It’s #FiveMinuteFriday free write time! <—click to tweet this!
Where a flash mob of folks spend five minutes all writing on the same topic and then share ’em over here.
And this week we’ve got ourselves a brand new linky tool – here’s hoping it behaves! Good news is, if you need to delete your link up because you linked the wrong pic or the wrong url or whatevs, now you can. Just click on the little “x” and poof, you get to start over.
New here, and want to know how Five Minute Friday got started? All the details are here.
And every week I’ll pick a post that caught my eye and share it down there in my side bar – see where it says “Featured Five Minute Friday”? Yea -that could be you!
Because, as we all know, the most important rule of Five Minute Friday is leaving an encouraging comment for the person who linked up before you. So getting to feature one of your fine posts is like frosting as far as I’m concerned.
So, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
OK, are you ready? Please give me your best five minutes on:::
And before I know it I’m head deep in the new year and already trying to catch my breath. So many hard kicks pushing for the surface. When Micah leans out over that diving board, toes curled around the end, whole body swaying, willing himself forward, I watch as only seconds later he cracks back through the surface, so much bobbing happiness there in the deep end.
But I can’t seem to break water.
Blurry goggles some days. Messy margins on others.
Learning to swim is always about learning to let go. To float. To grab and strain and flail is to drown. To lie back and let the water raise me to the surface. To let the ball go. To open myself up. To float.
So I exhale the crumbs and the stain on the carpet and the to-do lists. I breathe out the small irritations and breathe in deep gulps of Zoe’s hair after bath time. I am not the deadlines, or the wish list, or the expectations. These things are not me. I life preserver myself into moments of extreme living as I heft the rock my son sculpted, chopped, chipped, hammered into a jewelry rack for me and my lungs sting from all this fresh air.
This boy who broke the first box I ever owned. This boy who remade me.
This boy who teaches me how to dive.
First of all…you bless me to PIECES with that feature! I don’t even know what to say…dankie vriendin!
Secondly, I totally am not trying to be a punk and post twice…the first link (#17) doesn’t work right, {Thank you, Nicole, for the heads up} so I reposted but couldn’t delete the other link! {sad and sorry!}
Thirdly, I think knowing that you are a fellow ENFJ makes me see even MORE of the heart behind your words. Like another layer after understanding the gypsy-nomad side, the Africa side, the conquer-the-world side, and now that too…. I just love you more and more all the time! #JustSayin
Done and deleted and no worries :)
There’s nothing quite like children. You gotta love those moments. One day you will look back on these special times. So keep diving Lisa-Jo.
And thank you for Five Minute Fridays. You’ve helped me in my writing.
blessings and love,
“Learning to swim is always about learning to let go.” Yes, indeed.
Children are the gift of tear down and rebuild. They make us brave. Loved this.
Look at that tribe of beauties surrounding our fearless leader. You may think you have fear. but my friend, that is just nervous energy wanting to make sure you bring the maximum blessing! And boy do you EVER!! You teach me how to jump and make big splashes in little puddles. My heart just pounds for this all! MUAH!
I think I may print out your comment and paste is above my desk to remind the difference between fear and energy :) Thanks Amy!
Well, that would be an honor and just another blessing from you. :)
Loved the prompt. It was a good one for so soon in the new year. Enjoyed the post too. I get such a satisfaction of completing a writing…..after diving in.
Oh my, the beauty in the words “the boy remade me.” Yes and yes…remade over and over again with each child. Holy cow. Beautiful.
Hey Jennifer U who linked before me. Love this:
“Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times.
Come, yet again, come, come.”
Thanks for sharing today.
Today’s post and last Friday’s on opportunity reverberated in my brain long after I left stepped away from my computer. Can’t thank you enough for what must of been a prompting from the Holy Spirit to start up this Five Minute Friday thing (which is really hard to explain to other people). I have met so many talented and spirit filled woman through this flash mob.
Happy Friday, Lisa…Thanks for how you dive in, and invite us to come along…what a vivid picture..oh the struggle to let go …always appreciate your word photos :)
Oh I love this picture of letting go and being remade and imperfection I love to hate and the striving for perfection I hate to love but have a terrible time surrendering. Beautiful. Thanks.
I really enjoyed Pruning Princesses’ Unbridled Joy post (link 49) on the topic Dive. She has encouraged me to join you ladies next time. When do you post the word? I guess everyone takes extra time to include images. :)
Yes, I know it is Monday. But, I am just getting around to putting my Five Minute Friday DIVE post up. Thank you for keeping it open for a few days, so that slow pokes, like me, have a chance to Dive in (no pun intended :)). I loved this word, by the way. Thanks. Jana
Gorgeous! ANd I love the jewelry holder!