by Lisa-Jo | Jun 19, 2014 | Five Minute Friday
It’s Friday. The day we write together for five shared and sacred minutes. The prompt this week is RELEASE. The details for how to participate are over here. And the post today? It’s why I think you need to keep writing no matter how many voices in your...
by Lisa-Jo | Jun 12, 2014 | Five Minute Friday, Writing
I was driving down a hot blacktop street this week with three friends and we were talking about my book. The one that came out in April. And I was surprised to find myself telling them, “the thing about writing a book is that your life doesn’t really...
by Lisa-Jo | Jun 5, 2014 | Five Minute Friday
Ask any of us who write, it’s usually because we need to read to understand our stories. –>click to tweet I love how Alia describes what we do here on Fridays, with our wild and wonderful flash mob of words: On Fridays we write. And sometimes it goes...
by Lisa-Jo | May 29, 2014 | Five Minute Friday
This is the place where once a week we take the chance to just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not. For five minutes flat. Here’s how the game works: you simply stop, drop and write. Set your words free. Don’t edit them, don’t fret...
by Lisa-Jo | May 22, 2014 | Five Minute Friday
::So, here’s the skinny: every Friday for going on four years now hundreds of people have joined a kind of writing flash mob over here. (Yup, these are Five Minute Friday writers at a meetup at the Allume Blogging Conference last year). We write for five minutes flat....
by Lisa-Jo | May 8, 2014 | Five Minute Friday, surprised by motherhood
It’s been a week you guys. Heck, it’s been a month. And a long 18 months before that and really the whole past 4 years. What a ride. Doing it with you all? That’s been the best part. By far and Amen. So today’s prompt is GRATEFUL because we...