OK here’s the deal. A couple years ago I was about one pair of raggedy old sweat pants away from never leaving my house again. And I needed an intervention. Pinterest style boards make me hyperventilate and I get skeeeered of speaking at conferences where I know everyone will look like they stepped right out of Anthropologie (I just had to Google how to spell that and – true confession – I’ve NEVER been in the store).
So about two years ago I went searching for easy fashion assistance I could shop for from home.
As I started unpacking this week I realized that more than HALF my wardrobe these days is from Stitch Fix. I hate malls and shopping and am the most fashion-challenged person EVER. I promise you. I have done all my Christmas and birthday shopping online for the last two years in a row – I LOVE everything about not having to go into a mall. LOVE IT. And when I enter a store I get all kinds of overwhelmed and can never decide if what I’m looking at in the mirror makes me look fashionably trendy or just fashionably challenged.
So, enter two things that are helping get me out of bed and into cute clothes every other day, instead of just my sneakers and sweats (which I love, don’t get me wrong!) Because busy moms need to share tips, yes?
1. Stitch Fix – The online stylist that picks out pretty clothes and mails them to your doorstep – $20
So I’m trying to get out of my minivan driving, sweat pants schlump and you guys I LOVE this site Stitch Fix – I’m guessing maybe you’ve heard of it? If not, it’s basically an online stylist who shops for you and then delivers a sweet little package of 5 items of hand picked clothing to your door step.
It’s $20 for the styling fee which gets applied to any items you purchase. Return anything else you like at no charge and free shipping. It may be changing my life.
You can keep as many or few of the items as you like and the $20 gets applied to anything you decide to buy. Return what you don’t want in the postage prepaid enveloped. Easy as pie.
There’s a detailed style profile you fill out with great questions like what body parts would you most like to hide (arms, always my arms) vs. show off (um, hair?). It has detailed outfits to give thumbs up or down to and then a stylist goes a’shopping for you – as easy as that.
The items are kinda pricey I think ($40-$78 range for my latest fix) but the quality is really something. And I’m learning that one great piece can really fancy up the rest of the outfit. And I’ll tell you, two years in and all my Stitch Fix stuff has WAY outlasted my usual Target/Penneys buys. (And they have an amazing referral program – so if a friend buys something through your referral link —>BOOM it’s money in the bank for your next fix).
I hate malls and shopping and am the most fashion-challenged person EVER. I promise you. But Stitch Fix is like your fashion Fairy Godmother – she sends you 5 pieces to choose from and pretty much dresses you up in the ways you wish you could dress yourself.
These are 8 recents pieces that I snapped pics of as I was unpacking them this morning—
Top photos:
- – Memphis Lace Overlay Knit Shirt
- – Mystree Crochet lace detailed top (not sure if this is the exact right name)
- – Mavi Kalie Denim Jacket
Bottom Photos:
- – Sonja Boyfriend jeans (the dark ones; the light pair is from Sears)
- – Analeigh Crochet Detail Dolman Knit top for cool evenings
- – Feather layering necklace
- – Brixon Ivy Diaz Embroidery & Crochet Detail Cotton Top
- – Erik Striped Tote beach bag
I especially love how each item comes with a little card with suggestions for what to pair it with and how best to wear it. Sigh. Happy happy me.
I mean, doesn’t this beachy bag spell all kinds of happy?
And if you sign up you can bag up credits too for anyone you refer to the magic of Stitch Fix too.
2. ThredUp – it’s like online consignment shopping for grown ups.
OK for reals, the fact that I can shop from the comfort of my bed for deals on beautiful second-hand clothes for myself AND MY KIDS? That I don’t have to actually drag my kids to an actual store with me and sweat the temper tantrums and the fear of losing my boys who inevitably start playing war games hiding in the racks of clothes? PRICELESS!
And yes yes yes this is SO my referral link for ThredUp because when you use it YOU GET A FREE $10 to SPEND and SO DO I!! Win-win people!
And I gotta tell you that you can also MAIL IN YOUR GENTLY USED CLOTHES to ThredUp and if they accept them they’ll add store credit to your account and boom – closet spring cleaning PLUS spending cash for pretty clothes. I shop for all my kids’ stuff almost exclusively now at ThredUp.
So that’s where I’m at. Plenty still to learn. Still knee deep in unpacking and boxes. But feeling a bit braver and that perhaps there’s some fun to be had with fashion after all.
OK, your turn. Hit me up with all your genius fashion tips, blogs, sites, friends. Seriously, I’ll take all the help I can get.
Let’s swap tips in the comments, eh?
