There is a room full of women all sharing their hearts and their words with each other. Right now. Here. Together tonight. At the Allume Conference.


You’re with us too because this is our safe space. This Friday exhale of words without the editor’s voice. Without the voice that tells us we aren’t skinny enough, or talented enough, or have clean enough houses.

On Fridays we silence that voice and we just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.

Click over here for the back story on how to join us.

Five minutes. On the word TOGETHER


There is no better alone

There is no comfort in the dark night of duvet covers crawled over our heads listening to the lies of the loneliness.

There is no better by ourselves.

There is light and life in the garden of community

There is the cord of love and laughter and generous life and joy poured out in the presence of sisters held together by grace and days of endless dirty laundry.

There is fresh faith and beautiful courage built into the days of sitting down on the front step and saying, I can’t do this thing aloen anymore.

When we go first and open our houses and doors and messy playrooms to the wonder of friendship and hard days and break ups and stories that ache we grow braver, not smaller.

We grow stronger the longer we live out loud.

In the middle of the knowing each other day in and day out. Slowly. The boring days. The hard days. The homework days. The birthdays

The funerals and the heart aches.

The loss and the celebration.

When we do the dishes next to the neighbor who picked up our kids from soccer, we become. We become the best versions of ourselves because we lose ourselves in the stories of the woman standing next to us.

If we go first.

If we come out of hiding

If we open the door

If we say you look nothing like me and you are my sister.

You and you and you over there with the mismatched socks and life and dreams, because I am For you and I am with you and we are in this together.