It’s the fastest, funnest, free write on the web #FiveMinuteFriday ! <–Click to Tweet this
Where a beautiful crowd spends five minutes all writing on the same topic and then sharing ’em over here.
How to Join:
Want to know how Five Minute Friday got started and how to participate? All the details are here.
Featured Five Minute Friday:
And every week I’ll pick a post that caught my eye and share it down there in my side bar – see where it says “Featured Five Minute Friday”? Yea -that could be you! Hop on over and visit some folk who make fireworks in just five minutes. They inspire me.
What They’re Saying:
I also have some Five Minute Friday stories from participants I love to share each week – I can never get over the community that has grown up over a five minute writing exercise.
This one’s from Linda who spent five minutes writing on the topic “connect” and then unplugged for seven days so she could be fully in the moment with her family:
“As I finished up the 300 second post, I knew for certain that I was going to say ‘no’ to writing for a week. Because I can’t be in two places at once. And writing takes a focused energy and concentration that I wanted to pour into my family instead. I made the choice to give us all the gift of me being absolutely right there in the middle of the joyful chaos and whirlwind activity, the quiet one-on-one moments, and the winsome surprises that come with living with the 11 people closest to my heart. For 7 days.’
You all are the special sauce. Got a FMF story you want to share with us? Email me.
Now, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
Oh and Ahem, if you would take pity and turn off comment verification, it would make leaving some love on your post that much easier for folks!
OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on:::
For all the years I’ve traveled and hitch hiked between houses and brown boxes and bubble wrap you’d think I’d have mastered the art of good-bye by now. Truth is, the more grown up I become in this body that sings the tunes of three children these days, the more I loathe a good-bye song.
I can be stubborn.
I can wish it undone.
I can whistle at the dark and into the wind and pretend rather than buckle down and say the hard words.
Because some people aren’t just part of your team, they’re part of your art. And when you paint one-handed you feel less for the creativity that got missed on part of the paper. Sometimes good-bye is like leaving a part of yourself. Or having a part of yourself pack up and drive away.
What does one do with all these half-painted dreams?
Perhaps we look to the horizon for the storm clouds and promises of fresh rain.
Perhaps we stop looking at our own two feet and find fresh eyes to look out for fresh seasons.
Perhaps we keep believing. Keep painting. Keep coloring outside the lines.
Perhaps we don’t say good-bye. We just say tot siens.
OK, show us what you got! {Subscribers, you can just click here to come over and play along}
I never really understood this until I moved away after I got married. Truly felt like a part of me was left behind with my family. Then when we moved back home 3 years later, I felt like I was leaving another part of me in TX with the amazing friends I made there. It’s risky business building relationships…but so worth it.
Ahh, how well I know this mixed up feeling of coming and going and half-painted dreams…. Love what you can do with five minutes!
Man, this has me on the verge of tears. We’ve got a move coming next spring and as I’ve been consumed with the logistical things (fixing the house, selling the house, decluttering) I have not yet thought about the ones I love who I will be leaving. Ah, sadness. Thanks a lot, Lisa-Jo! ;) …But I do love the meaning of tot-siens :) so sweet.
See, you’ve proved it again — why I can’t read yours until I write mine. I wouldn’t have made it through my own!
the words you can shed in five….they get me deep.
I prolly shouldn’t write at night; I couldn’t grasp what I was reaching for. But I was awake and thinkin’ about it…so I did.
And I wish I had linked a different piccha! I do NOT like the one I did!! :) (Not for this…)
And yes…goodbyes. Me no likey. Ever. THAT is something that WON’T change about me! I suspect, you’re in the same boat :).
Lisa Jo,
Sooo…any pearls of wisdom if a linked post we visit has nothing to do with your writing prompt?
That makes me so confused!! :)
Just shoot me an email and let me know the number and I can remove it. We want to honor the five minute community and make sure everyone who links up is part of the free write for sho! :)
This weeks topic is quite ironic for me on this day at this time. My husbands job is coming to an end after more than 13 years and that signals major change. Thanks, I got a good chuckle from it.
Good-byes are so tough! But yes! Keep painting, keep believing – just the encouragement this mama’s heart needed.
