Bloggers like Angie Smith (www.angiesmithonline.com)
Emily at Chatting at the Sky (www.chattingatthesky.com)
Shaun Groves (www.shaungroves.com)
And my sister-in-law, who very few people know but who is such a powerful writer that sometimes I have to drink her posts in slowly and with a hot cup of tea (www.moopandsaba.blogspot.com).
I appreciate the rawness and openness that these bloggers (and really, so many others) bring to the internet. And I add my voice the only way I’m really comfortable – with a lot of humor and lightness. And every once in awhile, if I’m feeling extra bold, I’ll dig a little deeper and write from my soul. But it so exhausts me that I have to follow it was something ridiculous lest I implode. :)
(Oh, and could I add that I adore your blog as well? Cause, I really do…)
(Oh and also, I really wish I could have been at Allume with all you lovely ladies. I thought about it all weekend.)
(Um…I’m done now.)
Kelli I love that we can all be brave together. In all our mess and desperation to be useful with our words. Do it, hit publish!
Ann Voskamp – for stirring the spirit He placed in me, to the point where I needed to skipped the after party, running to my room so that I could sit at the feet of the Lord pray.
Logan Wolfram-Life for dessert- for making me laugh, then speaking words of life in her class
Mary Bonner – getting me to laugh when I spilled salad dressing all over the white table cloth.
Sally Haukas – I can see Christ in her eyes, because of her beautiful pure heart.
Last but most certainly not least – Lisa-Jo Baker who greets by name, then hugs like she has known you a million years. Who stands before so many women to (IN) Courage and be encouraging, and who also is just a woman who needs to be loved, encouraged, and friended.
I could go on and on. I Love you all so much!
I have so many favorites it’s hard to narrow them down. There are the fav’s that we all know, Nester, Simple Mom and Crew, Sorta Crunch.
I also enjoy Hollywood Housewife. http://www.hollywoodhousewife.com/
She’s got great style, a bit of Hollywood-life, two kids (similar in age to mine) and she tells a good story. Makes me feel like a girlfriend, and that’s what I’m really looking for in the blogosphere-Others like me?
My personal friend – Mel is a great writer and I love her blog. She just talks about her life and also tells a great story. http://lessthanperfectmel.blogspot.com/
Jen at Pretty Snarky ( http://prettysnarky.com/ ) was a host/producer on a radio show/podcast we listen to. She’s a bright, entertaining, woman, who keeps me posted on popular culture. She reads a lot and I often agree with her recommendations and opinion.
Now I want to go through and see your recommendations.
Top Three:
1) sarahbessey.com- Words of life delivered with humility.
2) howtotalkevangelical.addiezierman.com- Addie is a great story-teller!
3) christinatremill.wordpress.com- Just stumbled onto this one. Very relatable.
I’m a new reader at this blog too, and what makes it SOOO different to me is how other-oriented you are. You truly seem to want to encourage other people and not just talk about yourself. I find it very refreshing.
Oh my. You know I first fell for your words over your original pony up post? I love this!
My list of faves is too long, but here are a few of them:
Lindsey Van Niekerk http://lindseyvanniekerk.blogspot.com Because her heart is as beautiful as her words.
Emily Freeman http://chattingatthesky.com Because her place is indeed a place for my soul to breathe.
Holley Gerth http://holleygerth.com Because she is my heart friend.
Jacque Watkins http://www.jacquewatkins.com/ Because her words are lovely and her warm smile comes through every post.
I love being your friend, LJ. You are a vision. A vision, I tell you! Keep on keepin’ on because your Father is mighty proud. And so am I! Hugs to you, love!
Oh, I love this. Jacque and Lindsey are my girls! Just beautiful.
Thank you, Alia! Love you!
Love you Alia!!
For this words-of-affirmation-love-language girl…you have warmed my heart and blown me away with this unexpected love! Thank you, Kristen Strong, for how YOU love!
Oh Kristen. You bless me so…I’m just overwhelmed and humbled by your grace-filled words and kind friendship. Thank you for modeling how to love deep and strong, just like your sweet name! Mwah!
Oh Lisa-Jo! How you brighten every room you enter! I always love to pony up with you … and to be able to share the beauty of life with friends in my computer and out of it as well.
So here are the writers who bring beauty and grace to my life lately:
Jessica (www.thereluctantsojourner) … who generously and genuinely invites us into her journey.
Stefanie (www.upliftingwordsonline.com) … who sincerely and sweetly shares her life and points me toward Jesus.
