On Fridays around these parts we stop, drop, and write.
For fun, for love of the sound of words, for play, for delight, for joy and celebration at the art of communication.
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?
- 1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:
Sometimes you slip out of your mommy skin and find your voice sounds different. In a room full of women it is less talk of tonka trucks and instead echoes of calling and family and faith and figuring out the wholeness of who you are when puzzled together out of all those bits and pieces. Sometimes it takes getting away from our day to day to see the bigger picture that gives the ordinary extrodinary meaning.
I am with women who have done that this weekend.
Women who lavish encouragement on one another like so many second helpings of ice cream. Women who want what they share in the four walls of their blogging home to be relevant to what goes on in their real life home. To be relevant to their community. To be relevant to their faith.
These women, I wish I could instagram them all for you. I wish I could give you a bird’s eye view of them smile-boothing the evening away with laughter and arms wrapped around each other and hearts filling up right there before our eyes.
It is the picture of flesh and blood body of Christ.
It is a holy wonder.
It is cyber neighbors coming over with pie to welcome you to the neighborhood.
{Oh and if you’re at the Relevant Conference – we’re totally gonna play five minute Friday at Writing Session III on Saturday! Come join us!}
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Loved. Loved. Loved.
Meeting you today!!
Right back at you! And now that I got the linky list working again, I added your link as the first one :)
Why thank you….thank you very much!
{channeling my inner Elvis}
Loved this word, for it is what I have been about lately as I am overseas on a mission trip. So wish I could link up at Relevant but hopefully you will do it again.
I agree! So, so wonderful to meet you…and thank you again for five minute fridays :)
YAY!!!!! What a blessing it has been to get to finally meet you and see your 1000 watt smile in person! You do literally glow. ;) So looking forward to the writing workshop! Woohoo!
“Sometimes it takes getting away from our day to day to see the bigger picture that gives the ordinary extrodinary meaning.” So very true!
Ok, the linky was giving me errors and somehow it posted mine 3 times! Can you delete two of them, or whatever if you don’t care. Suuuuuper sorry. Not sure what happened. :/
Thanks for the 5min friday though. loved it.
No worries :) The linky was totally disobeying me earlier as well!
As always, you do such an amazing job with the prompt!! I struggled with this one a little. You make me think in directions that I haven’t really been before. Thank you for that!
“It is cyber neighbors coming over with pie to welcome you to the neighborhood.”
I love this! Beautiful writing. I have been waiting for Friday all week to read this! :)
What an amazing anaology “Women who lavish encouragement on one another like so many second helpings of ice cream” Ahh I got such a giggle and it’s just so “rich”
Awesome post and I love the lyrical dance of your words. You should be a writer :-)
~ Blessing, Robin
You made me grin :)
This is so important: “To be relevant to their community. To be relevant to their faith.”
I’m loving all the tweets from folks at Relevant! (It seems at least a third of my Twitter stream is there!) Have a fantastic time!
Wow, just hearing about Relevant and checking it all out. sounds awesome! enjoy!
Linky thing is having trouble — here’s my post:
Thanks :D
Once again, thank you for Five Minute Friday and for pushing me to write… even when I’ve got nothing! :)
just found you…..and your awesome site. And love love love that I did!!!!