The last of my three kids will turn one next month. I didn’t expect I would be this sad or this gut-busting happy at every change in her either. There’s nothing like the baby year and the friends who encourage you through it.
This is my sleep-deprived and desperately grateful thank you to everyone who encouraged me through each of my three seasons as a sleep-deprived-deeply-exhausted-and-utterly-ecstatic new mom. This journey, it inspired a book, Surprised by Motherhood: Everything I Never Expected about Being a Mom and you can download the first 3 chapters for free over here.
And now it’s my turn to pass the encouragement on…
- Fold her laundry – especially all the socks
- Leave immediately when the baby falls asleep so she can nap
- Bring chocolate
- Don’t tell her to call if she needs anything, just drop by and help with everything
- Take the big kids out for a play date
- Tell her she’s a hero
- Bring her food in disposable dishes so she doesn’t have to deal with washing or returning them
- Don’t tell her to carpe diem
- Cry with her
- Laugh with her
- Share details of what you love about her baby
- Watch Up All Night with her
- Don’t tidy your house before she comes over to visit – it doesn’t help her to think you have it all together
- Tell her a day will come when she will sleep again
- Make her a 2am nursing station on Pandora
- Email her a bunch of fun deals links she can surf while nursing
- Make sure she’s actually in 1 out of every 1,000 photos she’s taking {thanks Natalie for being that person for me!}
- Take candid pictures of her in the new daily routine
- Bring diapers when you visit
- Offer to drive her on errands and stay in the car with the baby
- Be honest about how hard motherhood can be
- Text her encouraging messages throughout the day
- Come over and hold the baby so she can have her arms back for a while to do chores or cook or catch up on anything that’s driving her crazy
- Tell her to keep her phone on vibrate so you can call without being “that person who woke the baby.”
- Don’t let her become isolated in the baby cocoon – invite her and the baby out so she can reconnect with friends
- Never expect her to show up anywhere on time
- Bring her lip gloss
- Massage her neck and shoulders
- Run her a hot bath
- Don’t imply that breast feeding should be a breezy walk in the park; let her know it’s normal to struggle sometimes getting the hang of it
- If she chooses to go the bottle route, please let her do so guilt free
- She is just discovering the hard world of mother guilt – please don’t do or say anything to add to that burden
- Don’t share any horror stories related to motherhood
- Protect her from turning on the news in her first few weeks of being home
- Vacuum
- Bring fresh flowers
- Take out any dried up bouquets
- Paint her toe nails
- Tell her she’s beautiful
- Don’t tell her by now your kids were all sleeping through the night
- Especially if by “sleeping through the night” you mean from 1am to 5am.
- Remember that your memories of new motherhood have the romantic haze of distance
- Wash her dishes without being asked
- If you come over for a meal, please bring the meal and then clean it all up afterwards
- Let her know it’s normal to stand hunched over a sleeping baby just listening to them breathe
- Anytime she is disappointed by her new figure remind her that she grew a human being – that’s a miracle and turns out miracles need room to grow
- Don’t bring over any magazines that feature celebrities in swimsuits 6 weeks after giving birth
- Ask her what the one chore is around the house she wishes she could get to and do it for her
- Always bring your camera when you visit
- Print and frame one of the zillion photos she emails of the baby; include baby’s name and birth date {it blew me away when my friends did this for me!}
- Bring toys/games over for the older kids when you visit
- Tell her it’s OK to feel like you want to quit motherhood some days
- But tell her that Trace Adkins is right and she’s gonna miss this one day
- Don’t just make a hand print of the baby – make one of mom and/or dad’s too for a fun comparison keepsake
- Bring her a Memory Keeper Box for that hospital bracelet, first lock, or even those first few pairs of shoes or favorite toys
- If she has to go back to work, assure her God will be watching over that precious baby. She is brave if she gets up while it is still dark to provide for her family
- Tell her pizza covers all the food groups
- Hold the baby so she can get a shower
- Bring over the Pride and Prejudice (BBC Series) boxed set for all those dinner {for the baby} and a movie {for her} months
- Ask her which baby items she still needs – get her those instead of the cute clothes you have your eye on
- Assure her you understand that while she might know that she’s walking on holy ground, that doesn’t mean she won’t still feel irritated how often that ground is strewn with cracker crumbs and yesterday’s socks
- Admit motherhood is one of the hardest things you’ve ever done
- Go ahead and quote that goodie-but-oldie, “It’s not brave if you’re not scared.” {Thank you Ben Affleck}
- Warn her everyone will have an opinion on how she mothers but at the end of the day, hers is the only one that matters
- Assure her motherhood is not graded; some days just surviving is victory enough
- Tell her that drive-throughs are the best friends of mothers-with-sleeping-babies everywhere
- Keep a pack of Thank You Cards handy in case she freaks out late one night that she hasn’t thanked anyone for all the meals
- Never expect a thank you card from a sleep deprived new mom
- Tell her there is no such thing as “doing it all.” And especially no such thing as “doing it all perfectly.”