Carey (www.cravingstheblog.blogspot.com) … who shines Jesus in every way
Kristi (www.kristigriem.com) … whose love for freedom and women and the gospel of hope pushes me to act.
Excited to check all of the links posted during this week. I’ve only been reading here a short time, not even two weeks, but I am finding so much encouragement from your blog.
This is a blog I stumbled upon this weekend when I googled ‘feeling like a failure as a mother’
Words that have changed me? I’ll whisper a few blogs…
There’s this gal named Lisa-Jo who is the best cheerleader I know. She can rally hearts like no one’s business… http://lisajobaker.com
Kris at Always Alleluia seems to write from my very own heart. Such a kindred sister. http://alwaysalleluia.com/
And I so enjoy the sonnets spilled over at Shelly Miller’s place.
Jennifer at Studio JRU has more talent in her pinkie toe than most dare dream of.
I just loved this. My darling accountability prayer partner and near sister constantly encourages me and my blogging with her sweet words and blog:
Such a gift God gives us with our sweet writing friends.
anytime my best friend and I get together–there is definite girl power! Love the way we encourage each other and speak truth into each other’s lives
Oh yes, the super power of girlfriends in person? There’s nothing like it!
OK. I’m back. And I’ve been thinking about your post so much today I wrote a post about it! But for comment sake, here’s some of my fave ladies…
Kat from http://inspiredtoaction.com who literally inspires me to action.
Lisa Jo who invites EVERYONE into the in-crowd.
Heather from Cultivated Lives http://cultivatedlives.blogspot.com/ who inspires me with her purposeful home.
Janna from Mustard Seeds http://www.mustardseeds.typepad.com/ who encourages me to be more creative in teaching my kids about Jesus.
Carisa from 1+1+1=1 http://www.1plus1plus1equals1.net/who began the homeschooling journey for me and continues to inspire me in that journey.
And about eleventybillion more…
So many! The internet has connected me to such wonderful kindred spirits who make me feel less alone, more free and more creative every day.
Like many have already mentioned. I’m so grateful for Emily Freeman @ http://www.chattingatthesky.com and her book Grace for the Good Girl. Her words have done so much to encourage me to rest in Christ and what he has done. To relax into him and his love for me, and to let go of my people-pleasing ways.
Her sister, Nester Smith @ http://www.thenester.com amazes me. How does she write a design blog that addresses my heart issues on a daily basis? Amazing. This post still comes to mind on a weekly basis: http://www.thenester.com/2010/10/31-days-to-a-better-dressed-nest-day-19-quit-apologizing.html. So does this one: http://www.thenester.com/2012/05/decorating-truths-from-a-15-year-old-tanzanian-boy.html
Patsy Clairmont has been such a blessing to me. Both in real life and her written words. I illustrated her latest children’s book, Sleep Sweet, and have never felt so creatively freed. Her words and cheerleading were like creative medicine to the insecure artist inside of me. http://www.PatsyClairmont.com
During this 31 Days series I’ve become re-acquainted with Amanda at ohamanda.com. We have similar hearts for the kiddos in our lives. I am so happy to have re-found her blog.
This 31 Days series I has also introduced me to this wonderful space you have here, Lisa Jo. You have totally rejuvenated the writer in me. You’ve made me remember that our stories are worth sharing with one another. And that words are worth putting together — even if no one ever sees them.
Jennifer Camp http://www.youaremygirls.com/ – Her 31 Days to Awake series is touching my heart so much and she is a sweet friend.
Sarah Bessey http://sarahbessey.com/ – Her words speak to me and make me feel a little braver in sharing my own.
Idelette McVicker http://shelovesmagazine.com/ – I fell in love with her heart & her words reading this post… http://www.idelette.com/we-write-to-make-bread/
This list of mine wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t share my #FMFParty Sisters which you can find a list of here… https://twitter.com/SavedSister7/fmfparty-sisters – They touch my heart with their words and have shown me true community in ways that I have not experienced. Thankful that Lisa-Jo brought us all together.
