by Lisa-Jo | Oct 11, 2016 | Books you should read, Motherhood, No such thing as just a mom, Ordinary Glory, Rabid fear of parenting
My friend, Jennifer Camp is a Jesus follower who loves pointing women to Him for all their needs, ugly and messy and amazing. Her new book, Breathing Eden: Conversations with God on Light, Fresh Air, and New Things, is a fictional look at the real life struggles we...
by Lisa-Jo | Sep 6, 2016 | It Gets Better, Ordinary Glory
I’ve learned to like bagels with just cream cheese. Toasted bagels with plain cream cheese. I realize that this morning as I’m making coffee and toasting my bagels. “I’m so American,” I think. My South African dad loved his cream cheese on toast with a big helping of...
by Lisa-Jo | Aug 22, 2016 | It Gets Better, Ordinary Glory, The ordinary extraordinary
I haven’t written in a long time because there has been so much to say. Counter-intuitive, I know. But that’s sometimes how summers are. You hope they’ll be long and slow and dreamy and instead they sort of run over you like kids through the...
by Lisa-Jo | May 13, 2016 | Cheering for you, It Gets Better, Ordinary Glory, Rabid fear of parenting, Uncategorized
On Friday nights we all stay in. We have pizza and a movie and three kids scrunched onto a single couch cushion because this is how they like it. Except for whoever ends up in the middle. We are a family that never gets tired of a good story. By Friday night, I don’t...
by Lisa-Jo | Mar 7, 2016 | Family, Ordinary Glory
Often in blogging, as in life, we tend to think that if we don’t have something profound to say then it isn’t worth saying anything. I don’t know about you, but I battle that thought constantly. As in all. the. time. But my life isn’t...
by Lisa-Jo | Oct 29, 2015 | Cheering for you, Just plain hard, Motherhood, Ordinary Glory
Some days there’s so much to share but none of it is interesting or original so you don’t say anything. A kid lost his ever-loving mind in front of a guest because he discovered you’d eaten his laffy taffy. The kitchen is covered in dirty dishes....