by Lisa-Jo | Apr 28, 2016 | Faith, Family, No such thing as just a mom
I’ve heard the whispers. The rumblings. The women who pull me aside to share with shy and embarrassed eyes this worry that what you do doesn’t count because you do it at 2am when no one is looking except the baby who’s throwing up. Again. Or because what you do...
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 29, 2016 | (in)courage, Faith
The older I get the more I battle fear. And I know it’s because the older I get the more scary things I see in the world. The more marriages I’ve watched disintegrate, the more friends who’ve lost kids, the more diagnoses I’ve heard others fight through, the more...
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 2, 2016 | Books you should read, Cheering for you, Faith
I’m having a lot of feelings about a book that releases today. I’m sent hundreds of books to review and it’s a huge and wonderful perk of being a blogger. But this one, this one is different. I have to tell you about this book. Not because anyone...
by Lisa-Jo | Jan 29, 2016 | Books you should read, Faith, Family, Rabid fear of parenting, Raising Boys
At ten and eight my boys are now old enough to help. This is revolutionary. They can do their own safety belts, buckle their sister in, ride bikes to go pick up the mail, scramble the eggs, fold their own laundry, help read the bedtime stories, and so the list goes...
by Lisa-Jo | Jan 20, 2016 | Cheering for you, Daughters, Faith, Girlfriends, Love the body you've got, Motherhood, No such thing as just a mom
When the news turns dark, when I have a hard time believing my pastor, and all I want to do is switch between hot baths and my cosy bed, it’s the stories of what women are capable of right there in the middle of the darkness that I need. The stories that take...
by Lisa-Jo | Jan 18, 2016 | Faith, Girlfriends, Just plain hard
For the last few years it has become tradition for our family to spend Easter weekend in PA with Jon and Christie Purifoy at their farmhouse called Maplehurst. They’re friends who’ve known us the longest — since the days when none of us had kids yet....