Around here we write for five minutes flat on Fridays.

We write because we love words and the relief it is to just write them without worrying if they’re just right or not. So we take five minutes on Friday and write like we used to run when we were kids.

On Fridays we write with gusto, unselfconscious and flat out.

What can you write in five minutes flat? {—> click to tweet}.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.

OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:





They knock on the back door with those dirty faces – the cleanest part of them. Their clothes. I don’t even know what to say about their clothes. I strip off everything down to their tiny, tightie whities and escort them direct to the tub. I wish I could say I laughed. I wish I could say I celebrated their boyhood or the rain or the backyard wonderland of mud.

I saw the carpet. And the tracks upon tracks. Boys, dog, boys.

I’m the one who taught them how to dance in the rain.

I yelled and stormed and flung a pair of crocs out the back door.

The paw prints stained the world.

I heard myself and I turned the shower up higher.

I heard myself and I slammed a screen door closed.

I heard myself and I snapped right back, “But look at this place.” Micah cried in the shower.

The evening measured in inches. Slow inches. These boys are grown so tall. I am the mom and the boss and the dancer and the whiner. I shrank a bit that night.



OK, show me what you’ve got.
{Subscribers, you can just click here to come over and play along}


I think motherhood should come with a super hero cape and a cheerleader.
My {free} ebook The Cheerleader for Tired Moms might be the next best thing.
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