Kick off your blogging year with a flash mob of writers at #FiveMinuteFriday —>Click to Tweet that.
Where a beautiful crowd spends five minutes all writing on the same topic and then sharing ’em over here. It’s like free writing therapy for the tongue-tied, tired, or blocked blogger. And boy have I missed you guys.
How to Join:
Want to know how Five Minute Friday got started and how to participate? All the details are here.
Featured Five Minute Friday:
And every week I’ll pick a post that caught my eye and share it down there in my side bar – see where it says “Featured Five Minute Friday”? Yea -that could be you! Hop on over and visit some folk who make fireworks in just five minutes. They inspire me.
What They’re Saying:
I also have some Five Minute Friday stories from participants I love to share each week – I can never get over the community that has grown up over a five minute writing exercise. If you’ve got a story then just shoot me an email.
Because, as it turns out. Writing regularly and for even five minutes stolen here and there during early mornings or late evenings or during nap times and any fringe moments one can carve out can be free therapy for any writer’s soul.
So, let’s do this thing. Let’s write.
Set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
Oh and Ahem, if you would take pity and turn off comment verification, it would make leaving some love on your post that much easier for folks!
OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on:::
We think of beginnings as a time to pound out old rugs. Run rags over finger print smudged windows. Change the flowers. Vacuum under the furniture. Fling the windows open to some fresh air. We think of beginnings as significant opportunities waiting to be unwrapped. But it’s the finishing, it’s the finishing that can ache with opportunity.
Because all that gusto, all those clean rooms, all those hours carved out for writing will unravel without a strong end. To keep going. To push through and not worry to much about the mess. To see the finish line and get across it no matter how awkward. That is opportunity worth grabbing onto with both hands.
In the newness I don’t want to lose sight of the end. The old is less attractive, less enticing with promises of clean slates. I’ll take my cracked up one from the old year thank you and keep right on writing in bold strokes across it. I am not done yet. I am finishing.
Every new year. I am still finishing. Not time or projects or the clothes I should have sorted for the Salvation army. But me. I am finishing and relishing the hard work. Years like sunsets pour over us – glorious, with the promise of the chance to keep at it tomorrow.
To just keep at it.
OK, show us what you got! {Subscribers, you can just click here to come over and play along}
Thank you for hosting this “opportunity”! I tried to comment on the person ahead of me but it appears to be private? I am going to comment on another, but wanted to share with you.
This is a new perspective for me. The end of things is not only that, the end. It is an opportunity to push further, to keep on, to relish on the hard work done.
It’s my first time on Five Minute Friday. What a great way to practice writing and to find new perspective on things.
I love this! I wanted to write about our ending as a new beginning, but it is too involved, and I still don’t think I have a leave pass to divulge all the details.
Is there no link anymore? Or can I just not see it? Ha.
My vision also fails me – can’t find the link either :/
Sorry ladies, not sure what happened, but it’s back now – bad linky, bad bad linky!
I still don’t see it. Where would I find it?
You may need to refresh your browser, but I pinky promise it’s there now…
Bad linky! // Hahaha!
I’m so glad these are back! I can’t find the linky though – hope I can later!
I found the linky! :) Only seemed to be on the FMF page.
Oh I am so glad the new year has arrived and you are back. I have missed my Friday writing prompts. Looking forward to the opportunity to write with you guys each Friday. Happy New Year.
How I’ve missed this exercise–and your five minute writes! I love this perspective, I love the way your persevere!!
I swear it seems like it takes me five minutes to get the first sentence out but I love these, thank you so much for giving us the prompts!
Thanks for the opportunity. This is my first time to link up- though the link disappeared for me, too.
WHEEE! I did it. I posted one. (bringing brave – oneword365 from 2012 into the new year). so … now headed over to my work laptop, then a quiet Friday night to reflect on the opportunity presented by all you lovely writing ladies. HAPPY FRIDAY!
Whoot whoot!
Linky tool? Can’t seem to find it. Glad to see FMF back-you inspire us all!
I can’t find the linky! Can someone help me please? :-)
I’m having trouble finding the linky as well!! Am I overlooking it, did everyone else find it?
Nope, I don’t see the link anywhere either?!
Oh well, I’ll just put it here :)
Sorry about that. No clue why linkytools spazzed out on us today. But here in the comments is more than welcome as well!
Not sure where the linky is, but here’s my contribution
First time to post! Couldn’t believe that’s all I had in 5 minutes.
Well…it was interrupted, though…ahh, the life of a mommy!
Can’t find the linky.
Here’s my post:
Wow, it’s so good to get back to 5MF! I hadn’t been here for a while before your break, so it’s been a while. What a blessing this morning has been because of it! Thanks, Lisa Jo!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Here’s my “link”!
[…] They come rushing at us every day, you know. OPPORTUNITIES. Really, in every moment there they are….opportunities ready to be opened up and taken and embraced and lived. I don’t always choose the right ones, though[…]
Hi I couldn’t wait till you got back. I am lovin’ this Flash Mob! Here’s my link…
There must be something goin’ on with blogger I couldn’t upload a photo either.
I’ll visit the others from the comments.
See ya’ll here next week.
Let’s visit during the week too! Come see me and I’ll come see you!