I’ve had such a hard time with this particular post. I adore your blog, and feel so encouraged to have a sister in Christ writing my story – daily. I’ve had three kids in as many years. My youngest (5 months) still sleeps in a pack-n-play in my closet (which makes getting into the closet to dress very difficult) . My husband is a minister of the gospel, and I am a stay-at-home mom. We have no expendable cash. Reading all these great ideas about wardrobe make-overs rattles me. I have an M.A. in English and was a tenured instructor at our local college. I used to get up in the morning and purposefully choose my outfit, accessories, and heels. I enjoyed doing so. Now I hope to find the least annoying waistband and a clean maternity shirt. I love my life and am grateful for the choice I made to resign and stay home with my three beautiful children, but I am not grounded enough in who I am in Christ to not feel less than because I don’t have the time, money, energy, patience, etc. to figure out another “thing.” I am frustrated with my own standards in this area. I want Christ to be my standard, but I also want to have a chic wardrobe I don’t have to explain away. Again, I LOVE YOUR BLOG and am soooooo grateful for the time and energy you put into ministering to moms. Thanks for listening.
I’m also in a situation where I gave up the opportunity to wear cute clothes and have expendable income to supplement my wardrobe, in order to minister to others and be where God wants me to be right now. I miss dressing up and feeling cool and normal, but I’m glad to be following God as best I can. *hugs* and prayers sent your way.
Hey there E.G.
You’re making the brave choices and I so get those. Beauty is always who we are and not what we wear. Thank you for grace beautiful sister.
Thank you E.G. for reminding me that we are part of the body of Christ, clothed with Christ. These temporal situations we face are nothing in comparison to the glory to come. Hey, maybe Christ will come back today! I know He wont care what I’m wearing (heck, neither will I!) :) Again, thank you for being you!
I think we are all at different points in our life. I started reading and following fashion blogs trying to get ideas and such of new ways to wear my current clothes. I am not fashion savvy. I like to look cute But I am 100% a t-shirt and jeans kind of gal. So seeing all the fashion savvy women with adorable clothes and cute accessories that pair together so well made me feel inferior and I had to step back from it all. I had to be ok with me being who I am and where I am at in life. I too d not have the money to be buying new clothes all time or finding accessories to go with every outfit.
I write all this to say, don’t let Lisa jo’s journey make you feel less than. {Besides I don’t think she would want you to feel this way} You are amazing at what you are doing and the sacrifices you made are heroic by far! I mean your youngest is 5 months at that point in my youngest’s life I was exactly like you (and 12 months later I still have the baby weight look for the most comfortable waist band) Oh I hope that you can look at this as the journey that Lisa Jo is on {after wearing worn out sweatpants for several years} and not let it get you down.
I hope that my msg will encourage you because that it how i mean it. Just know that you have a fellow momma that struggles with fashion posts and has to take a step back everyone once in a while.
You are amazing! Even in your sweat pants :)
Lovely Jimmie Lee, thank you for such beautiful words. Yes and yes and yes to all of it!
So much love and thanks
Hi Jimmie Lee,
Thank you thank you thank you! I feel a little silly that I wrote that original comment, but I am so blessed that I did. Moms like you are such an encouragement to me. Thank you for the reminder that life is seasonal.
Love in Christ,
Hey there Jacquelynn,
Oh well first off I wish I was there to come over with some snacks and hold the baby with you for a while and maybe help fold the laundry. Because I really truly do understand what you’re saying. We’ve lived with a budget so tight it’s hard to breathe for years and years now. And I’ve felt as awkward around “fashion blogs” as around my fashionable friends. So this post, this is just me trying to share some of my journey and featuring the freebie sites that are teaching me that what I already have can be used in creative ways. And buying one or two new things with credits I’ve saved up. But if it makes you even a smidgen uncomfortable or discouraged, well then just kick this post to the curb, go snuggle up with your wee one (the most beautiful of any kind of accessory possible) and wait till tomorrow when I’ll be sharing again about the muddy footprints across my carpet, the left over hot dog Zoe just picked up off the floor and started eating from yesterday and the prayers I need to hold onto with both hands not to lose my mind and my temper with my kids.
In the meantime, thank you for grace. warmest of wishes,
Hi Lisa-Jo,
I’m so sorry if my response to your post seemed frustrated. Thank you for your loving response (I didn’t actually expect to get any response at all!). Reading all the comments on here has me in tears. Maybe I am not as alone as I feel. Maybe these negative feelings are just more lies from the deceiver. Thank you for your heart and your writing. I’ll go cuddle my little Sophie, smile at the toddlers and remember that God’s grace is so big, even as to cover my insecurities. By the way, the new outfits are stellar! Each picture captures you beautifully.
