If there’s one thing that will rob you of your writing voice before you even get started it’s your teacher voice.

You know the one – the voice that complains about how that sentence structure is off, or that comma is in the wrong place or that metaphor is way off base.

The voice that wants you to edit every single sentence before you get through even a single paragraph.

Today, you get to quiet that voice up.

No one can write with that voice editorializing in her ear.

Today, you get to take out all the paints and dip fingers, hands, elbows into them.

Today you get to just write without worrying if it’s just write or not.

Today throw caution to the winds and write like you used to run – all fast and awkward and desperately enthusiastic. Ignore the back space. Forget the rules of MLA. Silence the self-critic.

Just write for the fun and the joy and the freedom of telling a story that must come out.

And if you want to – come and join a huge crowd of us who do just that every Friday. I call it Five Minute Friday. We write for five minutes flat all on the same topic that is posted here at midnight.

Need encouragement? There’s the most welcoming, enthusiastic group who meet up on Thursday nights on Twitter using the hashtag #FMFParty to encourage each other and cheer you through your writer’s doubt.

Some of my favorite writing is raw, unedited and fast flowing for want of an editor. Highly recommended.

Have you ever participated in Five Minute Friday? What’s your favorite part about it?


I’m spending 31 days writing about how to write your story.
It’s part of the 31 Days Challenge hosted by the Nester.
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