Oh I think I could fill this little box with tons of links to beautiful people weaving beautiful words. Here are a few that speak deep to my heart:
Cara (http://www.whimsysmitten.com/)- she writes her heart out bare and lives it deep
Elora (http://www.eloranicole.com/)- she reminds me of the value of art and living vulnerably
Lindsey (http://lindseyvanniekerk.blogspot.com/) – she tells powerful stories and lives and loves with great intentionality
Micha (http://www.patheos.com/blogs/michaboyett/)- she teaches me about living this wild profound faith out in the small, everyday
Sarah (http://sarahbessey.com/)- she sorts things out with an artist’s eye and a strong heart
Diana (http://drgtjustwondering.blogspot.com/)- she’s full of wisdom and grace, an honest encourager through & through
Nikki (http://simplystriving.wordpress.com/)- she writes lyrically about deep heart truth
Kris (http://alwaysalleluia.com/)- she speaks truth all wrapped in grace, gets to the heart of things
Leigh (http://www.leighkramer.com/)- she wrestles with hard and good things and invites us into the process
Suzannah (http://www.somuchshoutingsomuchlaughter.com/)- she’s a peacemaker who writes with honesty and a deep love for the body of Christ, (and she’s a poet)
Amber (http://therunamuck.com/)- her humble words get right to the core and remind to me live free & loved
I love you, friend!
Annie, I second what Lindsey said!
and wow. thank you for reading my heart so well.
You’ve introduced me to some new gals here, thank you! I need to get to know Elora more…I’ll let her know you inspired me.
Ahhh! I love you all! *group Hug*
So many of the women whose words speak my heart have already been named here, and that makes me happy. Annie Downs at annieblogs.com for her relentless and unapologetic faith and her humor; Sarah Bessey at sarahbessey.com for her the way she rips open my soul and shouts out the contents; Leigh Kramer, Addie Zierman, Emily Freeman… all so, so good. Also, Lindsey Nobles at lindseynobles.com and Jen Deibel at thisgalsjourney.wordpress.com – both bring honesty and gentle challenges to my faith. Amber Haines at therunamuck.com for the absurdly beautiful way she strings words together – a remarkable everyday poet. And Jami Nato at thenatos.blogspot.com for too many reasons to list. And thank YOU for encouraging us to speak up, to be brave. I’m glad to know someone else waters their keyboard with tears as they type. xo
Ooh, I could add almost every blog mentioned above because they are all so yummy.
http://flowerpatchfarmgirl.blogspot.com/ Because she does funny and simple, and deep and beautiful and that’s not easy for one gal to do.
http://therunamuck.com/ Because her writing makes me stare at the screen long past the time I need to read her words, and she does messy grace the way it should be done, open hearted and raw
http://ashleymlarkin.com/ She’s a beautiful friend and she writes the daily and concrete with insight and wisdom
http://www.tothinkistocreate.com/ She rocks red lipstick, leopard prints, and vintage wares and she writes some wicked good posts. She makes me wanna dress for the day.
http://www.emilywierenga.com/ She writes my heart over and over and over.
http://wearethatfamily.com/ Because I really want Kristen to be my best friend and hang out with me. She’s just that cool.
http://lol-ly-gag.com/ Because I’ve known her for years and heard lots of her stories, but still her words give comfort like letters from an old friend
And of course, Lisa Jo who invites everyone to the party and always has chocolate and a smile for you.
First of all YOU, Lisa-Jo, you inspire me to be a better mentor, cheerleader, grandmother, mom to all those around me.
Kris @http://alwaysalleluia.com/ because her words are beautiful and they stir my heart.
Kat @ http://inspiredtoaction.com/ she introduced me to a whole new way of life with Hello Mornings
Rachel @ http://www.rachelmariemartin.blogspot.com/ Rachel reminds me that life is fleeting and to be intentional with every moment, she is the Mom I wish that I had been.
Sophie @ http://boomama.net/ Sophie makes you feel at home, loved, comfortable and I love her stories
Sarah http://www.sarahmarkley.com/ and Emily http://www.chattingatthesky.com/ their words make me wish that writing were my gift also….
The list goes on and on, of course Ann Voskamp, and Holley Gerth, OH AMANDA, and Larri @ SeamsInspired, Kelli Wommack and so many more. Thank you Father for so many gifts that you have given us who are willing to share their very real life stories with us.
Thanks again Lisa-Jo, you inspire me!
Standing together…thanks for hosting this!
I have made deep friend connections through words (and now in RL) with
Kara @ http://www.thechuppies.com
Christian @ http://www.modobjectathome.com
Joy @ http://www.gracefullmama.com
These have championed me at all stages of blogging. There words inspire, yes, but even more so their lives and authenticity of friendship.
but so so many have inspired…too many to name for sure.
