If I had to choose…
I would rather sleep than eat.
I would rather load the dishwasher than unload it.
I would rather eat gobs of sickly sweet candy than chocolate.
I would rather write than watch TV.
I would rather do anything in the world than laundry.
OK, your turn.
“I believe you should live every day as if it’s your last. That is why I don’t have any clean laundry
because, come on, who wants to wash clothes on the last day of her life?!” (Cathy Ladman)
I would rather read the book then watch the movie.
I would rather write a paper then take a test.
I would rather do the laundry then do the dishes.
I would rather jump out of plane then go on a roller coaster.
I would rather be in the mountains then at the beach.
I would rather be healthy than beautiful.
I would rather be laughing than talking.
I would rather be wise than smart.
I would rather be kind than popular.
I would rather write than watch tv
I would rather walk than drive
I would rather talk than not
This was awesome.
Mmm, the talking thing – yes, me too. {Just ask my husband!}
I’d rather take a risk than be complacent.
I’d rather leap then huddle in fear.
I’d rather put it all out on the table, than smile and fake it.
I’d rather let it make me instead of breaking me.
I’d rather sit at the table together than talk on the phone.
As I started reading this, my first thought was “I’d rather do anything than laundry”. Then I get to the end of your post and you said it for me. We’re a kindred spirit, you and I. =)
Let’s see…
I’d rather be at the beach than in the mountains.
I’d rather play with my kids than clean the house.
I’d rather send an email than talk on the phone.
I’d rather read a book than watch tv (unless baseball is on).
I’d rather be quiet than talkative.
I’d rather be known as a child of God than just a good person.
Laundry is the bain of my existence. For real. And I would also rather talk in person.
I would rather cook than clean up.
I would rather pack than unpack.
I would rather be wrinkled than iron.
I would rather play the piano than sing.
I would rather be happy than angry.
I’d rather write than almost anything :)
I’d rather be helping give support at work than climbing a mountain
I’d rather be taking a hot shower than a cold one
I’d rather eat cupcakes than donuts
I love cupcakes
and donuts.
But cupcakes more. Already plotting for when we’re in San Diego.
Hmmm, these days….
I would rather eat something so often that it’s probably gonna make me gain tons of weight than feel constantly nauseated.
I would rather cook the food than clean up afterwards, but then the smells of dirty dishes cause the nausea to get worse so it’s a no-win.(altho my sweet husband does it for me alot so that’s definitely better!)
I would rather read a book while having to bed rest than do almost anything else, but I read so fast that I can’t keep enough on hand.
I’d rather eat the sweets I’ve been craving instead of healthy food, but I know it’s not as good for me or the baby.
Obviously my rathers are slightly related to pregnancy these days! :-)
This was such a great idea…love your posts.
I would rather order an appetizer than dessert.
I would rather get a gift than have to go shopping and use a gift certificate.
(Sometimes) I would rather take all three kids to the store than stay in the house with them!
I would rather do the right thing than the easy thing.
I would rather play outside on a beautiful day than anything else!
Totally there with the three kids thing! Then you have a small amount of peace when they’re all strapped in the car. Every once in awhile I need a Target break – Starbucks for mom, icees for the kids and we wander. :)
I would rather have my dog and all his shedding than clean carpets.
I would rather have a happy, busy home than a clean home.
I would rather laugh than cry.
I would rather pray than worry.
I would rather read than almost anything.
I would rather eat chips and dip than any other snack.
I would rather blog than do my homework.
I’d rather read than listen to it on tape (CD/MP3).
I’d rather sit and do literally nothing than clean house.
I’d rather sleep in than not.
I’d rather be with my husband than any other person in the world.
I would rather…
Write than work
Shout than sing (both work)
Walk than run (neither would be good)
Drink coffee than coke
DDP (Diet Dr. Pepper) than Diet Coke
Choco trumps candy and that’s about it…ha! (Okay, I really want both. Now would be great!)
my turn my turn
I would rather laugh than cry.
I would rather be outside than inside.
I would rather watch a Jane Austen than read a Jane Austen.
I would rather kiss & cuddle my boys than wrestle & tickle as they like. (but tickled induced farts are hilarious – I don’t care how proper you think you are)
I would rather float than swim.
I would rather do yoga than cardio.
I would rather hot dog than hamburger (unless we’re at 5 guys)
I would rather fly than drive.
I would rather die a slow death than go to the dentist – oh wait – that IS a slow death!
thanks for keeping it fun girl!
I was just at the dentist this week. He tells me I have five more fillings to go. I blame the nerds.
I would rather Blog than work
I would rather run 3 miles than get snippy with my boys over the little things
I would rather read than sleep – sometimes!
I would rather take a bath than smoke!
I would rather meet lisa-jo – than only comment on her blog!
I love your get-to-know-one-another-better posts…
I would rather dance in the rain than run for cover.
I would rather create organization than maintain it.
I would rather hear “I love you, Mama!” than the finest orchestra.
I would rather dig in the dirt than have a manicure.
I would rather have a warm embrace than dark chocolate. (And that’s saying something!)
I would rather…
spend a day at the beach than in the countryside.
eat cookies for dessert than cake
walk than drive (after eating those cookies, I better walk!)
I would rather do anything but dust!
Dusting? What’s dusting? ;)
I would rather be inside than outside.
I would rather text than talk.
I would rather bake bread than buy it.
I would rather be with my man than anyone else.