Your avid reader and sister-in-Christ,
Whoa! Three kids in three years! No, you get the special mom award for that. I bet the Virgin Mary had lots of spit-up on her, what, three tunics. Don’t sweat it. There is, literally, no shame in having little in the way of clothes, and feeling a little style-challenged was probably the least of my worries as a mom, and I only had ONE child! Why do Christian women feel so ashamed of our appearance. Laura Ingalls Wilder had maybe two week-day dresses and a nice one for church, and she was a farm wife who got really dirty. (She was well-known for her stylish attire in her community before she was married.) Again, you have higher priorities.
I’m just praying for you. Really. I am super impressed, and I almost don’t know what to say. You’re amazing, and I don’t care what you’re wearing.
Yeah Baby!!! All about mix and match!
You look fabulous. But then, I think you probably look pretty good in sweat pants, too. I have many body parts I want to hide, but those arms? Oh yeah, they’re right up there at the top. It’s a weird genetic thing – all the women in my family have these humungous upper arms. Sigh. Your baby girl is getting so.big.so.fast. How did that happen??
You look beautiful, Lisa-Jo! I’m all about dressing for the day I want to have, and you look like you’re ready to have a fabulous day:)
I love the way you cuffed your jeans. I couldn’t pull it off! You look fabulous. I like the flower print shirt too!
Oh good gravy thank you because even looking at those photos I’m sure I did it wrong. Ha – I’m on a bigggg learning curve :)
That’s how I cuff my jeans. I HAVE to do it every day because jeans are always too long for me! Short lengths are too short and average lengths are too long…*sigh*
The key to jean cuffs is to make them even. And bigger ones look intentional. Smaller cuffs just make it seem your pants don’t fit right.
Good tip. Thank you. Noted.
Lisa Jo,
Thanks so much for these links. I had never heard of any of the sites and I’m excited to know that personal shopping tips are available so affordably, especially for moms.
You are so adorable. Everything looks great on you. And theses sites are so amazing. Had no idea. I used to be a personal shopper for people at Saks. My best friend lives 100’s of miles away from me and wears the same things until I go visit and take her shopping. Sending her the links. (You’ll meet her at Jumping Tandem.) :)
You used to be a personal shopped? Gah! Your lucky LUCKY friends!
Oh my goodness, so much to love in this post. So, apparently we are on the same fashion journey because every single one of those I’ve recently discovered as well!!
Unfortunately, I sent everything back from my first fix. The one thing I wanted was just too pricey. But you…oh my goodness. You hit the jackpot! I LOVE that red sweater and that black and white top is just divine on you. So excited it worked out for you!
And yes to Audrey and Putting Me Together! I have so many of her outfits pinned. She’s fabulous!
Style Up..I realized I signed up but haven’t been getting their emails. I’ll be off to find them in my spam folder.
Fun, fun! You look gorgeous, dahling!
Thanks Amy! And I agree the StitchFix stuff is pricey. But those referral credits can add up and I try to wait on those to schedule my next fix #PennyPincher :)
Hey girl! Whoop Whoop! I love this post and your ideas. The one thing I’ve found (since I can’t match outfits to save my life) is to go to a good consignment store and ask someone to dress me. Sometimes they say call and the lady who does the displays is in this day and then come in then. So then the display lady will help me put together stuff, ask what I have and all together be a free sylist. Then I get consignment designer goods (amazing deals) and I get outfits not just a t-shirt. I do three day hair with no-pooing (like Jessica at Bohemien Bowmans) which is amazing. I also hyperventalate when entering stores and am overwhelmed so I’ve started online shopping as well.
I struggled for a long time with I want to look nice, but want to die to sinly desires and for some reason came out of church as a young teen believing that God only loved un make uped, no product hair and just normal cheap clothes. I was so conflicted when I saw beautiful Godly women. Thankfully I saw the truth and love dressing nicely/my style while staying within my budget. Thank for this. Definetly will be checking out stich fix. I’m a busy working (50 hrs) single mama (well, just married, but deployed) so any help I can get and save time is AMAZING.
Have a awesome fashionable week!
I so LOVE consignment stores!! There are several in my area, too, but I’d never thought to ask someone there to dress me – awesome idea for when I can find a babysitter!! :) My latest finds were some nice brand name tops – J. Crew, Old Navy, etc. – that were $1 each!! I could not believe my eyes!! They had marked them all down because they were “winter” items.
