Pete and Jackson have been in Pittsburgh this weekend helping with Aunt Kim’s relocation and visiting Grandma and Grandpa.
Micah and I have spent some quality time together. Micah has spent most of that time sans clothes. And no, I don’t think it’s to do with his African roots as much as his age. Around 2 Jackson also went through an “all naked, all the time” phase. Micah is now SO there.
As for me, I spent a lot of this past weekend (fully dressed) indulging my love for yard sales and cr@igslist. Oh the joy, the pure delight, the crack-like addiction of finding a good deal. Mama like. Mama like a good deal a LOT. Hence the new additions of a fire truck and police car to the boys ride ’em toys. I mean, how can a girl resist a $10 car when she knows it goes for $50-$70 new?
And we scored TWO!
$10- Fire Truck
$10 – Police Car
**Ecstatic squealing with joy by mama**
And as you already know, I am addicted to good deals, yard sales and consignment sales – you can check out our haul from a month or so ago that we scored on the greatest consignment trip ever here.
Pete, come home – come home soon – I hear a John Deere riding toy calling my name from cr@igslist like a sweet siren song! Don’t know how long I can hold out!