I steal the time I need to write.

Maybe you do too.


Maybe you have young kids and a house to run and a job and writing has to happen in the fringe hours. Maybe you’re an accidental writer. Who can’t seem to quit. Me too.

But here’s the thing – if you love to write, if you need to write, if you have to write – you will.

When I had this book growing in my belly but no time to deliver it onto paper, I called my mother in law. Prayer partner, built in encourager, she committed to be with me in spirit every 5 a.m. when I was dragging myself out from under the warm covers and into the quiet playroom to tap out my story, before I thought anyone would ever read it. I do not like early mornings. But I knew she would be up too, getting ready for school, waiting to hear from me about how the writing went.

So I’d pull my crazed hair into a ponytail, slip on my glasses, and sit for a few uninterrupted hours of remembering the days I thought I never wanted to be anybody’s mother.
-excerpted from Surprised by Motherhood.

If you’ve only got one hour in the day to write, don’t spend it defeated. Spend it writing.— tweet it.

If you've only got 1 hour in the day to write

 Books are written one paragraph, one blog post length page, one stolen hour at a time.

No one runs off to mountain cabins to write. We carve out time to write right there between the dirty dishes and the undone laundry. We write at our kitchen tables, hidden in Panera back booths, sometimes in the front seat of a crazy messy minivan.

And our kids keep on whining and crying and needing diapers changed and book reports prepared and school lunches made and wrestling matches celebrated all the way through.

There is no perfect time or place to write. There’s just the time and place you’ve got.




Grab onto it with both hands. Write your heart out – write what you know – write your chaos and mess and the story you’re actually living. And it will beat out the hearts of your readers because they will look deep into your actual story and say, “Yes, me too.”

Writer isn’t a job title or a degree or a noun reserved only for names we already recognize. It’s what you do.

It took me almost an entire year to write this book – but every, single, stolen minute was worth it. I loved the writing more than everything else I was missing out on – including TV, cooking real meals, deep cleaning or time spent doing anything in the fringe hours other than writing.

Be encouraged, writers. You are not alone in your exhausted, stolen, writing moments.

Write on.

Sometimes just five stolen minutes at a time.

Now, it’s time to write.

We call it Five Minute Friday. Where everyone writes for five, unedited minutes all on the same prompt. This week, that prompt is the challenge itself, the dare, the calling, the passion.

This week’s prompt is “WRITER.”

And if you’re anywhere near Northern Virginia area on Saturday – come join us for the book launch party we’re throwing to celebrate all the stolen hours that turned into a book. There will be a candy bar. Need I say more? Details over here.