Sometimes I think we over glamorize writing.
We make it something that must reek of Hemingway, Lewis, or Lamott before we’re brave enough to share it.
Who says?
You see I think the quiet secret is that you can be a writer and no one needs to recognize your name to make that any more or less true. I think your story matters. The one you write at midnight in 600 word blog posts. The one you scrapbook. The one you piece together for your kids as you fill them in on what grandpa and grandma were like.
You are a writer.
You actually already are.
Don’t believe me? There are over 300 brave writers who throw caution and their last names to the wind and gather here weekly to just write. With wild and loving abandon.
And today – I’ve invited that group over to my other online home, the beautiful, virtual beach house called (in)courage, where you’re always welcome – just the way you are…
Something that has been on my mind lately!
Thank you for the reminder that being a “writer” doesn’t come from being acknowledged by anyone outside of God alone.
Reminding myself of that daily… but it’s hard to keep my focus on my call and not on what everyone else is doing. :) Great encouragement today… linked up over at (in)courage
Dear Lisa-Jo,
Thank you for encouraging us to go forth in confidence that God is speaking through us today.
Thank you so much.
Bless you,
I’ve never joined in on this mob, but I’m so glad I did today. The topic, a dear one in my heart, allowed me to finally just let loose and let go and write. Thank you Lisa-Jo, it was terribly fun and good for my soul. I’ll be joining in from now on, finally.
Ooops …not sure if I did this right – let me try again [}
I love this “five-minute friday” Although I really wanted to delete my post after I wrote it! Ha! Perfectionism at its best :)
Loved your transparency…and boy do I feel what you say about wanting to delete. It takes humility to do this. To write. Vulnerability. A willingness to be mundane part of the time, just to hone the beauty for some of the time. So I am glad you are out there, because I am just beginning and i will remember your words of comfort.
loved this Lisa-Jo and thank you!!
I appreciate this. I struggle with the want to of writing vs the self imposed rules. I have to use proper english, perfect punctuation and lordy mercy…no misspellings for ANY reason. So because I can’t measure up to myself…I shoot myself in the foot too many times. But I’m trying.
Dear Lisa-Jo,
I just want to thank-you for fostering this awesome creative outlet and creating a community of supportive bloggers. I’m a SAHM currently living in the Netherlands (I’m American, my husband is Dutch). It was actually through this Five Minute Friday flash mob community that gave me the much needed push to start blogging again. I’ve been wanting to find my voice again, which I’ve lost living in a foreign country, but have always made excuses to conveniently get out of writing.
Rina Mae
sanctuary is a hush.. and He creates that hush within me, precious, precious as I feel Him close. Let me fade..all my ME-ness, my little world, let me drop the torn veil I placed between us, crumpled in a smudged, fibrous pile of surrender. Dear Jesus, dear Abba, Father, dear Holy Spirit I sense You so very close in Your hush. Such comfort and safety in this sanctuary. My heart trembles with words beyond my song…intimacy and awe. Abba , such a tender touch you have. Hush and release. There are no earthly words for Your majesty, but my worship floats as incense, my holy, mighty loving God.
How do I subscribe to this 5 minute Friday flash blog experience? I am really interested. Since I do not have a blog I just entered my offering in the comment section of the “Worship” word prompt. hope to get an email (?) on Fridays about the new word, etc… How does it work? Does the word stop automatically appear when time is up?
I love this. All the stories matter. So True
After years of seeing Five Minute Friday blog buttons around, this post (and the one at Incourage) motivates me to get my feet wet. Maybe I’ll go for it next Friday! This is a wonderful idea to encourage creativity and community. Kudos to you, Lisa Jo!
Yes all the stories matter. We are all part of His Story. I relate to the mundane in the busy routine. But as I read today somewhere thataynr the mundane is the lesson. The teaching. I pray I can me a better person, a better mother and a better follower of Jesus each day of my life. I think this is true worship. Allowing Him to guide me through my day, through my moments, through the daily attacks of the world. Worship for me is knowing He the creator of the universe is here with me right now . Wow. I pray the loss of my Mom at age 70, 5 months ago will bring me closer to God and more like him.
Or you just think about the next morning with all the daily tasks on mothering a grandson, rushing through the day, paying bills, crossing things out of the list and going to work. I get chills! The substituting system is calling me and I wonder how I will squeeze myself and get out of the house to the classroom. How many hours I will have to sleep till I’m refreshed to the new school year. That make me wonder out of my box called bed. Am I going to rest there or just seat here in front of this blog?