This is the time of week we steal those five minutes while the kids are fingerpainting the dining room table, the neighbor’s dog has stopped barking, or the microwave is popping some corn to splash down our thoughts on paper.

Just five minutes.

To paint a verbal picture.

I’m at the Blissdom Blogging Conference this week – so I’ve got women on the brain and heart. So, if you need a prompt, take it from there – what comes to mind in five minutes of typing about
“The Women.”

Nester at Blissdom by Dawn Camp


They arrive in their ones and twos and droves of high heeled boots and hair spray. They’re beautiful in their ferocious delicacy, their effervescence, their wide-eyed-wonder at one another. They are tender and strong and true. I watch these mamas, workers, lovers, friends meet across ballrooms or congregate in the line outside the ladies room and they are real.

They are not the two-dimensional versions of women we see on the big screen, the flat screen, the pages of the magazine. They are the stuff that hugs and affirmation are made of.  They are loud and whisper soft. They laugh a lot. They let themselves stream down their cheeks.

They tweet.

They hold onto shoulders, hands, hearts as they speak – always inter-connected, this story they share. This journey, this virtue of womanhood. They are my people and I am theirs and I feel myself sinking into the comfort of being a woman among women.

And it’s like coming home.


OK, your turn –