Why you should date your husband

Why you should date your husband

Because between the dishes and the piles of unfolded laundry stacked across the bed and the kids who come in demanding attention, cookies, help with their homework there’s no room for conversation. Because I like holding his hand. Because I want to know...
When you think your love story is boring

When you think your love story is boring

“My love life will never be satisfactory until someone runs through an airport to stop me from getting on a flight.” ~Teenager post of the week via the Huffington Post. He drove us all home 18 hours over two days. Three kids and hundreds of miles and potty breaks and...
How to fall in love. Again.

How to fall in love. Again.

He was 21 and I was 22 and he used to come over and stock my fridge. I lived in a part of town that I probably shouldn’t have. The part that meant I usually needed someone to walk me home. He always walked with me. Remembered the umbrella when I forgot. And on...