I’ve been hitch hiking down memory lane.

Enjoying the view. Remembering the smells.

Because it’s been almost two years since we last boarded a 747 headed toward the Southern Cross.

Two years is a lifetime when measured in relationships. Relationships that need consistent contact to thrive.

Two years I will talk more about tomorrow.

But today, today I am simply looking back and enjoying the view.

South Africa

My little brother’s wedding

Ukraine-Hungary Border

En route to a wedding, a 12 hour train ride

Prague, Czech Republic

Most romantic of destinations, one of our last trips before we had kids and while we were still working in Ukraine

Krakow, Poland

Beautiful city; tragic witness to Auschwitz

Elmina, Ghana

The coast is wild, the current ferocious, and many fisherman
are lost to the sea

Budapest, Hungary

Embarrassed to admit that after months in the former USSR our first stop was not this incredible church but the more mundane, yet nearly as satisfying, Pizza Hut

DC Metro Area, USA

Fourteen years, three continents and two kids later we’re back where it all started. And it feels like home.

All the photos and the memories were made by me. If you’d like to use one, I’d be flattered. Just kindly credit Lisa-Jo @ thegypsymama and link back to me, m’kay?

This post is my way of unwrapping something extraordinary on just another ordinary Tuesday. This is one of my favorite things to do along with the other folks at Chatting at the Sky. You should too.