Isn’t that the best Amy! I two pair of designer jeans (like usually 200 plus) in perfect condition for $25 and they fit so amazing! I love when I find a deal for an awesome price. I rather shop consignment or thrift stores any day over “real” stores. My girls love thrift stores because it is a treasure hunt and their money (age 6 and 8) goes so much further.
That’s the only place I shop now – consignment stores – besides Goodwill and other such stores. Thankfully, the area where I live is relatively small and the consignment stores are plentiful! I even happened to catch one that was going out of business this past Fall and got several nice things for less than $20 total. :)
And the kids (4 and 8) only get new clothes if someone else buys them (i.e., grandparents). I shop (and sell) at consignment sales that occur twice a year. Yes, it’s a bit of work to prep all of their old clothes, but I get to clean out and restock their closets at the same time. Plus, I almost always come out ahead money-wise.
Word, kids consignment sales are like crack to me. I go a little nutty with excitement at them :)
Oh good gravy, a consignment store that will also help style you??? That would be like dying and going to fashion heaven. LOVE it! Thanks for the great input. Yes, finding balance between style and paranoia is always something I’m working on too :) best wishes for a lovely Tuesday, Lisa-Jo
While I haven’t checked out the sites yet, I LOVE the idea of someone showing me how to use what I have in different ways!! I absolutely LOVE Old Navy, and about 3 years back, pretty much redid my whole wardrobe there…over several shopping trips of shopping 90% off already reduced clearance prices…because I’d FINALLY lost the baby weight from my now 8-year-old and 4-year-old. :)
Anyway, it’s funny that you’d write about cuffing your jeans. I don’t know where she got it, but my 4-year-old daughter does that with ALL of her pants. I could seriously take a picture of her every day and her pants are cuffed…sometimes to where the pants look like capris! Ha! I had no idea how “fashion forward” she was. She had on some leggings yesterday (along with a too short shirt, mismatched princess socks, and almost too small sandals) and she had the hems of the leggings rolled up. Thankfully, we were at home all day, but I like to let her express herself with what she wears – to a point.
Thank you for all you do. I love reading your blog and have oftentimes passed along posts to other moms (my sister and mother included) who may like/need to read it. Now, if I can just take the time to look over those other websites…I need to get out of the house today, so I probably will. :)
LOVE this! I can’t afford StitchFix right now. My favorite store is Goodwill. But I love those sites you listed for ideas, and you look great! One of my favorite fashion sites is refashionista.net. She does quick, sometimes no-sew refashions on out-of-style frumpy clothing, and I love this because I do not have a ton of money to spend. When I do, I rarely want to risk wasting big bucks on an item I may end up not wearing much. Craftiness such as hers allows for guilt-free experimentation!
Ooooo totally checking out Refasionista now. And I LOVE consignment/thrift stores as well. These other sites help me in the selection process wherever I’m shopping – because that’s what I’m so not good at. Putting an outfit together. Thanks for the tip!
Jenny, I saw this and I had to comment. I can’t afford StitchFix either right now… but what I’ve recently discovered is great about Goodwill, is that you can sometimes splurge on a $5 top that’s totally out of your comfort zone. And if you end not really loving it, well, then it was only $5!
I have to admit I love thrift stores anyway. The sheer variety of styles and colors, not being hampered by what’s “in” at that moment, and the low prices…. even if I could afford department stores, I think I’d still frequent the (better) thrift stores!
You are so beautiful!
Remind me to share the outtakes with you sometime, eh? :) (PS Thank you)
Yes, please. Outtakes. :)
Hello gorgeous girl!
Love the red.
Love this post.
You of course are awesome. My hero.
Oh my word, you look FABULOUS! I love the red sweater on you, Lisa Jo!!! The other outfits are very flattering and cute, too! I have recently started looking a little more at fashion blogs/sites, too. For years our budget had no money at all for anything other than what the children absolutely had to have clothing-wise. Not really much for me (or my husband). After reading some of Dave Ramsey’s materials, I was struck with how I can create a clothing budget (of course it’s still not much since it has to cover all 7 of us, but it is possible and gives me a little breathing room). Another fun site I have been watching (and even participating in, GULP) is The Pleated Poppy and specifically her What I Wore Wednesday (http://thepleatedpoppy.com/2013/01/what-i-wore-wednesday-102/) posts, where hundreds of women link up with their most recent outfits. The whole idea behind it is to get us moms thinking about sprucing up a little, getting out of those yoga pants and taking care of our appearance. I think it’s a fabulous encouragement, just like this post of yours. Thank you!!!
Hey there Scarlett,
Oooo yes I love the Pleated Poppy’s link up. I’ve always been way way wayyyy too intimidated to join. But I love looking through all the ideas.
