Take a deep breath. You made it. It’s Friday.
Got five minutes? Let’s write. Let’s write in shades of real and brave and unscripted.
Let’s just write and not worry if it’s just right or not.
“Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.” ~E. B. White –>click to tweet this.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Be generous and leave an encouraging comment for the person who linked up before you. That’s the best part about this community.
And if you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave your five minutes of writing as a comment. And we’ll love on you there.
Today’s prompt is:
Airports are always a sad song to me. Even when I’m arriving. There is a sigh and a soft exhale of the left behind in every body’s shoes that shuffle past. I’ve slept on airport floors and wondered why they build arm rests into chairs when it makes it so inconvenient to lie down across a row. I’ve cried off every brand of mascara I’ve ever worn at an airport. And one time I nearly missed saying good bye. One time my little brother he was late coming. He was coming from Jo’burg and the traffic was bad and dad and me and Josh and the rest of the crew had already had our pre-departure meal, and photos, and last hugs and I was at the tape.
At the last line of black tape between silver poles with my suitcase on the scale when Luke came running. And dad whistled that wolf whistle so shrill everyone turned and looked and there was my little brother, the one so much taller than me. With his hair all geled into the ceiling and his black hipster glasses and his arms reaching for me. And I was standing on tip toes and laughing and crying at the same time and so was everyone else around us. He held me. He got there in time to just hold me for one last minute before good-bye.
And I carried that song with me all 18 hours of flying time back to college and America and alone and my accent in a sea full of everyone else who fit in.
You sang to me, Luke. With your good-bye. The one that cost you hours of driving and minutes of being.
If I close my eyes I can still hear it. How you showed up.
I’ve missed you. I hear your voice in Micah and it reminds me that we keep showing up and singing no matter the distance.
Always the same southern cross chorus of home.
{Subscribers, you can just click here to come over and enjoy the fun!}
PS: The winner of Mom in the Mirror giveaway was commenter #17 Heather Millard who said: One thing I love about myself is the heart for others that God has given me. I can see it in my children too and that is so exciting! When I’m older, saggier, greyer, wrinklier, that will still be there – hooray! x
Oh, those airport scenes! They slay me. Beautiful!
I love the brother/sister relationship – in your song:)
Oh, friend…yes. I feel our family lives in airports sometimes and this post sings to me! To remind me we are not the only ones. And to remind me to cherish the quiet songs He brings to me each day from the most unlikely of places.
Wow, what a tender moment to remember…yes :)
What a beautiful song to remember. There is so much tenderness in this post.
I miss the Southern Cross, I catch myself looking for it sometimes…then I remember….:-(
Beautiful post.
I had done my post(s) (I blog on WordPress and Blogspot), linked and closed out for the time being – b/c I need to get to bed! But, I just had to come read your post first – so I came back.
What a beautiful post. Every time I read about your home and being away from your folks – I wish you could go visit them. Hellos and Goodbyes – lots of songs there, you’re right.
Great post. I’ve missed posting with you on FMF. I needed some inspiration …
Thanks, Jenn
So beautiful again!
I couldn’t figure out how to link my post but maybe I did. I was brave and wrote… It so happens today my brother passed away 8 years ago and I had lost my song. I had stopped singing for years and then God drew me in and gave me a new song. It was just too perfect of a timing for me to not write :-).
Thank you for the sweet encouragement!
He does give us new songs, doesn’t He? I’m so grateful for that.
Airports have always made me sad too…even more than hospitals for some reason. Great post.
*tears* This was wonderful. How special that relationship must be. It makes me wish even more that I had a good relationship with my brother. I’d tell you to cherish it and not take it for granted, but I think you have those covered.
Yay! I was cheering for you when he made it to the airport. I smiled as an onlooker as you hugged him goodbye. I heard the song. :) Thank you for sharing. Thank you for inspiring. Participating with you in this each week is doing some God work in me.
It was one of my best airport good-byes ever.
Such a beautiful description of family and love – makes me miss my own siblings. Living states away for years, we have seen very little of each other the older we get, and that makes me sad. Because, of course, as adults, we actually enjoy and appreciate each other so much more than in our childhood.
I’m new to your blog, but I do so enjoy all that I have be able to explore, (still exploring).
I was so drawn in to the airport, I could hear the whistle and feel the deep hug between you and your brother. Thank you for sharing such a tender song with the rest of us.
