On Friday’s we silence the inner critic. The loudest of all naysayers. And on Fridays we remind ourselves that The Word is for us and loves us and welcomes us.

Your words are safe here.


So come and write with us. Together. On one word for five minutes. Here are all the details. And then link up your post or leave it in the comments by clicking here. But remember, the one must rule here is that you visit the person who linked up before you and encourage them in their writing.

That’s it. The gift of encouragement – pass it on.

Today the word is the one that I’m going to live out this next week in upper Michigan, beside our beloved Little Traverse Lake, with family and offline.

Today the writing prompt is EXHALE:


After the week and the packing and last load of dishes and the laundry transferred into the dryer. After the beach towels cycled through and the My Little Ponies packed. After the radio set on quiet repeat for the kids and the grown ups dancing between the toy tigers packed in piles in the lounge and the discarded cros, between yesterday and tomorrow and this last hour before bed.

There is an exhale.

And the night leans in to watch what we’re doing and we would do well to pause and watch back.

All those balls of fire flung into the heavens by the God who exhaled on a Sunday and called it, rest.

And the sky sleeps and somehow it’s still singing in its dreams and its OK to close your eyes because we’re not in charge after all. Our empty hands clasped around tomorrow hold only air and the will of a mighty God.

We’d do better to pray our emotions line up with His plans – breathe in and out and in again – all this God-given time in between right now and the next to-do on the list.
