We write for five minutes flat on Fridays.

We write bold and beautiful and free. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just write or not.

Except, today I needed more than five minutes. I’ve been quiet here lately. But today I found some words.

Won’t you share yours too?

    1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.2. Link back here and invite others to join in.

    3. Go a little overboard encouraging the writer who linked up before you.

OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:


{Here’s my more than five minutes post today}

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.

My husband sent me flowers yesterday. He said there were 200. I can see them from where I’m sitting between the kids’ new blocks, the orange trash truck Micah got last Christmas and the pink stroller that’s also joined us in the living room.

When I look up I see the flowers.

They’re on the kitchen table – beautiful – surrounded by our everyday, after-breakfast- mess.

And perhaps our mess isn’t quite that. Perhaps, like the flowers, it’s simply a testament to the people who live and love here. I’m quick to judge it. I’m quick to be frustrated by it. I’m quick to huff and puff and blow this family down with my frustration that the house is always seeping chaos from the seams.

Those flowers are quiet in their beauty.

I am usually loud.

The green bumbo seat is on the table next to them; so are the giraffe and zebra mugs the boys love to drink tea out of. The sliding door’s ajar and I can hear crickets humming in the grass. This is where we live.

This is not where we clean.

This is not where we wash and sort and put away.

This is not where we vacuum.

This is where we live.

Kindergarten is coming and my work is unfolding big beautiful new count-downy-things.  Pete has a semester worth of new students in his hands and Micah is working hard at taming the lion that prowls his heart.

Zoe might sit up by herself one of these days.

We are living into each new stage. And sometimes that requires extra dirty clothes or dishes or block towers that can’t be cleaned up.  They bloom ordinary and beautiful all around us and today I am pausing to notice. To savor. To remember this time of life that was so full we tripped over it.

To rest.

I have friends who’ve written rest into my mind this week. Emily has a book about letting go of all our try hard ways. It’s like a great big gulp of fresh air. Holley reminds me who I am in God’s heart – the only place that matters anyway. Angie knows how many things we women fear. She helps us find rest from all our hand wringing. And Ann, she understands those days when we feel like we can’t even get out of bed the lists are so daunting.

I pick their words like so many fresh stems. I add the ones God has given me.

I wrap them around with a ribbon and hold them out to you. Right there, between the teetering lego towers and the to-do list; between the rush hour traffic and the deadlines; between the school runs and the soccer practice.

Can we find the time to rest? Not once we’ve accomplished all our cleaning and to-dos. But right there in the very middle of the mess.

And perhaps we will find more beauty there than we expected.


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