Oh, how my heart beats STRONG, STRONG, STRONG with your words.
I know all too well….
my link isn’t showing. i tried to resend and it won’t let me. i don’t think there is usually a delay but i don’t know what to do to make it all work out. if it didn’t go thro’ at about 245 AM of 8/31 when i sent it, i need to find a way to resend where the linky will accept it. let me know how to do it please:(
i should be #43.
I see you there – linked up at number 42 :)
Of net, binnekort.
It’s true I think that the older we get the more resistant major change. Yet we know that change can be good and can point us to God. But in an unpredicatble world change is disconcerting. Thanks, as always, for hosting.
So glad I found this through a friend. What a great idea – and very encouraging! Thanks & God Bless!
I can’t stand goodbyes. I think that’s why I hate airports so much. Learning a new normal without that person in your life is so hard sometimes.
Hey, Sweet Mama ~
Thanks for sharing my 300 second miracle on your post this morning! That 7 day writing sabbatical was one of the best choices I’ve made this year … and I’m all about encouraging others to unplug and do the same!
Lisa-Jo ~ I was so excited that you shared my story this morning that I ended up writing all about the word GO instead of the word CHANGE!!
Please … someone tell me I need another vacation!
Dear #80,
I would love to comment on your free write, but my silly internet does not want to load your blog right now. I will keep trying. I hope you read this!
Much love, #81
I never read your posts before I write my own….too tempting and easy to piggyback on your take on the theme. But yours goes right along with my own thoughts this week….and it resonates deep with me. Thank you.
Oh! No fair! I’ve been robbed of reading an original post! Jk
Praying you have a great day…and relaxing weekend!
Sorry, I meant to say i was surprised after writing mine to come and read how much hers resonated with mine. :)
Boxes packed, stacked around me. Paperwork signed, sealed & delivered. In the mail. Checks and deposits. Reservations. House selling done too fast. Bought new one in a weekend. Saying good byes each time I walk into church. Tears. Joy. Sadness. Confusion. Can’t fathom saying good bye to kids and grands that have shared our roof, our table, our memories. Bright eyes to see me melt my heart and crush my spirit. Good bye? New church aWaits, memories to be made. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. To be in its doors. To put down roots. New neighborhood to be walked. Prayer walked. Prayed for friendships to venture outside their closed doors and hearts. Evangelism in the rawest and most vulnerable form. Hard to remain me, in a material world. No fake nails…they are too fake for me on this journey. I want to be me. Who He made me to be. Amidst the change END
I relate to every ounce of this, especially: “What does one do with all these half-painted dreams?” I’m still not sure…
LOVE this. Thank you, Lisa-Jo.
Truly, God is giving me tangible evidence throughout the day that everything is going to be okay.
Bless you, my friend.
I’m in the middle of a move so this is a very relevant… We didn’t move far and the house we left was overdue for a break-up, but I am still finding myself missing the familiar. I love your thoughts and your heart, sister! Thank you for sharing!
The change when someone leaves is so hard as they are a part of you. I resonate with your post. Thank you. Behind The Smile.
Yes, “what do we do with half-painted dreams? When moves leaves parts of our lives behind, and when we start afresh, with fresh places, fresh seasons, fresh neighbors? I will say, let God.
Thanks to you and to Ms. Lisa-Jo for the prompt-change.
Ugh, good byes. So so hard. “Having a part of yourself pack up and drive away” Yep, that’s a good description. I relate to these thoughts you share about living far from dear ones and good byes and such. I have both stayed and said good bye and been the one living in a foreign place missing the familiar and wishing to share the new with those back home. Thanks again for sharing and a great FMF! Loving this crowd here! Now to go do some twitter hash tagging.
Change. Your words made me think of all the changes I’ve been through in my life. They start to mount up after a while, and then there are the “parts of me left behind” -I’ve moved so much in my life that there are parts of me all over the place- went to 14 different schools growing up. that is a challenge and a book unto itself. There is that Sweet Sorrow that comes when it’s time to move on along this road called life- but such sweet memories and hard ones, too. N
Missed linking my post this week! Here’s the link =)