- Reassure her that sometimes the love and happiness in a home is directly proportional to the mess.
- Send a special prayer, encouragement or blessing addressed to the baby via snail mail
- Turn the music up and dance with her and the baby
- Suggest that the greatest Pandora station for soothing baby music that mama can also love has to be “Winter Song” by Ingrid Michaelson and Sara Bareilles
- Take her (and the baby) for a walk
- Stock her fridge with necessities anytime you come over – like milk, bread, eggs, yogurt, ice cream etc – in case she isn’t up for grocery shopping
- Watch the baby for her while she goes grocery shopping
- Suggest she spend 15 extra minutes just reading in the magazine aisle
- Tell her it’s normal to be be smitten with newborn love one minute and weeping with tired the next
- Encourage her that a content household is rarely ever a perfect one
- Remember to always be kind to the mom on your flight
- Bring a goodie bag over for the new mom and not just the baby when you come to visit
- If you’re too far to bring over a meal, tell her dinner from her favorite delivery place is on you
- Tell her there’s no shame in cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner
- Make up midnight snacks for her to grab when she’s up feeding the baby
- Tell her not every photo needs to be perfect – sometimes the closer to real life, the better
- Give her the The Girlfriends’ Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood for when she needs to laugh
- Give her Devotions for Sacred Parenting: A Year of Weekly Devotions for Parents for when she needs to be inspired
- Tell her matching socks are highly overrated
- Wash the baby bottles for her
- Tell her not to sweat store bought baby food, disposable diapers or pacifiers
– whatever works, works - Reassure her that perfect is merely a street sign at the intersection of impossible and frustration in Never Never land
- Tell her motherhood should come with a super hero cape, a really cute one with sparkles
- Buy her sparkly nail polish
- Tell her not to sweat everything Pinterest tells her she should be doing, baking, making and crafting for the baby
- Encourage her to embrace PJ days – even if they last for weeks
- Encourage her also to go spend two glorious hours at the hair dresser while you watch the baby
- Tell her about all the women who did all these things for you
- Assure her that just passing along the encouragement one day is thank you enough
- Remind her it’s the ordinary days that make the extraordinary memories
- Promise her it will just keep getting better
Go ahead, pass it on – encourage another mom! But kindly don’t re-post this entire list, just share a few bullets and then link back over here. Thank you. Brave, wonderful, you.
love this! One from my experience would be to offer to have a sleep over or a late-late night visit with her so those nights when the wee hours that the baby is wide awake and seem never ending in the lonely, can be spent laughing or talking instead.
I think this depends on the personality of the new mom; for me, it would be stressful to have a friend offer to stay up all night with me and the baby because when my baby is awake, I’m tired and want to go back to sleep the minute he does!
Such GREAT ideas. Thanks from those of us who are older and have a harder time remembering what it was like to have a new baby. And what we can do to help young women in this challenging and wonderful stage of life. I am printing this list to keep with me as a constant reminder! Have a blessed day.
Love it! How soon we forget and now it seems like a lifetime ago, but reading this list brought back so many memories! I’ve bookmarked this list for future reference when my friends have babies…
Yes, girl, yes!! My little man (and baby #3) was 1 in October and I agree with every single one of these!! Thank you!
Oh how wonderful! Thank you for all these tips on how to bless my mother-friends!
This is fabulous! Thank you!
This is so great! My best friend is having her fourth next month, and this list gives me so many ideas! Thanks!
