by Lisa-Jo | Feb 2, 2017 | Cheering for you, Motherhood, No more mom guilt, Rabid fear of parenting, When your temper scares you
I had no idea I had a temper until I had kids. I’ve been on a mission to tame it ever since then. It’s been the most painful and humbling journey of my life. I’ve shared a lot about it on the blog. I’ve made progress. I’ve been proud of...
by Lisa-Jo | May 6, 2016 | Motherhood, No such thing as just a mom, Rabid fear of parenting
Here’s to the mothers. Here’s to the boo-boo kissers. Here’s to the get up and warm the milk at 2am women. You are braver than you know. You make the music that makes the life that gives the rhythm to the day in and out and in again. Courageous. You deliver babies by...
by Lisa-Jo | Nov 27, 2013 | Cheering for you, Christmas, Family
For the days we are running on empty. For the days we just don’t think we have it in us to pick up one more load of groceries, read one more story, play one more game of Monopoly, wash one more round of sheets. For the days when we think everyone else has it...
by Lisa-Jo | Sep 28, 2011 | Kids, Motherhood
There was a time and a church where women didn’t tell their hard stories. I was a sleep deprived brand new mom who wished someone else would whisper in her ear that they missed going to the movies as much as I did. If she was alive, I would have asked my mom if...
by Lisa-Jo | Sep 14, 2011 | Daughters, Faith, Motherhood
Some days I find I love her so hard it actually hurts in my flesh and blood heart; not just in that metaphorical spot where mothers supposedly store their emotions. It hurts and I feel it in all four chambers even if the heart beats on oblivious. I love her in the...