Welcome to Week One of our Surprised by Motherhood Book Club!!

Surprised by Motherhood Book Club Week 1

Here’s how it will work each week:

Every Monday: Discussion video posted on the blog – feel free to leave your questions in the comments.

Every Monday Night: Live Q&A discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #surprisedbymotherhood

Every Wednesday: Questions and Answers posted on the blog.

Every Friday: A Free, Useful, help-you-hold-onto-your-sanity Printable posted on the blog for all book club readers.

OK, are you ready to be encouraged?

It will run like this each week:

Every Monday: Discussion video posted on the blog

Every Monday Night: Live Q&A on Twitter using the hashtag #surprisedbymotherhood

Every Wednesday: Questions and Answers posted on the blog.

Every Friday: A Free, Useful, help-you-hold-onto-your-sanity Printable Posted on the blog for all book club readers.

It will run like this each week:

Every Monday: Discussion video posted on the blog

Every Monday Night: Live Q&A on Twitter using the hashtag #surprisedbymotherhood

Every Wednesday: Questions and Answers posted on the blog.

Every Friday: A Free, Useful, help-you-hold-onto-your-sanity Printable Posted on the blog for all book club readers.


Intro: Why I Wrote This Book: Because You Are My People

Chp 1: Motherhood Is a Superpower

Chp 2: Why You Can’t Possibly Know What to Expect When You’re Expecting

{Pst, all three of these chapters are available for FREE —>over here}


And join in the discussion with me and my real life neighbor, Lisa, who has had my kids over more hours and hamburgers and sippy cups of milk than I care to count.

Click here if you can’t see the video.


Here are 5 nuggets that Lisa and I discussed – feel free to share what jumped out at you along with any questions or follow up in the comments. We’ll be chatting more about it on Twitter tonight at 10pm EST. And your questions along with my answers will all be up on the blog on Wednesday.

  1. How surprising motherhood is (whether you’d always dreamed of being a mom or not).
  2. Wishing someone had told us how hard motherhood really is, and that you’re not a failure if your baby doesn’t do everything “according to the ‘How-To’ book schedule.
  3. How becoming a mom is a lot like breaking up with yourself – and there’s a certain kind of grieving process that comes with letting go of the life you’ve always known and having to make sense of a whole new world where you’re no longer at the center.
  4. The awesomeness (is that a word) of falling in love with the child you were invited to co-create with Christ.
  5. At the same time how overwhelming and claustrophobic it can feel to realize you’ll be the “always one” responsible from here on out for another human being.

OK, YOUR TURN- here are some questions to consider as you think about these chapters:

  1. Do you believe Lisa-Jo when she says, “You are much braver than you think”? Why or why not?
  2. What parts of motherhood intimidated you in the past? Do they still intimidate you?
  3. Lisa-Jo describes giving birth as sacred. What moments in your own life would you describe as sacred?
  4. On page 19, Lisa-Jo writes, “Our DNA is born from our stories as much as from our mothers.” Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
  5. What moments in your life have you wanted to “stop pushing” to keep them from being over?

Share your questions and observations in the comments – let’s crowd source encouragement for this journey deep into the heart of motherhood together.

Just click here to leave a comment.

{Photo credit: Jacque Watkins}