Oh I absolutely love this list! This is such great advice for us all and as a new grandma, I think it so applies to us as well. It’s easy to forget what it was like with a newborn as the years drift far away from that time in my life. But with one grandson and a precious granddaughter due in June these are important things for me to remember. I am ever so grateful you put this together and I am printing it out to keep as a reminder. Thank you so much!
This. This is what my heart needed this morning. After struggling with a sick 14 week old who refused to sleep last night. When hubs and I are also sick and the weariness seems immense and I feel like my pleas to God are being ignored and replaced with tests to see what we’re made of. I needed to know its ok to want to give up, but that we won’t and we’ll survive. Thank you.
This was great, Lisa-Jo. Thank you for so many wonderful ideas!!
Aparently, I am so sleep deprived I cannot even type my own name. FAIL. (In my defense, I was up in the night with sick children, *yawn*)
the socks…they are terrible.
They breed, they hide, the divide and conquer.
I hates them…
Hey-we’ve been back down to two for 15 years now – and we STILL find odd socks. I swear they walk on outta the equipment. When my 3 were at home, I had a stack of loners about 12-18 inches high each and every week.
Love your list, love your heart.
Thanks for your words of encouragement at my place this week, L-J. I know how swamped you are, so that time is greatly appreciated, believe me.
Love this! Truly, madly, deeply! We should all encourage our new mom friends with these great things! :) I laughed out loud on some of them!
Love them all, but 17 & 100 are my favorites!
Amen!!! So often it is the things we do, rather than the gifts we bring, that speak the loudest of our love.
Thank you so much for sharing this list…I have an 8 month old and my friend is 6 weeks away from having her first one…I have learned many things and with this list I can be a great encouragement to her. I especially like # 17, 50, 66, 95 and 100 :)
Great list! I love the “don’t let her become isolated in the baby cocoon”. Sometimes just a car ride with fresh scenery is the best pick-me-up for a new mom.
I re-posted the list to the Preschoolers and Peace Facebook page. Thanks!
Thank you for this, Lisa-Jo! As a friend to many mommies (but not yet a mommy myself), this list is going to be invaluable! :)
You DO deserve a superhero cape for this. My baby sister – with a toddler in tow is having twin babies in about a month. I will use SO SO many of these. Thank you Lisa Jo, God bless.
Lisa-Jo, all wonderful ideas! I’m not a mom myself, but many of my sweet friends are. I’ve bookmarked this list and hope to look to it often as I strive to love these ladies well. Thank you!
Love this, Lisa-Jo! My personal favourite: Reassure her that perfect is merely a street sign at the intersection of impossible and frustration in Never Never land. Amen, sister.
These are great ideas. Thank you, Lisa-Jo!
I’m facebooking. I’ve got a 4 month old (my third) and it’s so wonderful and tiring. Especially those early weeks when she slept all day and then wouldn’t go to bed until after 11, 3 full hours after I wanted to! I might add, if this is not her first, take the other kids somewhere so she CAN nap when the baby does :)
Yes and Amen and Congrats!! Relish the sleep deprivation – it only lasts so long and before you know it you’re missing them when they don’t wake up anymore at night #InsaneAndAlsoTrue
Wonderful – OH HOW I WISH I had had a friend like you to tell me these things with my eight! What a blessing you are Lisa-Jo – thank you so much xo
Today has been a particularly rough day. I have a 16 month old and have been at my wit’s end for the majority of the day. Reading this, just made me cry… in a good way. I wish I had had this list for the last 16 months of my life. I wish more people knew the things on this list. Thank you thank you thank you so much for putting it up. Just reading it and knowing that there are people out there who understand, makes all the difference in the world.
thank you.
Javi – My daughter just turned one, and I have been at my wit’s end for–well, it feels like months. Some days I literally have to take it minute by minute. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone. We can do this, I know we can:)
Jennifer, thanks for reaching out. I know what you mean by literally having to take it minute by minute. I keep telling myself “my mother made it through this, as did hers and on and on.. so can I”.
Everyone tells you how awesome it’s going to be when ur pregnant, no one warns you about the hard times do they? :) But you’re right, we CAN do this. <3
Girl, put on that sparkly nail polish and repeat after me, “I am a super hero!” Because you are. Period.
