There are so many things I’m not good at.

And apparently I have an inner monologue determined to record each and every one of them.

There’s a voice in my head that tells me I am not enough. Some days it’s quiet and some days it’s super shouty.

It’s the strangest thing, to discover the back of your brain muttering mean things to yourself.

The whisper is so soft, so ordinary, so normal by now that I rarely stop to investigate. I just let the words run through my veins until they seem like a normal part of my DNA.

This house will never be clean.

You’ll never get caught up on the laundry.

Your words won’t match up to hers.

You’re not good enough.

You’re never going to get caught up.

You can’t do that.

You’re just not good at this.

I heard that voice in the car today. I was sitting in a Panera parking lot in our minivan.

……I’m sharing what I said back to it over at (in)courage today. Read with me, will you? Just click over here….