After long weeks and too much spaghetti sauce encrusted onto dirty dishes it can be hard to remember that the world is full of wow.

And that there are people, women, mothers filling up the Internet with so much amazing grace it makes it easier for the rest of us to exhale. And load that next round of laundry.


In case you’ve had a long week in needed of some fresh hope, here are a few of my own favorite finds.

I’m thinking about sharing them more regularly. Leave me a comment and let me know if that’d be something you’d like, eh?

Spoken word poet, Sarah Kay’s mesmerizing poem
“If I should have a daughter” is what I listen to on late nights.

“If I should have a daughter, instead of “Mom,” she’s gonna call me “Point B,” because that way she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me.”

Nester_A Time to Create

A call to let our kids have spaces that are allowed to stay messy.
This one by the Nester has changed how I parent.


“Success at the cost of my children is not success. It is failure.”
@TechCrunch: when one high powered dad chose his kids instead of his 100 hr work weeks.


My most read post. Ever. It crashed the blog for two days.
Apparently I’m not the only one who suffers from “my life will never be complete if he doesn’t run through an airport to stop me getting on a plane”-itis.


Do you follow me on Instagram? I was in Arkansas this week.
And they gave me a whole box full of baby hogs

to celebrate becoming a US citizen.


For the empty tank and forgotten errands.
For the dirty dishes and loads of laundry week.
A reminder over on (in)courage today that He sees you. And He’s got this week. No matter how it turned out.