I want to participate but I’m not sure on how to add a story. Please help. :)
Thank you for your blog!!!!!!!!!!!! :) <3
Hey Connie – welcome! All the step-by-step instructions are over here: https://lisajobaker.com/five-minute-friday/
Ok…I just cried off the mascara I put on ten minutes ago. ;) Agreed…pretty sure there’s not a brand out there that can compete with airport goodbyes. One thing my husband and I have said for a long time (we lived overseas for five years and know this scene all too well) is that when someone is that loved, it’s worth driving for days just for a few minutes. Many, many airport goodbyes have been the song to get me through the 30+ hours of travel. :) Love this, friend. Happy weekend to you!
There’s almost something holy about them, isn’t there? and don’t even get me started on the reunions. These are my favorite photos ever of our last one : https://lisajobaker.com/2011/06/what-going-home-after-three-years-away-looks-like/
It’s interesting how we define our lives by so many things. We say we’re in this chapter of our live or we’ve begun a new season or turned over a new leaf, but what if instead the tale of my life was a song?
A song. A melody. A ballad. A country western love story. A rock and roll – head- banging affair. Elevator music. The Peanut’s theme song. One of those annoying pieces that just repeats the same three chords over and over and over?
I guess I could wait and see what my life song will be. I could forever sit in the audience and wonder what will come next, never quite sure what’s next.
But I think it might be time for me to step up on the stage and make some music on my on. It’s not up to my friends, my family, my husband to write my song. It’s up to me. I get to decide, today, this minute, this hour, this year, what will be my melody. And maybe, just maybe I’ll start with some head banging. Why not, it’s Friday!
“It’s not up to my friends, my family, my husband to write my song. It’s up to me. ” and amen to that!
Here’s hoping my life song isn’t one of those annoying pieces that plays the same three cords over and over again… although somedays it feels like it.
I needed the reminder, Elizabeth, that I’m the one who plays my song… too often I want to blame others for my situation, but only I can decide how I respond!
Praying for songs of harmony today!
oh this has me in a weepy way today…sniff…beautiful
Your “Song” tribute is so touching. I miss the old days when we could go right to the departing or arriving gate and meet our parties. Now, we have to wait so far away, in an impersonal area, no surprises or tearful reunions or good byes gate-side. Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed day!
Lisa-Jo, I so look forward to these Friday writings. Your message is always so touching and deep and poetic!
I’ve added my link Lisa-Jo – so glad I joined in today, brought back some lovely childhood memories :)
Loved the picture of how your farewell with your brother was a song that resounded in your heart all the way back to the States, and how the song of Africa and its call over you echoes through much of what you write.
I thank God for the way your authenticity touches so many and for what He is doing in me through this opportunity. Have a great weekend.
I don’t know what kind of mascara I’ve got on, but it’s definitely not waterproof–because thinking of your Luke giving up hours of driving and minutes of being for a last-minute hug before goodbye… xoxo
Oh your words, Lisa-Jo, always so beautiful!
And the prompt, SONG… I wanted to go soo many different ways with this one! I think I could write on “song” for a week! :)
Sweet, Lisa-Jo. I’ve never experienced anything like that. I’m so happy you have such a great memory.
Greetings Lisa-Jo. I’ve been thinking about joining you since reading your tweets about the #Fmfparty. In the past two years, I’ve blogged twice. So many excuses. Today when I read your prompt, I felt compelled to write. Could not remember my sign in for blogger – oh yes, it had been a long time… Thank you for hosting this party.
Stinkin’ precious! Seriously and poignantly precious. As I read your description of your brother as he raced into your arms, it brought back memories of goodbyes (and hellos!) with my own brother. What a gift memory can be in those homesick moments. I love your shares, Lisa-Jo
Love this. We’ve sung many an airport song as an Army family We’ve had excruciating, and we’ve had joy. This is joy.
Aww, show me some love guys! I didn’t receive a comment from the person that posted after me.
Oh my heart…….
I loved your post ‘song’! I’m just a few hours late of linking up, so I’m giving me your link here:)
Thank you for your inspiring writing and your encouragement!
I just finished my post from last week! I uploaded an mp3, which was a process- and it’s me playing…it was a bit of work- definitely more than five minutes. Anyway- I just wanted to say thank you for the prompts. When I started blogging at the beginning of 2013- it was your site, and the tradition of five-minute fridays that got me writing. Now I can’t stop. peacelovemusicgrows.com