On Friday’s we silence the inner critic. The loudest of all naysayers. And on Fridays we remind ourselves that The Word is for us and loves us and welcomes us.

Your words are safe here.


So come and write with us. Together. On one word for five minutes. Here are all the details. And then link up your post or leave it in the comments. But remember, the one must rule here is that you visit the person who linked up before you and encourage them in their writing.

That’s it. The gift of encouragement – pass it on.

Today the word is the one that’s been beating hard in my heat the last couple of weeks.

Today the writing prompt is SMALL.


There is no shame in the small.

There is no shame in quiet.

There is no shame in life without stages, passports or microphones.

There is beauty in the diligent life lived fully present right in your own neighborhood. There is ministry that sneaks in the back door along with the neighbor’s kids and all the mud in the world.

There is life on the sofa listening to a friend who drove two hours for coffee.

There is testimony in bending over the art project dropped on the kindergarten corridors and gluing lost jellybeans back onto their poster board.

Give me the determined joy of missions in a four block radius. Tell me about the mom you listened to over an over-priced caramel frappe and I’ll tell you how I saw Jesus today.

Show me your dirty dishes and I’ll show you my heart.

Give me a night with tortillas and spicy chicken spread on the table between us and I’ll give you my story.

Split an ice cream cone with my kids, help them erase their toy white board again and again and again and I won’t forget that you were a guest in my house and we were all better because of it.

Small lives in these nooks and crannies and whispers it’s beautiful secrets and only my heart is big enough to contain them all. How they spill over between bath and bedtime, how they emerge from a big yellow bus and rumble with tomorrow.


How they remind me that I am just the right size when I’m watching a three year old twirl, me her only audience.


 PS It’s been one week since we launched this big dream on the hopes of hundreds of small stories and look. Look!!