I would rather wash dishes than cook the dinner
I would rather read a book than clean the house
I would rather laugh than cry
I would rather wash the clothes than fold them and put them away
I would rather mow the lawn than pick up dog poop
I would rather live where it didn’t snow than in the mountains (where it is snowing today!!!)
I would rather send a text than make a phone call
I would rather work when I want than be tied down to a 40 hour a week job
I would rather hang out with teenagers than most adults I know (I’m not a perv – I’m in Young Life!)
I would rather tell the joke than hear the joke (cept for the fact that I can NEVER remember the joke!)
I would rather give than receive (less it’s diamonds!)
I would rather have people see Jesus in me than just think of me as a nice person
I would rather meet Lisa-Jo – than only comment on her blog! (thanks Liberty! good one :O)
I would rather cook than clean.
I would rather risk a broken heart than close myself off to love.
I would rather be known as a fool for Christ than keep my love for Him hidden away and be politically correct.
I would rather fly than drive.
I would rather have a few intimate friends than lots of acquaintences.
I would rather reflect His light than live for my own glory.
I would rather the above statement were true in practice 100% of the time.
I would rather be exposed, real and rejected than phoney, hidden and accepted.
I would rather have the chance to talk to The Gypsy Mama face-to-face than leaving note on blogs!
Hmmmm …. let me think … *pursing lips and squinching eyebrows*
I would rather:
bake cookies than cakes
take pics of flowers than grow them
listen to my husband sing than anyone else
encourage than taunt
planned spontaneous than “real” spontaneous
“I Love Lucy” than “The Lucy Show”
brown than black
pink than ANYTHING
pearls than diamonds
gerber daisies than roses
have my life with all it’s “foul-ups, bleeps & blunders” than a “perfect” life.
I would rather…
eat than sleep.
play with my son than clean house.
read than sleep.
eat salty foods & cheese than sweets.
fly than drive.
scoop the litter than vacuum.
If I had to choose:
I would rather walk than run.
I would rather smile than frown.
I would rather whisper than yell.
I would rather eat ice cream than cake.
I would rather do anything in the world than eat worms.
amy in peru
PS. thanks for the post inspiration ;)
oh and I meant to link to the worms you could eat…
that is if you like that kind of thing.
I would rather…
Live in the boonies than the city.
Eat cold cereal every day of the week than touch a bowl of oatmeal.
Know a handful of genuine people than a dozen who don’t know what it means to be real.
Wash laundry than fold and put it away.
Which reminds me, there is a whole pile on the bed still. Uggggghhh. :)
Here is my list… I am in complete agreement with you on some!
“I would rather do anything in the world than laundry.”
That right there sums up my day/week/life. ;-)
I would rather have a few great friends than lots of acquaintances.
I would rather sew than trace and cut the fabric.
I would rather eat a fruity dessert than a chocolatey one.
I would rather explode than implode.
I would rather wake up early than late (just not too early)
I would rather do anything but clean the house.
If I had to choose, I would rather take a gamble than never take a chance.
If I had to choose, I would rather need to diet than know genuine hunger.
If I had to choose, I would rather have my heart broken than being protected by walls keeping love out.
If I had to choose, I would rather spend my life growing than just aging.
If I had to choose, I would rather have a few healthy friendships with people far away than many toxic relationships with people close by.
I would rather eat white chocolate than milk chocolate.
I would rather read the book than watch the movie.
I would rather buy a book than clothes
I would rather wear dresses, skirts, and sweats than jeans
I would rather live in a moment than have a picture of it if i can’t have both.
If I’ve really loved the book I almost never see the movie. And I am practicing leaving my camera at home and experiencing my kids without something getting between us.
I would rather run than walk :)
I would rather be deaf than blind.
I would rather be rich in friends than be rich in money.
I would rather enjoy this season now than wish I was somewhere else.
I would rather be married than be single.
I would rather have a bike than a car.
I would rather travel by car than a plane :)
Sometimes…I would rather have a cold rainy day than a hot sunny day.
I would rather:
* eat dessert than dinner
* cook than clean
* feel the baby outside than in – hence I’m awake at 5 AM commenting on your blog :)
* shop than pay bills
* lay by the pool than the beach, lake or river
* be asleep right now…
that’s all I got at this early hour :)
I would rather tell the truth than say anything else.
I would rather have face-to-face relationships than blog.
I would rather bow low and look up than look down.
I would rather live from the reality of the cross than from any other place.
I would rather be a disciple of Jesus Christ than a follower of Satan.
I would rather hang out with one friend than hang out with a group of friends.
I would rather twirl than stand still.
I would rather say yes than no.
I would rather try than give up.
I would rather be brave than fearful.
I would rather my husband gently rub my arm than my back.
I would rather ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness than be self-righteous and prideful.
I would rather walk in a forest than in a prairie.
I would rather be spontaneous than planning every detail in advance.
I would rather read poetry than fiction.
I would rather watch the sun rise or set than watch all the hours in between.
I would rather ask for help than pretend that I know anything I really don’t know.
I would rather be a student than a teacher.
I would rather be a leader than a follower.
I would rather use the right side of my brain than the left.
I would rather say hello than goodbye.
There is an award waiting for you at Bons Vivants. Enjoy!
I would rather write a blog than sleep.
I would rather spend my time with the Husby than do anything else.
I would rather cook dinner than go out.
I would rather mow the lawn than do the laundry.
I would rather paint than watch TV.
I would rather spend time genuinely getting to know one person than having one hundred facebook friends.
I would rather sing than whisper.