Just found your website and I LOVE it!! I’m a gypsy mama too… I’ll be stopping by!
you are so smart and creative!
I had my second child when my first was 363 days old, those are the foggiest, most stressful times I have lived but now that they are 7 and 8 – I’m so glad that it happened that way. Thanks for the list – it rings so true!!!!!
love them all, but this one’s my favorite:
69. Tell her there is no such thing as “doing it all.” And especially no such thing as “doing it all perfectly.”
this is something that each of us needs to tell EACH of our friends — and regularly!!
(whether they’re a parent of not!)
there is such freeom from the Lord in this powerful, bondage-breaking message of truth.
thx for sharing these wonderful ideas.
Love these ideas! Several of the girls at work are having babies, I’m going to include midnight snacks with the baby gift.
Oh they will LOVE you – I LOVE you for thinking of doing that. And I wish someone would have done it for me – how fun!!
This is quite possibly the best thing I’ve ever read. Yes, yes, all of it yes!
this is beautiful. Currently pregnant with number three and the flood of memories come back holding that firstborn beauty. I love how I shared this on FB and my non-mama friends have shared it as well. These are universal truths–it’s those simple loves on people. I might add that a sharing a 76 minute “shooshing” CD is also crucial (imagine one said husband saying “SHHHHHH” into a computer mic and looping it for 76 minutes when one said firstborn child wouldn’t get to sleep too well–hypothetical of course).
Oh my WORD – a “Shooshing” CD – now I’ve heard everything! LOVE it!
Lots of great ideas. Most work well for new adoptive mums too – even (especially) if they adopted an older child.
Yes indeed – my parents have several adopted kids (youngest now only just turned 1) so I whole heartedly agree!
Thank you for this wonderful and very kind list. I am a birth doula and would love to share this with my clients and their families. I am also the mom of a special needs child and can use many of these “love moments” on a weekly or even daily basis. Thank you!
I’ll print this off to help me remember. My baby is turning 13 so I’m out of this stage, but these are great ideas to help me minister to younger moms. Thanks!
This made me cry, for real. You are so right, especially, about not calling and asking if she needed help, but just showing up and helping with whatever. Sometimes when people would call and ask if I needed help, I’d say no just because I felt obligated to do a preliminary clean before people came over to help clean!
What a wonderful list of ways to bless a new mom! Loved every one of these ideas. Thank you, gypsymama for sharing. I am well past the child-rearing stage and living in that blissful time of spoiling grandbabies (our 8th grandblessing is due next month). I do remember, however, being the exhausted mom of a 3 year old and a colicky newborn. One particular day, as I sat crying, holding my screaming daughter, the doorbell rang and it was a dear friend who walked in and straight to the kitchen and began tackling the mountain of dirty dishes in the sink. Though I appreciated all the lovely gifts friends and loved ones gave our new daughter, this one act of kindness was PRICELESS. . .and one I will always remember.
Priceless indeed! Half this list are things that were the most wonderful gifts to me and half things I thought at the time would have been a blessed relief to receive. Fun to pass both sets of ideas on :)
There are so many that I love and will be using. Thank you for this post!
I love that you’re one of my Tuesday night gals! Yay Panera, Yay Bible Study!
I love this list! Thank you for taking the time to share these beautiful ideas.
I’ve learned to keep a tissue or two handy while reading your posts! These are wonderful. Some reminded me of nice things that were done for me when I was a new mom. Others, reminded me that I need to do the same and pay it forward. I may come to your blog prepared for tears, but I always leave with a smile on my face. Thank you.
I think that may be the loveliest thing anyone’s told me today. Thank you Stephanie.
I seriously love your site.. Great colors & theme.
Did you make this website yourself? Please reply back as I’m planning to
create my very own site and want to know where you got this from or exactly what the
theme is named. Appreciate it!
Do you know where I can get the printout of #50? I love the type and want to do this for a friend.
