Why do I go on an on about community and how much it means to me?

Whether it’s over diapers or screaming kids or the frustration of parenthood.

Whether it’s over finding myself in the lost corridors of motherhood or connecting with you about how we work hard at liking our kids and not just loving them.

Because I know that we were created for community. I feel it in my bones. And oh what I wouldn’t give to be able to talk motherhood, marriage and life lived in the in between with you in person.

What if we could?

Because in April 2012 (in)courage is bringing a conference to you. A conference all about connecting women locally and in real life.

Take 5 minutes, make sure you’re wearing waterproof mascara, and watch with me won’t you?

Because please, oh I’d so love if you’d come! {Also? This conference has sort of been like my second baby}.

Subscribers – just click here to see the (in)RL trailer.

And did you know it’s only $10 to register – and you get a free T-Shirt with that?

What are you waiting for? This is the perfect gift to give yourself!