The thing about writing is that at some point somebody’s going to want to read it.


(And you may have to sign 600 book plates).

Somebody’s going to want to crack open your heart and take their own opinion to it. They might not be gentle.

What you wrote is going to go out into the world and you won’t be able to control what people think of it. Much like parenting. And the rest of life.

Writing reminds us that control is an illusion and that stories are always made to collide with one another. Sometimes in ways we don’t expect and maybe don’t like.

These days I feel scared pretty much all the time.

I think that maybe scared is the new brave. It means we’re stepping out onto terrifyingly deep waters. But if we’ve been called…

If we’ve been called we must keep walking one foot at a time, one wave at a time.

We just keep walking forward.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

Called not to “comfort” or  “safety” or “happy endings” but to His purpose.

I think scared is the new brave and it looks beautiful on you friend. {click to tweet}.


I have three friends who were wildly brave this week – because they launched their books into the world. And since this community is all about our love for words and the women behind them, I wanted to share these three with you.

I’m going to be giving away all three of these books to one lucky Five Minute Friday writer who links up a post or leaves their 5 minute free write in the comments.

Youre-Going-to-Be-Okay-by-Holley-Gerth-Cover You’re Going to Be Okay: Encouraging Truth Your Heart Needs to Hear, Especially on the Hard Days

There are too many times in my own life to count when Holley Gerth has told me that I’m going to be OK. I’m so grateful for every single one. She’s the voice in my head who tells me the same Jesus truth over and over that He makes all things OK and I am profoundly grateful that she’s put it into writing so that she can be the voice in your head too.


81FmiSgB6OLThe Antelope in the Living Room: The Real Story of Two People Sharing One Life
If comedy and marriage had a baby it would be this book. I read it in a day because, like great fudge, it’s impossible to put down. Melanie Shankle can make deep sea fishing and hurling and vengeful rats into hysterical metaphors. And she sees marriage through antelope-colored glasses. Seriously, the endorsements by C.S. Lewis and Siri alone are enough to make you want to buy it. This one is definitely marriage-soup for the soul.


notes-from-a-blue-bike-650x1009Notes from a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World
Never has evaluating how we work, eat, parent, educate, or consume been as fascinating as when viewed through the lens of Tsh’s extraordinary adventures in travel. She invites us into the story with her and offers new ways to imagine the routines we’re so used to, with generous helpings of practical suggestions for how to slow down in a fast-paced culture and practice intentional living no matter what your zip code or time zone. This book is one part travelogue, one part practical tips for slower living, and one great part story telling. An irresistible combination.


OK and in case you haven’t guessed it already, today’s prompt for Five Minute Friday is WRITE.

PS: I’m cooking something up regarding my beloved South Africa and falling in love with the world next door rather than simply a date on the calendar for Valentine’s Day (aka next Friday). Looking for friends who might be willing to blog brave along for the ride. If you’re interested just click here and let me know and I’ll send along more info.