Ha! Now it’s going to look like I’m just copying you :)
Scrolling down to find the bottom of this list-of-awesomeness to write your name friend. Love.
SO many:
Sarah Besseys, stirs stuff up and inadvertantly shoves me forward.
Addie Zierman, her tales break me down.
Rachel Held Evans, heroine with heart.
Kathy Escobar, freeing words and good, good counsel.
Amber Haines, her sentences sear.
Ashley Larkin, tight tender tales from best encourager on the interwebs.
Everyone at Deeper Story, they keeping it real.
Diana Trautwein, a mother in the faith.
And friends I rush to read everytime they post: Amber Wackford, Mary Kathryn Tyson, Katie Hardeman, Kathryn Petras and Leigh Kramer.
Oh my…so many beautiful voices, especially women….
These four are amazing Allume roomies, beautiful writers, GREAT friends, girls-I-have-known-my-whole-life, kindred spirits, pieces of my own soul…they sing of Jesus in their art.
And I love that!
Annie – http://annieathome.com
Kris – http://www.alwaysalleluia.com
Stefanie – http://www.upliftingwordsonline.com
Cara – http://whimsysmitten.com
These three have like the BEST gift of encouraging and drawing others in. They are “bigger” bloggers in my book, but welcome “me” in as their friend. There is nothing like that gift!
Kristen – http://chasingblueskies.net/
Holley – http://hollygerth.com
Lisa-Jo – http://lisajobaker.com
These two have a family genetic gift to make a girl like me, who doesn’t cry readily in public or to strangers, cry when sharing just the simplest thing that I could tell another person without shedding a tear. They look at the world through this amazing lens of beauty and art and Jesus and I just get warm and fuzzy every time!
Emily – http://www.chattingatthesky.com/
The Nester – http://thenester.com
These two not only have a heart for Africa but they share Jesus’ love in just practical and real ways. Reading them is like a breath of fresh air and they are “friends” on this list that I have yet to meet in real life…but know if you ever get the chance….we will never shut up….
Alece – http://www.gritandglory.com/
Jen – http://jeremynjenprice.blogspot.com/
Oh there are so many more….but I will stop so I won’t be taking over the comment board!
Love you girls!
Oh my gosh…I had this whole list and it disappeared…will try again later!
I need to be honest and spill it that I don’t read a lot of blogs anymore (no rotten fruit throwing!). So instead of sharing my favorite blogs, I want to share with you my favorite bloggers. The women behind the words, if you will.
These women have all blessed me tremendously in the last few months, not because of what they’ve written, but because of the way they’ve intentionally, or unintentionally loved me. They get me. They understand my introverted quirks and love me anyways. They give me room to breathe and be wrong and they love me even when I am. And it might just be their amazing ability to make me feel free to be me that makes me love them most. The gift of letting a friend be themselves is one of the richest gifts to give. I’m so grateful for each of them, and met each of them through this crazy, weird blogging life.
Erin (@homewiththeboys) http://www.homewiththeboys.net – we share a dream to make boy moms feel normal. I love her to the moon and back.
Stacey (@stacey29lincoln) http://www.29lincolnavenue.com – we wanted to share hope. Writing Hope with her, in many ways, kept me focused on clawing out of all the loss of the last few years.
Kristin (@theschellcafe) http://www.kristinschell.com – I have NEVER had a friend who was a better cheerleader, and wanted to see God at work in my life and writing.
Thanks for this Lisa-Jo :)
Well, those are just the most lovely words that made well up right here and now, Brooke. I love you to the moon and back as well :) And we ARE normal amongst boy moms, right?!
Kris – http://www.alwaysalleluia.com
Annie – http://www.annieathome.com
Cara – http://www.whimsysmitten.com
Stefanie – http://www.uplifitingwords.com
***They are conference-roomies, late-night-chatters, women-I-have-known-since-girlhood, soul-breathers, word-weavers, parts-of-my-own-soul, my best friends in this blogging journey! I love them dearly!
Holley – http://www.holleygerth.com
Kristen – http://www.chasingblueskies.com
Lisa-Jo – http://www.new.thegypsymama.com
***These ladies just LIVE encouragement out loud all the time. They are “bigger” bloggers with REAL, down-to-earth, wrap-their-arms-around-you grace and love. They have opened their hearts to me personally, but not just me, to every woman God places in their path. Love them!