Apparently Linky and I are not on speaking terms today, so here’s my link:
And now back to cleaning up the Great Washing Machine flood of 2013…. I’m sure you’ll be reading about it in my blog once it has become a funny story and is no longer a complete aggravation. :-)
Okay, I just needed to hear this today–to keep grabbing that old slate . . . working steadfastly toward finishing, knowing that this is where the opportunity for growth and increased faith lies. “To just keep at it.” Thank you.
Oh my goodness, how I needed your message this morning, Lisa-Jo. Keepin’ at it. Thanks for the encouragement.
Well, I see others are having trouble linking….That piece seemed to work fine for me, but I’ve visited 3 different link ups and tried to post a comment, and no matter the method I choose, it says my credentials can’t be verified….poo, I promise I’m real….lol!!! ;)
{{ hugs }}
Here is my link for this 5 Minute Friday
Here’s my post for today! Can wait to read all of your beautiful posts, ladies!
Bad, bad Linky. How dare you mess with Lisa-Jo’s Five Minute Friday! Here’s my 5 minutes and two cents worth on OPPORTUNITY. Enjoy!
Can’t see the link up anywhere…so here’s my post:
What, no linky? ;) Oh, well. Happy New Year. Here’s my entry:
Oh I love this!
Opportunity @ SkipperClan
Here’s my link…and I’ve noticed linky troubles all over the place!
Thanks for hosting. Loved joining in today!
So glad to be back with FMF, even if the linky’s broken!
ohhh lovely Lisa-Jo!! I think we can all survive without the linky – don’t you worry :-) Have yourself a wonderful weekend. xx
Wonderful I love the ” Opporutiny! ”
This is my first time joining in! Here’s my post:
Happy Friday and Happy New Year!
I have no idea what a linky is…so I’ll share in the comments. Any chance someone can walk me through the steps in response to this so I’ll be really ready next Friday?
And whose blog am I commenting on? Oh I feel inept!
You are supposed to click on the person who posted right before you, which in this case would be Aly, read her post and leave some encouragement in the comments. :-)
This isn’t how it usually looks : ) just find someone’s link to their site and read what they wrote and leave some encouragement. I’ll find you and leave you some as well… Maybe by next week all will be working!
PS, sign into your wordpress account before you read someone’s link, it will help with verification.
Sue –
Opportunity awaits us all! Thanks for sharing your hearts, ladies!
Yay! I’m so happy for the return of FMF!
In the absence of a link appearing magically for me, I too, like others will post it here. It was great to have FMF back again :)
here’s my post…
This is a first for me to participate in the #FiveMinuteFriday and I look forward to many more. Thank you Lisa Jo Baker. Blessings all.
adventure awaits
opportunity, promise, potential
happy new year
So glad you are back and hosting up FMF!
Here’s my post for today’s word – Opportunity:
I, too, couldn’t get the linky to work. :( It just keeps returning me to the opportunity page.
Here is my post:
I am so glad these are back.
Happy New Year, Lisa-Jo…Thanks for hosting 5mF and for the reminder to finish well…praying your book writing is continuing at a good pace :)
Ok, after a long day of trying to FIND opportunity… here we go. Yea! It’s great to be back to our FMF!!!
To keep at it. We must never lose heart when we don’t keep those resolutions or get behind on things because life happens. When life happens, those are the opportunities when God can use us the most. Not in losing 10 lbs or getting organized. Its the insanity of the kids fighting, the car breaking down, the roof leaking, or what ever chaos life brings that God can use use and mold us the most.
My turn!
How about the Opportunity to Learn… Math!
Hmm…. linky no wanna play …
I named my post, Opportunity to Bless. You can find it here:
I am also linking in the comments. So glad Five Minute Friday is back!
Linky isn’t showing up for me either but I am so excited to have FMF start again! Thanks for hosting!
Here’s my 5 minutes on opportunity:
thank you for hosting… love this exercise.. your perspective on opportunity is a fresh approach – love it.. endings..
Oh how I needed this reminder today!! “To push through and not worry to much about the mess. To see the finish line and get across it no matter how awkward. That is opportunity worth grabbing onto with both hands.”
I’ve got something I KNOW the Lord wants me to finish. Every time I try to brush Him away or justify that I can’t, after all I have tons of great excuses and no one would disagree, I ask him thinking the answer might change and He patiently and quietly confirms, “Just finish.”
I’ve been whining and avoiding and side stepping. It’s time to finish!
Excited that FMF is back, though I’m feeling really rusty.
Linky doesn’t seem to be working. But I love to play along too. Love that you pick the word – makes me really think. I posted at
Blessings in this new year,
Well, I saw linky yesterday…but not today. So here is my blog post…and only a day late! :)
Nearly 200 Five Minute Friday-ers! How awesome is that :0)> I wonder…what’s the record? I remember way back when there were just a hand full. I did not really participate much then but i read and was so blessed! off to check out some Five Minute Friends!
Glad to be back.
2013 Blessings everyone.
Don’t miss the beautiful … look for it everyday in every way.
I too have a blog entitled IT’S ME!!!, where I share my “God-sized Dreams” thoughts!!! I want to share my own thoughts and struggles and let people know that they CAN MESS-UP and God WON’T mind!!!