I am sitting here thinking of my daughter who has had 3 operations this past year and been almost in bed all the time since last spring, and the doctor just this week told her she can walk now if it doesn’t hurt too much, walk with a walker or can. Her and I always went shopping together and yard saling and I have bee almost stranded without her. The leg isn’t completely healed yet, but it is start. She feels like she is getting out of jail. And I am so glad she can do a little now and maybe by summer we can start going together again. My other daughter lives quite few miles away. We have been praying for her for so long. I was suppose to write for 5 min. And I didn’t time myself so don’t know how long this has been, but guess I better sign off.. Norma
I am sitting here thinking of my daughter who has had 3 operations this past year and been almost in bed all the time since last spring, and the doctor just this week told her she can walk now if it doesn’t hurt too much, walk with a walker or can. Her and I always went shopping together and yard saling and I have bee almost stranded without her. The leg isn’t completely healed yet, but it is start. She feels like she is getting out of jail. And I am so glad she can do a little now and maybe by summer we can start going together again. My other daughter lives quite few miles away. We have been praying for her for so long. I was suppose to write for 5 min. And I didn’t time myself so don’t know how long this has been, but guess I better sign off.. Norma