Emily – http://www.chattingatthesky.com
The Nester – http://www.thenester.com
So, I don’t know what it is, but these sisters have a gift — the gift of being so real that when you talk to them your own realness spills out unawares and you just cry {is that just me?} I am not even a crier in public or to people I JUST meet but not with these two. Plus the unique ways in which they view the world inspires me. Their “way” also remind me of my sister and I as well.
Alece – http://www.gritandglory.com
Jennfer – http://jeremynjenprice.blogspot.com/
They love South Africa and have given their lives to its cause. Their words are real and straight and true. They have loved and lost and hurt and come back again to fight another day. I have yet to meet them in real life, but I want to. These are some more of my heart people.
I will stop for now because….I need to not take over the comment board!
So I have tried to post a list 3 times and it is not showing up here…I saved it and will come back later and try to add it! I AM determined to put my-love-on-this-wall! hahahahaa!
Ha – sorry, all the links triggered my spam filter. But the good news is that now you have listed everybody at least twice! :)
Oh my gosh! Please feel free to delete all these duplicate AND dumb posts…so sorry!! I am glad it wasn’t me flaking out though!
This is a mom of 12 who has adopted 8 children and serves the Lord with a big heart! Amazing photographer as well! :)
I put the website in wrong spot. it’s nihaoyall.com
I LOVE Stefanie!
I second many of the recommendations up here, like Kris (http://alwaysalleluia.com) and Emily (www.chattingatthesky.com).
I also add Eileen (http://eileenknowles.com) for her ability to see beautiful, needed God-moments in the every day and Lisa (http://lisanotes.blogspot.com) for the “pow!” she puts in grace-filled thoughts.
Thanks for the opportunity to cheer on some of our favorite writers, Lisa-Jo.
Also – Hayley at http://www.thetinytwig.com
Indeed – that girl is all heart!
I kinda need that face-to-face time…it just adds weight to the words on the screen.
So while there are SO many I am thankful for…some who have greatly impacted my walk with Him…
The words (and lives) of these friends carry weight in my world:
Ruth @ Gracelaced http://www.gracelaced.com/
Rachel @ Rachel Wojarnowski http://rachelwojo.com/
Kelly @ The Nourishing Home http://thenourishinghome.com/
Elizabeth @ Elizabeth Esther http://www.elizabethesther.com/
Joy @ Grace Full Mama http://gracefullmama.com/
Sally @ I Take Joy http://www.itakejoy.com/
Mary @ Mary DeMuth http://www.marydemuth.com/
Shannon @ In a Mirror Dimly http://inamirrordimly.net/
Some how I deleted my own first attempt… :)
But for me, face-to-face time adds weight to the words on the screen, so while God has used SO many writers in my life, the words (both online and off) and lives of these women have impacted me greatly…
Ruth @ Gracelaced– http://www.gracelaced.com/
Rachel @ Rachel Wojarnowski– http://rachelwojo.com/
Kelly @ The Nourishing Home– http://thenourishinghome.com/
Mary @ MaryDeMuth– http://www.marydemuth.com/
Sally @ I Take Joy– http://www.itakejoy.com/
Elizabeth @ Elizabeth Esther– http://www.elizabethesther.com/
Joy @ Grace Full Mama– http://gracefullmama.com/
Shannon @ In a Mirror Dimly– http://inamirrordimly.net/
Oh Lisa-Jo! This is such fun. I have three precious friends who are on my heart reading this.
Susie @ Susie Davis http://www.susiedavis.org
Krista @ Homemade Renegade http://thehomemaderenegade.com
Shelly @ Redemptions Beauty http://redemptionsbeauty.wordpress.com
Thank you for always being such an encourager (or should I say (in)courager)!
Slight deviation from what you asked us to post…but this conversation with you – may I be so bold as to assume I know what you might say? – came into my head, so I wrote it down…believing it mattered, and not just brushing it away.
You tell us to keep writing. That what we have to say is important, no matter how frivolous and small and insignificant and inexperienced it may feel and sound. But do you really believe it? All of us who WANT to write…do you really think ALL of us have something to say?
But it doesn’t sound that good, honestly. I love the way YOU write, and I’ll never sound like you.
But you’re not supposed to sound like me. The world already has a Me. It needs a You.
Kris – http://www.alwaysalleluia.com
Annie – http://www.annieathome.com
Cara – http://www.whimsysmitten.com
Stefanie – http://www.uplifitingwords.com
***They are conference-roomies, late-night-chatters, women-I-have-known-since-girlhood, soul-breathers, word-weavers, parts-of-my-own-soul, my best friends in this blogging journey! I love them dearly!