Oh sorry – I don’t. I’d love to do the same for friends…
This is amazing. Seriously – You made my day. I have a 16 week old – a sensitive one may I add, and this is exactly the kind of support I have needed for the past 4 months. Thank you so much for being our voice! :)
Love this so much!! I read it this morning while feeding my 5-week old. All women shoul read this, as it is one of the best lists of ways to love and bless each other! I pinned it, too, and over 40 people so far have repinned. Way to spread joy to the world today! Good job, mama!
As for the socks- a mesh zippered bag works wonders at keeping them all together. :)
I love this list bc I just had a baby. The only one I would have a hard time with is people just stopping by without notice. Bothered me to no end bc then I couldn’t sleep or I was in the middle of a feeding. I loved the working mom comment…. I have to go back in just over a week.
I totally understand! I know people are trying to help, but sometimes the thought of telling someone a “good time” to come over, even to bring a meal, was just overwhelming.
Loved this!!! I need middle-of-the-night snacks that I could basically eat with my eyes closed, so I could quickly get back to sleep. Some of my favorites are bagels, nuts, and anything in a cup that I could just open, eat, and then throw out: applesauce, those little fruit cups, and pudding. Sorry environmentalists, sometimes you’ve just got to do what you’ve got to do :)!
Loved this – thank you for sharing. :)
I was excited to share this blog post on my blog here:
Love it!
These are fantastic ideas! I would just add that it is always worth asking before you do anything (unless it’s bringing chocolate – you don’t need to ask for that!) especially if a mum has multiples or has a lot of help for some other reason. She can start to feel like she isn’t in control of her own life or like nobody thinks she can cope. Before you assume she needs milk and bread, ask – she might have that under control but be very pleased to receive cake! :-)
This is wonderful! I am actually just EXPECTING my first, and so many of these things apply. I definitely have a disaster of a house because of the exhaustion and “morning” (all-day) sickness. Plus everything looks worse through the eyes of these crazy hormones. This is bookmarked for those special sayings I need to remember. Any other encouragement you can offer to (or advise you can give for encouraging) pregnant women?
Thank you for this! I think my sister must be secretly checking these off. :) this list made me appreciate her a lot more. I cant wait until I can do this for someone else.
I haven’t been a new momma for almost 8 years and I LOVED this post to tears! Thanks for writing it….really. It rocked.
I can’t thank you enough for posting this – it actually made me cry…. although I couldn’t tell you why, other than that I’m 7 months’ along! :-)
Can’t wait to share!
I love this post! Such good info here. I will definitely think to do some of these as my friends continue to bring home babies :).
What a great list! I have a friend who just had her first baby, and I have been thinking of all the ways I could help and support her. I think that the best gift for a new parent is definitely FOOD! And help around the house, and lots of love and support. It is such a wild time. Thanks for this great post…just discovered your blog and will definitely be back!
I love this list! I especially love just simply doing things for your friend rather than telling them, “Let me know if I can do anything for you.” That not only makes your friend feel like she’s imposing, but now she has to think of something specific that she doesn’t even know if you’re willing to do.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this list! It is so sweet and thoughtful : ) I especially appreciated #40. As a new mom there was nothing more discouraging than hearing other moms tell me that their babies were sleeping through the night at 2 wks old…I felt like a FAILURE! Honesty is good, but it is important to use tact and discretion as well : )
Great post! I am tweeting this one. I am 25 weeks pregnant and would love many of these things!
i loved when a friend of mine, who already has grandchildren, would bring over a pack of diapers every time she came over with my last baby. it really meant so much in such a practical way! these are some great ideas. i always have appreciated people who have brought dinners the first couple weeks for my family – took pressure off me to cook!
my recent post: never too old to learn something new!
Love this! Wish I could stop by and clean up a little or hold your sweet baby.
Instead, I’ll pin this for you! ;)
i love this, especially #2. a friend came to visit and when the baby fell asleep she STAYED and even acted as if this was what she was waiting for — now we can REALLY talk because the baby isn’t distracting us. meanwhile, i was SO distracted because i only have a few hours a day without baby!
Wow- what an encouragement! I am not a mom, but an “auntie” to many.. my fridge is full of pictures of little ones and I’m blessed to read of the many ideas for ways to remember those mother-friends in my life as well as the new ones that have come along!
Thank you for these words! I’m a mom two a two year old and a two month old. I definitely needed to hear some of these. And I can’t wait to pass them on to other new moms.
