by Lisa-Jo | Oct 10, 2016 | Callings, Cheering for you, Motherhood
As a full time working mom of three kids 11 and under I’ve basically been stretched too thin for a decade. And I’ve lost track of how many weeks have ended with desperate calls to my husband to tell him that I just can’t take it anymore! The thing...
by Lisa-Jo | Oct 6, 2016 | Callings, Cheering for you, Motherhood, No more mom guilt
I’ve always worked full time. Sometimes outside of the home and more recently from home. Some seasons have been easier than others. Some have been very, very hard. One of my most read posts on this blog is the one I wrote called, Grace For the Working Mother and...
by Lisa-Jo | Jan 28, 2016 | Callings, Cheering for you, Motherhood, No more mom guilt
There are 4 things you may or may not know about me: I’m South African, but my accent these days is mostly just confused. Unless I’m using words like, tawlk or cahn’t. My husband married me knowing I emphatically did not want to be a mom. Sixteen years later we have 3...
by Lisa-Jo | Jan 22, 2016 | Callings, Cheering for you
“You don’t get it mom. Kids can be cruel.” It’s what my 8 year old son told me from the bathtub where I was treating his head for lice. His eyes were red from all the crying after he saw his new buzz cut for the first time. We’d shorn him. Because of the lice. I...
by Lisa-Jo | Jan 6, 2016 | Callings, Cheering for you, No such thing as just a mom
So here’s the lie I think we most often, most dangerously, buy into. We take that thing we love, that we’re passionate about, that we feel called to and we compare it to what other women are doing and then we belittle it by putting the word,...
by Lisa-Jo | Oct 14, 2015 | (in)courage, Callings, No such thing as just a mom, South Africa, Take Action, Travel
Since we’ve been given the biblical mandate that we all belong to each other {Romans 12:5, NLT}, this fall at (in)courage we wanted to spend some deliberate time together unpacking what that means. To focus on what it means to love my neighbor as myself. To open our...