This is the time of week we steal those five minutes while the kids are fingerpainting the dining room table, the neighbor’s dog has stopped barking, or the microwave is popping some corn to splash down our thoughts on paper.
Just five minutes.
To paint a verbal picture.
I’m at the Blissdom Blogging Conference this week – so I’ve got women on the brain and heart. So, if you need a prompt, take it from there – what comes to mind in five minutes of typing about
“The Women.”
They arrive in their ones and twos and droves of high heeled boots and hair spray. They’re beautiful in their ferocious delicacy, their effervescence, their wide-eyed-wonder at one another. They are tender and strong and true. I watch these mamas, workers, lovers, friends meet across ballrooms or congregate in the line outside the ladies room and they are real.
They are not the two-dimensional versions of women we see on the big screen, the flat screen, the pages of the magazine. They are the stuff that hugs and affirmation are made of. They are loud and whisper soft. They laugh a lot. They let themselves stream down their cheeks.
They tweet.
They hold onto shoulders, hands, hearts as they speak – always inter-connected, this story they share. This journey, this virtue of womanhood. They are my people and I am theirs and I feel myself sinking into the comfort of being a woman among women.
And it’s like coming home.
OK, your turn –
Oh, how I wish I was there! It sounds truly magical, as cliche as that sounds. Have an absolutely amazing time!!!
Ohhhh, I love this kind of fellowship with other women! I hope you have a great growing and encouraging time!
sounds like a good place to be at :) who knows, maybe one day :D
Came across your website via lindsay nobles, great stuff! My friend Sarah Cook is @ Blissdom…she is w/ Raising Ceo Kids!
Coming home, indeed. Thank you for your words! I will find 5 minutes to do this today! :)
I find cupcakes are great writing food :)
You are amazing! That is beautiful!!
Beautiful post! I do hope I’m cool enough to be there next year. It looks like such fun!
Oh, I wanna do this! I’ll do it next week. I got sort of nervous trying to do it today. I need to sort of prepare my mind.
Everyweek is a different subject, right?
I like this! Thanks.
No need to be nervous! There’s no wrong or right – just come play!
sounds wonderful. having my babe with me at Relevant, i missed out a bit on that camaraderie, but i look forward to it again:) enjoy.
Lisa-Jo, this is beautiful! I just love swimming around in your words :)
Oh my favorite part….
“They are my people and I am theirs and I feel myself sinking into the comfort of being a woman among women. And it’s like coming home.”
I felt that in your words and it transported me back to moments where that has been so true. Thanks for inspiring this prompt today! I love the women in my life and those that I keep meeting…what a blessing!
P.S. I LOVE that pic of The Nester……her outfit is adorable…I WANT THOSE BOOTS!!
I know, right!!
I’m there in spirit! Give Ashleigh a hug for me, please! One of these years, I’ll make it to one of these shin-digs. Most likely I’ll be quite pregnant and tired then, too. ;)
I hope it’s okay to post my 5 min. here instead. I know some blogs allow you comment instead of link up. I’ll share it here.
Hello’s and Introductions
Hesitations made brave by hearts that dare to welcome and embrace friendship. The words of women – filled with emotion, compassion and care. The beautiful moments of “I relate and acknowledge where you are, who you are”. The stories exchanged build bonds. Women are faithful, so friendship means family.
It’s time to go back to our families now. We take each other home in our hearts. Our stories now intertwine our lives, forever.
“Our stories now intertwine our lives, forever” – Oh that is so good and so true and the best part about friendship, isn’t it?
Amen! Have fun forming bonds and making life memories at Blissdom.
How wonderful it is when you can feel home among strangers. Wish I was there to experience it.
Gave it a shot. Took longer than five minutes. People-watched the people in my house: the ones preparing, and the guests seeking hospitality. Found someOne missing. Wrote about it here:
The people in one’s house are often the most interesting, aren’t they?
Favorite word weavings….
“They’re beautiful in their ferocious delicacy”
“They let themselves stream down their cheeks.”
Lisa-Jo, meeting you at Blissdom was a real pleasure. You’re a beautiful woman–I’d noticed you before I knew that you were the Lisa-Jo of (in)courage. And you were so kind and gracious to everyone who pressed in and wanted to meet you. Watching you was inspiring, just as reading you is inspiring.
I’ve visited your blog before, but I’m not sure I’ve left a comment before. I’m sorry to have been a lurker and not to have taken the opportunity to join in conversation with you. Thank you for your welcoming spirit!