{Turns out it only takes one minute to read my five minutes out loud. Some of you asked, so here it is: click to listen to my five minutes on Home}

This is the time of the week when we steal those five minutes while the kids are fingerpainting the dining room table, the neighbor’s dog has stopped barking, or the microwave is popping some corn to splash down some thoughts on paper.

In just five minutes.

To paint a verbal picture. To just write and not worry if it’s just write or not.

    1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
    2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
    3. Get a little crazy with encouragement for the five minuter who linked up before you.

And for added fun I always throw into the pot something special from DaySpring. I love them and they love you – so much so that

DaySpring’s created a coupon code just for Gypsy Mama readers! Enter GYPSY20 at checkout and you’ll get 20% off your purchase – including sale items!

Last week the I can Do Everything Through Him Magnetic Memo Board went to Five Minute Artist #101 Melissa!

This week a card organizer of your choice is up for grabs. And people, these are already half off and with the extra GYPSY20, they’d be a steal for the rest of us! {Just sayin’}

OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes for the prompt:



Home- under the stars of the Southern Cross, at the tip of table mountain where the pacific meets the Atlantic, in the deep dry bushveld, at the lip of Limpopo river, in a mango grove eating sweet fruit and memories right there between the trees.

In the red dust kicked up by a bakkie, under an acacia tree at twilight serenaded by throngs of frogs and the hadida.

In the Pick ‘n Pay shopping center lined up for Saturday morning pancakes and Sunday afternoon melktert and that droe wors that waits every evening after the kids have gone down.

Down Jacaranda lined roads and between winter veld fires lies the way home.

We are dancing our way toward it.

We are singing our way toward it.

We are waiting and wondering and listmaking and clothes folding and suitcase packing toward it.

Home – we are coming. Get your arms out and ready – we are coming running.


A week from Monday we leave for home and South Africa. The last time we were back our three and a half year old was a newborn; I can’t wait to take you with me! Be sure and keep in touch so you can follow along:

OK, your turn – show me what you’ve got.