On Tuesday next week (that’s FOUR SLEEPS FROM NOW) my book comes out!


You guys, my people, my safe place – can you just come over here and pet my head for a second and tell me it’s gonna be OK and maybe come eat some of Zoe’s leftover birthday cake because apparently not everyone in this household has sophisticated chocolate mousse taste and would have preferred the frosting out of a can, cake from the grocery store freezer version instead.


{Did you know you can read the first three chapters for freeeee over here.}

Have you ordered it yet? Because here’s the thing – apparently that stuff matters.

Apparently we need to tell Amazon, “Yo Amazon, this little, total newbie, you’ve-never-heard-of-her-before author has a book we’re actually gonna buy.”

We need to let Amazon know that we’re all in and that they should stock up so that it doesn’t run low on stock and so that all the mamas in the whole wide world can be reminded that they are NOT in this crazy circus alone.

That they are brave and beautiful and that their stories are fantastic and that motherhood is NEVER EVER GRADED. That motherhood is not a competition to see who’s baby weighs more or walks first or sleeps through the night or gets into the right college.

Motherhood is the holy, grueling work of being refined by the fire of sleep deprivation and fear and courage and catching yet another round of the stomach bug and still showing up for that recital. Motherhood is a wild free fall into more gut-punch love and worry, discovery and the desire to give up and yet you keep on keeping on than anything every invented.

We need to let Amazon know that we moms – we’re coming for that book – because there are too many of our sisters that need to be reminded that they ARE NOT FAILING.

{Click to tweet it: Head’s up Amazon, we’re coming for Surprised by Motherhood on Tuesday, all us tired mamas everywhere}

There are too many of our sisters who need to be reminded that they are mighty because they mother.

There are too many of our sisters who need to know that they are not forgotten, they are not lost, they are not overlooked – but that instead Jesus looks deep into their wash and rinse and repeat routine and says – THAT IS MINE. That is holy and good and I name it beautiful and necessary.

Too many women who’ve spent too many years thinking they’re invisible and that to do important work you need a passport and a plane ticket.

Enough, I say, Enough. Now’s our chance to sing a new song from the rooftops – our chance to wildly ululate the battle cry of the millions who are raising the next generation at the cost of their sanity, their privacy, their figure, their ability to do anything alone, ever.

This is our time and this is our story and you are my people and I wrote every word of this FOR You. It’s my love letter to your late nights and early mornings, to your courage that flutters behind you like that tattered super hero cape you don’t even see.

To your five minutes of brave writing that’s kept me brave and writing for nearly four years now.

So if you haven’t already – won’t you order a copy today?

Order two copies – one for you and your sister who’s pregnant for the first time or expecting her sixth.

Five copies – one for you and every woman in your circle of friends who’ve been on this nursing, rocking, loving, weeping, celebrating journey for the last five years.

Ten copies – one for every mom in your MOPS group who has ever helped fold the laundry, brought over a meal, held the baby, picked up your kids from soccer, washed the potty training sheets and never once ever made you feel less than or not enough because you don’t think you have enough on the days you’re fresh out of everything.

Twenty copies – one for every woman in your family who has ached her way into being a mother, who has done the hard work of making sense of being a daughter. Who has struggled to find words to navigate her way into relationship with her own mother, who wants to build bridges with her daughter.

Fifty copies – one for every woman in your church for Mother’s Day. All those faces that come on Sundays after fighting the good fight to get kids into good clothes and attitudes and arrives weary and wishing she could have a donut and a cup of coffee to herself. But will likely get paged by the nursery or the teen room because parenting has no finish line. We just keep running. Hard. Even on the days we can only walk or shuffle forward.

A hundred copies – so that you have extras for every baby shower, every first birthday, every graduation party, every wedding shower – to spread the delicious aroma of HOPE. That we are not in this alone and that we will grow into the deep love that is waiting for us. The love that says – I see you and I know you and I love you just the same. Just the way you are.

This never-giving-up, always-chasing love that isn’t afraid of all the resentment a teenage girl can pack into two clenched fists and a pony tail flip.

This lavish love that loves us first.  Not for our all-caught-up on the laundry days.

This love that teaches us how to love “because he loved us first.”

This love that is so much like a mother’s.

I’ve spent years thinking of you as I wrote this book – did you know that?

Late at night, rocking Zoe in the old yellow chair with the stained cushions – I’ve though of you – you wildly courageous women.

This book is for you and for me and for each and every mom that we encounter –whether she mothers her own children or the kids of other mothers; whether she’s given birth by adoption or C-Section or push and pant and pull of birth. Whether she mothers others with her words online or her house around the block.

This book is for every woman who mothers others. Every woman who logs long hours in minivans with no idea how remarkable she is.

Help me tell her?

Help me shout it from the rooftops?

Order a book – pass it on.

I love you.

I thank you.

I love living this story with you.

And I’ve got 100 book plates I personally signed with my son’s black sharpie so that if you want to give this as a special Mother’s Day gift – just click here to find out how to get one mailed to you once you’ve ordered the book.

And the word for Five Minute Friday today? It’s MIGHTY because you are.