by Lisa-Jo | Aug 10, 2015 | Cheering for you, Family, Motherhood, No more mom guilt, Ordinary Glory
Weekends are the life jacket that help keep us floating, head-above-water, the rest of the week, aren’t they? I love weekends. I love family time on the weekends. I love reading and I especially love doing lots of nothing. I mean, I always have one or two things...
by Lisa-Jo | Jun 1, 2015 | Cheering for you, Family, Motherhood, No more mom guilt, Rabid fear of parenting
I’m not gonna sugar-coat it – I have spent many mornings – YEARS of mornings actually – yelling, snapping, huffing and puffing at my kids to try and get us all out the door on time. And now here comes the summer with it’s own unique/challenging...
by Lisa-Jo | May 5, 2015 | Cheering for you, Daughters, Motherhood, No more mom guilt, No such thing as just a mom, Ordinary Glory
It was late last night. After we’d all be for a run around the block. After I’d made dinner. After we’d helped everyone through their homework. After the boys had showered and Jackson had done his reading next to me. It was when both boys were...
by Lisa-Jo | Apr 21, 2015 | Cheering for you, Motherhood, No more mom guilt, Ordinary Glory
It constantly surprises me how grown up I don’t feel. I have three kids and still most days feel like I’m playing house. I look around me and am surprised to find myself in this minivan with these children who think I have answers to all the questions in...
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 11, 2015 | Cheering for you, Motherhood, No more mom guilt, No such thing as just a mom
Sometimes I stand at mixers in Washington, DC and listen to people introduce themselves. It’s the most fascinating experience. All these walking, talking business cards. And their business is good and strong and brave most of the time. And very interesting. But...
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 3, 2015 | Cheering for you, Motherhood, No more mom guilt
…this guest post from one of my mom friends and mentors, prayer warriors and fellow mom guilt survivors, Stacey Thacker…. I shut the door to my bedroom, well past eleven o’clock, and headed to my bathroom. Monday behaved as expected and, to be honest, got...