Holley – http://www.holleygerth.com
Kristen – http://www.chasingblueskies.com
Lisa-Jo – http://www.new.thegypsymama.com
***These ladies just LIVE encouragement out loud all the time. They are “bigger” bloggers with REAL, down-to-earth, wrap-their-arms-around-you grace and love. They have opened their hearts to me personally, but not just me, to every woman God places in their path. Love them!
Emily – http://www.chattingatthesky.com
The Nester – http://www.thenester.com
So, I don’t know what it is, but these sisters have a gift — the gift of being so real that when you talk to them your own realness spills out unawares and you just cry {is that just me?} I am not even a crier in public or to people I JUST meet but not with these two. Plus the unique ways in which they view the world inspires me. Their “way” also remind me of my sister and I as well.
Alece – http://www.gritandglory.com
Jennfer – http://jeremynjenprice.blogspot.com/
They love South Africa and have given their lives to its cause. Their words are real and straight and true. They have loved and lost and hurt and come back again to fight another day. I have yet to meet them in real life, but I want to. These are some more of my heart people.
I will stop for now because….I need to not take over the comment board!
{P.S. Don’t know if this one will show up but it says I already have a comment like this here but I cannot find it and I waited a day to see if it was just my server! Sorry if this is showing up 14 times and I cannot SEE it!!}
ahh, I read so many on your list! Thanks for the mention my friend, that blesses me GREATLY. We obviously have much in common since I read pretty much all of these amazing writers!!
Yay! I love you and all of these women on this list so much!! Personality and words and kinship combined make a winning combination for me! Thank you for giving all of those!
I’ve been carefully pondering who to write in this space since you posted this. So many beautiful, encouraging women come to mind, but I kept coming back to a group who are inspiring me right now where I am because they are in the same age/stage of life.
That group is some fellow all-boy mamas. Oh, how they get me…
*Brooke – http://brookemcglothlin.com – Prayer. Warrior. Amen. Couldn’t make it through without my MOB partner in crime. So grateful.
*Heather – http://godcenteredmom.com – We were pregnant with our last boys at the same time {her 4th, my 3rd} and we just clicked. And we both like to crochet. And she writes beautiful, real TRUTH.
*Hayley – http://thetinytwig.com – This lady knows how to inspire women and be beautiful inside and out while raising 3 {with the 4th on the way!} boys like a rockstar!
*Allison – http://omyfamily.com – Well, I’m certain we would be running buddies if we lived closer. Plus, I’m pretty sure I could chat with her for hours based on one conversation we had at a conference 2+ years ago. Real + fun + Jesus-loving = fabulous.
*Stef – http://educatinglaytons.com – My boy-homeschooling inspiration. Constantly seeking God first and putting family above everything else.
Ugh! I KNEW I forgot someone!
Jen – http://4tunate.net – If there ever was a superhero boy mama, THIS is her. Quad boys. Now 5 1/2. SUPER. MOM. And a lovely, dear friend.
Erin, you don’t even know what a blessing this was. As I sit here on the couch having just put the boys down to nap after an EXHAUSTING day of no’s (Halloween I love/hate you) and an unfriendly email and feeling like maybe I should just quit the internet today. And then this, friend. This sweet comment that warmed my heart and encouraged me so much. What. A. Blessing. you are. xoxo
Nothing like the cheerleading for a girlfriend! xoxo Don’t quit the Internet :)
Melanie of Big mama for making me laugh every day and reminding me to find the joy in the little mishaps in life. http://thebigmamablog.com/
Casey Leigh for bringing me to tears with her genuine words and daily encouragement http://www.thewiegands.com/
Emily from today’s letters for encouraging me to live life more fully and love my husband more deeply. http://www.todaysletters.com/
Oh this is good. This is reeeeaaallly good.
Game-changers for me:
Sarah Bessey http://sarahbessey.com
Rachel Held Evans http://rachelheldevans.com
Amber Haines http://therunamuck.com
Mandy Steward http://messycanvas.com
Heather King http://extraordinary-ordinary.net
Word women of courage and encouragement all!
Gracious. All of it. If I turn my computer on for longer than I need to write something, I always click on Arianne of To Think, Sarah Bessey, Emily Wierenga, Dear Abby Leigh, and our Ann. They are word women, like creation is proved in their words.
Lisa-Jo, you’re an inspirer. Sometimes I think there’s more to be said of that than to be said of most things. You encourage action, and I love you
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