After years of living all over the world my husband and I have a theory:

“people are people are people.”

{Especially kids, heh.}

And when you all show up here every Friday for what’s nearly two years straight now, with your gut-punchingly awesome words, your wildly unbridled encouragement of one another, and your passion for spending five minutes writing your heart out I’m all like, “yea, people. Sigh. People!”

Because I’m convinced that there’s this fingerprint swirl of Heavenly wonder pressed deep into the heart of each of us. And when the best parts of who we are come out, the parts created so gorgeously in the image of the Father God, then it’s easy to believe. To believe in faith and redemption and promises of a friendship that holds on. Through the storm. Through the whirlwind of joy. Through the baby years and the teenage years and the midlife, finally enjoying the bathroom to yourself years.

This mircocosm of all the best things about community –

Thank YOU.

For nearly two years of wonder. Thank you.

Five Minute Friday is going to take the month of December off. To catch it’s breath. To reflect. To listen more than write. To rest. We’ll start fresh in January. So for now, let’s write our fingers off in just five minutes!

It’s the final #FiveMinuteFriday of 2012; be sure and join in! –>{Click to tweet this}

How to Join:

Want to know how Five Minute Friday got started and how to participate? All the details are here.

Now, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Oh and Ahem, if you would take pity and turn off comment verification, it would make leaving some love on your post that much easier for folks!

OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on:::



I have a friend who’s due any day now to give birth to her first baby. She’s tired and feet swollen and back aching and nervous. We talk for a while after a dinner of burritos surrounded by so many students who are oblivious to the new beginning sitting there between them. We talk quietly under cover of all the chaos around us about life. About the scary, raw, elemental nature of new beginnings.

I want to take off my shoes.

I want to tell her this is the holy stuff. This is the sacred territory. This is God country.

When He makes something from nothing. When he molds and bends and shapes a woman into a mother in a mere nine months. How He delivers us from ourselves through our children. Sacrifice. Who can possibly understand it who hasn’t surrendered her body, her time, her sleep, her schedule, her wants, her needs to someone else.

Parenthood -the ultimate parable.

And to give birth in December? That is it’s own kind of holy wonder. It was a snowy drive for me from our house out in the Michigan farm country to the small town hospital on December 27th.

To give birth in December is to hear echoes of angel choirs and feel the footprints you follow of another mother so long, and deep and far and wide ago.

But so close.

We ache through labor and at the end of that long and ragged tunnel there is always deliverance. It might be hard and terrible in the coming. But it comes.

The Christ comes.

Soon and very soon.


OK, show us what you got! {Subscribers, you can just click here to come over and play along}