Wow seems like a lot
My wife gave birth to our daughter Ariel, our first, on 20 February, the date of this post. I just discovered your blog, and I am moved by your beautiful writing, your love of travel, and your wonderful encouragement. This list is getting printed out and posted prominently by my side of the bed as reminders for me. Good thing she already believes in mismatched socks!
I’ve got quite a few friends that are new moms. I already had plans to cook one of them dinner tomorrow night, and then found this blog and realized how much more I could do!! I went out and bought cream, toothpaste, a new toothbrush, a loofa, bubble bath, razors and packed up some red nail polish to paint her toes red (the only color that makes you feel fun I think!!). Bought some milk, eggs, yogurt and berries (one of her favorite things to have for breakfast) and will be getting ice cream on my way over for dessert! I’m sending her straight up for a nice bath or shower so she can relax. I’m bringing my pajamas so we can just get comfy…and will be watching the baby while she takes an hour to relax, and I start making dinner. Her husband is out of town, and this was just such a great read!! I’m always at a loss of what exactly to do for new moms besides show up and spend some time with them…now I know that just painting her toes will make her feel good! Oh..and she will definitely be getting that neck massage! She just grew a human, and pushed it out of her! SHE DESERVES IT!!!! I don’t have babies yet…but I am so thrilled to know what I can do to make my friends feel great :) THANK YOU!
I LOVE this! You ROCK!
Encouragement for new moms I was suggested this blog by my cousin. I’m not sure whether this post is written by him as no one else know such detailed about my problem. You are amazing! Thanks! your article about Encouragement for new momsBest Regards Cassetta
love your blog. When my first baby arrived, I was elated and depressed at the same time. I felt i wont be able to sleep normally forever. But now, I’m doing fine. Thanks to my very supportive husband. Now that, I’m expecting again in few months to date. You blog just gave me a hope that everything will be just fine. And reminded me not to major the minor.
Thanks. Thanks. :)
Spot on! Thank you – will be sharing! :)
Sadly, I had no friends during my pregnancy. (I had just moved when I found out.)
I was also far away from family (14 hour drive far).
I didn’t have anyone to do nice things like these for me, but I wish I had!!
I definitely LOVE doing these things for my (now) friends!!
This is such a cool list. I am going over to my friends house tomorrow to give her a manicure and pedicure before she has the baby. (due in 11 days) hope I make it before she goes into labor. There is so much I can do for her after she comes home. It been years since I had my children so this was just what I needed.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this.
I think it is a great idea to help out with laundry, cooking, watching the baby, etc. However, I don’t think it is my job to help raise the baby monetarily by buying groceries, diapers, etc. I know part of the reason you suggested these things is that it is difficult for a new mom to get out and run those errands, and I would be happy to go get those things if given the money to do so. I did not make the decision to have a child, and so should not shoulder the financial burden of doing so.
Evie – Out of this whole list of wonderful things you can do for a new mom, you are criticizing bringing food or diapers? Then don’t bring food or diapers, simple! Lol. No need to criticize a well meaning idea to help out a new mom.
Evie, I understand where you are coming from, but I don’t think that buying a few groceries or a couple packages of diapers amounts to “helping raise the baby monetarily.” I would think of these as gifts, and even think of the gesture itself, of taking time to do these things for your friend, as a gift in and of itself.
This is so great, I’m sharing it with everyone I know. I love new mammas <3
Where can I order a baby frame like the one you show in the picture for #50? Thanks!
This is wonderful, I wish someone would have said just one of these things to me when I had my daughter, I could have really used the encouragement! It’s a tough wonderful road!
This brought tears to my eyes! It reminded me of how amazing and supportive my husband and friends were when I had an infant, and how much I would have loved someone to do the tings ob thislisty no one thought of. I am inspired and reminded how to love and support my prego friends when they finally get to deliver! Thanks for the heartwarming post!
I love this! It made me cry. I am a single mommy and for the first year after my daughter was born my best friend would email me almost every day with just one sentence: “Tell me a cute Natty story.” It was a daily reminder of how very special these days were. And I always had a new story to share.
Aww, this was so nice. I hope I can do a bunch of these things for a new mom. I know I could have used a lot of them done/said for/to me these last few months.
