by Lisa-Jo | Jun 7, 2016 | It Gets Better, Rabid fear of parenting
When I had already finished and turned in my first draft of my book, Surprised by Motherhood, my editor told me it was missing a chapter. This came as a surprise to me. She thought I needed to share more about my middle-born. My passionate son, Micah. She thought he...
by Lisa-Jo | May 26, 2016 | (in)courage, Rabid fear of parenting
Forty is an interesting decade. I only arrived a couple years ago, and it’s still taking me time to remember. On my insides I’m stuck at around thirty six. Forty feels like my mom’s age. And then I remember that I am someone’s mom. I’m three someone’s moms. It’s the...
by Lisa-Jo | May 23, 2016 | Motherhood, Rabid fear of parenting
The thing is, we wonder all the time if we’re doing this motherhood thing right. Every night once the kids are in bed I try to ignore the annoying voice in my head that screeches through the list of things I should have done better. Every night. I can’t...
by Lisa-Jo | May 19, 2016 | Rabid fear of parenting, Raising Boys, The ordinary extraordinary
He was waiting for me in the big bed after I got done tucking in his little sister. Because it’s Wednesday night. His glasses were lying on my dresser and he was spread out on the far side of the bed – his daddy’s side – because he likes the way it feels there up near...
by Lisa-Jo | May 13, 2016 | Cheering for you, It Gets Better, Ordinary Glory, Rabid fear of parenting, Uncategorized
On Friday nights we all stay in. We have pizza and a movie and three kids scrunched onto a single couch cushion because this is how they like it. Except for whoever ends up in the middle. We are a family that never gets tired of a good story. By Friday night, I don’t...
by Lisa-Jo | May 6, 2016 | Motherhood, No such thing as just a mom, Rabid fear of parenting
Here’s to the mothers. Here’s to the boo-boo kissers. Here’s to the get up and warm the milk at 2am women. You are braver than you know. You make the music that makes the life that gives the rhythm to the day in and out and in again. Courageous. You deliver babies by...