Five Minute Friday: Messenger

Five Minute Friday: Messenger

I was driving down a hot blacktop street this week with three friends and we were talking about my book. The one that came out in April. And I was surprised to find myself telling them, “the thing about writing a book is that your life doesn’t really...
Five Minute Friday: Hands

Five Minute Friday: Hands

Ask any of us who write, it’s usually because we need to read to understand our stories. –>click to tweet I love how Alia describes what we do here on Fridays, with our wild and wonderful flash mob of words: On Fridays we write. And sometimes it goes...
Five Minute Friday: Nothing

Five Minute Friday: Nothing

This is the place where once a week we take the chance to just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not. For five minutes flat. Here’s how the game works: you simply stop, drop and write. Set your words free. Don’t edit them, don’t fret...
Five Minute Friday: Close

Five Minute Friday: Close

::So, here’s the skinny: every Friday for going on four years now hundreds of people have joined a kind of writing flash mob over here. (Yup, these are Five Minute Friday writers at a meetup at the Allume Blogging Conference last year). We write for five minutes flat....