#73- My daughter is named after that song :)
101. Vaccuum her floors.
102. Don’t offer helpful advice for bickering siblings. Their lives are in upheaval too!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Brought to tears by many. What a wonderful validation of so many concerns and insecurities that come along with motherhood. I have three children (3 1/2, 2 1/2 –13 months apart! and 18 months. I love the comment regarding perfection at the intersection of impossible and frustration :) And of course, so many others. Sometimes there is so much guilt associated with the overwhelming experiences of being mom; especially those moments of wanting to run out the door as your children are wide-eyed and desperately seeking your attention, approval, a hug, an ear, food, clothes, a diaper change….I know I will miss these days. I will never say they were easy. But they are magical. Thank you for posting this.
I cried as i was reading this. My beautiful firstborn just turned one month last week! It was tough, but we made it!! Thank You for the encouragement and awesome ideas.
I love this list! My sis just had twins a few months ago, and I know that this list is ABSOLUTELY applicable.
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Thanks for making my family happy again, my father came back home and he can even take us out, something he never think of before! i wonder Dr egbenakheu are you god or what? amazing you make things happen! i will .Thank you very much. from Holland if you need his help contact email address Dr
for those of us just getting started off, is there any chance of getting some in the letters mailed in the past?
These are great! I was searching the internet on encouraging verses to post on my daughter’s facebook wall, but I love the text idea better. She’s called me everyday to vent about her 6 week old’s lack of desire to sleep unless being held. She doesn’t shower unless she does it while he’s screaming. Her husband works crazy hours and is stressed on his job. The sad thing is she is over 3 hours from me, and the only thing I can do is talk over the phone. I’m looking forward to putting some of your ideas to work on future visits and praying that things will settle down for her. It’s hard on this grandmother, too.
May HGH Products Raise Slim Body Mass
HGH, human growth hormone could be the hormone while iin tthe human body responsible for groing lean body mass
together with susaining its integrity and health.
The clinical name for this hormone is somatotropin.
Lots of people seem to misunderstand the nature of HGH in the body and don’t
grasp just what this hormone does.
Human growth hormone is capable of exciting the growth of lean
muscle mass, repairs to ruined cells, and replacement of dead ones.
As time goes by we normally start to make less of it over a daily
schedule. In the age of thirty the common output level of somatotropin in the human body will waver
between four hundred and five hundred micrograms. This
can be predicated on activity level and in some cases gender.
This creation will decline to approximately half that sum at age forty.
However, by the occasion this person reaches age ninety they’ll make around twenty-five micrograms about tthe average.
Which means the average individual can produce twenty tkmes less HGH to the average at agee eighty while they can at age twenty.
Products for HGH aren’t really offering the body more human growth hormones.
These products supply significant proteins the anterior pituitary
glands utilizes to create HGH. That does not mean they are hoaxes or pointless.
They are doing work, and work well with the objective
of aiding in the increase of lean body-mass.
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But, it ought to be noted that there’s a peculiar thought that utilizing HGH supplements will turn a typical individual inn to a super-human muscle building machine.
This iss simply not true. An excellent, solid,
HGH complement works well for some individuhals and be ractically useless for others.
There are two main components that determine how well
a suitable complement workis for you. Those facets are age aand
An eighty-year old person that functions oout each day will find that
an excellent complement will aid them out to an amazing,
very neaarly staggeringly successful, diploma. A twenty-year old man orr woman that sits around playing
video games all evening and eating potato chips may scarcely discover any transform at
all. In everfy honesty a twenty year aged power lifter
will not be likely note that much difference either.
Thee truth withiun this matter is that HGH supplements will help
increase lean body-mass but oonly in folks that ned thhe boost.
A highly-active person currently creates the absolute most of HGH thhe body
can use naturally anyway. The others is lost. For him or her
they’d be better supported by way of a simple multivitamin.
To drive the human body to create notably larger amounts of lean muscle mass using HGH in a newer age will require the use of injections.
This can be a commonly illegal course of action without medical causes.
I am 6 weeks away from the arrival of my first child and this list brought tears to my eyes (could just be the hormones). Thank you so much for sharing it :)
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