Okay, my friend, come on over… http://thepleatedpoppy.com/2013/01/what-i-wore-wednesday-103/ You can do it! I’m #320 LOL! I’ll hold your hand and breathe deeply (and gulp) with you. xo
I need to be in America. Sigh. My style vanished with my waistline a while back! I wonder if there is a UK equivalent of Stitchfix…..
So glad you love Putting Me Together!! Isn’t Audrey great?!
I’m not a mom yet, but I’ve always just gone for whatever’s comfy and brightly colored. Now, thanks to her, I’m finally learning how to look much more “put together ” and still be comfortable! I have to admit, Pinterest has helped me figure out my style too. I started pinning looks I liked, even if I didn’t think I could pull them off, and it’s shown me trends that I prefer – like blue jeans and tan. Totally helping me repurpose items I’d almost given away!
Yes I’m trying not to be afraid of Pinterest and Audrey’s been good about teaching me how to use it. And how to be more thoughtful about what I already have. Also, she’s just darling and it’s fun watching her turn a belt into something that changes a whole look.
Oh, goodness! I so struggle with my clothing. We were so broke, I used to buy only men’s tshirts and my husband and I would both wear them. Attractive, no? :) Now I am a single mom and have lost a bunch of weight, so I can’t wear much in my closet anymore. Seriously. I am wearing skirts to church with binder clips holding them together! :)
BUT, I would love to feel better about what I wear. I shop at Goodwill and thrift stores and have found some great pieces, but I have no idea how to wear them or make an outfit with them. I am excited to watch your journey and hopefully figure out what to do with that beautiful scarf sitting in my closet. I may even splurge on those clearance boots I saw at Target!
If this is available in Canada, I am going to squeal so loudly you’ll be able to hear me at your house. Consider yourself warned! :)
Oh I sure hope so. And it shall be worth the squeeeel – oh yes, it shall :)
What a great, fly post :-)
And YOU look fabulous and fierce.
Fierce? Oh I especially like that. Thank you Phyllis!
Love you. Love your heart. That is all. :)
Lisa Jo – I signed up last night through your FB link. Is it OK to put “the cheaper the better” on all my price points — because that’s really how I shop? I will probably never buy the entire box of items, because I don’t have a lot of expendable income, but I’m slowly trying to put some nice, versatile pieces into my wardrobe. It sounds fun to have someone pick out items for me. And one more question – If I send it all back, I’m only out $20 – right?
I put cheap cheap cheaper the better on all my selections :) Hoping you like at least one thing. That’s what I shoot for. Then it feels worth it. Let me know how it turns out!
Got my stitchfix today and hope you got referral credit! : ) My box had a cardigan that was to die for, but was too small. (It was the size I told them, but the sleeves were too tight and too short.) Another shirt was too small, and I really hated everything about it. Another was just OK. They sent a scarf, and I love scarves, but I would never pay $40 for a scarf, so it went back. But then, drumroll please, there was this gorgeous black top. I would have never even picked it up in the store, but I feel beautiful in it. I had my “fix” scheduled to arrive for Valentines Day and told my husband that if there was anything in the box that I loved, he could give it to me for Valentine’s. So, he is happily giving me a beautiful black drapey, slimming, sexy top. Win-win for everyone!
Yeeeeha!!! LOVE hearing that. So so fun. That’s how it was for me first time too – nothing too great but then that one item that was so lovely and made me feel all gorgeous. Oh I am so happy to hear it! Thanks for the referral credit – I’ve got a new fix arriving next week and I’m already counting down the days! Happy Valentine’s!
When I drive through the D.C. area on my way to visit my sis in Maine, I’m looking you up and buying you a mocha frappe because I’m pretty sure you can read my mind. This is the perfect post for me and so different from what I’m used to reading here, but just another glimpse into normal mama life. Thanks so much for that. I’m totally going to check out StitchFix. I never have any idea what looks good or is trendy. I really just want to take a girlfriend of mine shopping with me so I can point to her the whole time and say, make me look like that. But this might be better and less creepy :) You look awesome. In love with the favorite shirt!
Lindsey, laughing SO hard at the thought of your “Mannequin” friend shopping trip :) LOVE that. And yes, I get that this post is off topic of my usual kids temper tantrums and left over food I forgot to refrigerate and the joy and heart ache and wonder of motherhood, but it’s part of where I’m at right now and since I’ve felt so terribly bad at fashion I figured, hey, maybe the girls reading along would get some inspiration out of knowing there are options out there beyond dragging our trendy friends into Penneys for a consult :) So I’m glad it may have given you a grin and some inspiration.
happiest of Tuesdays to you!
Love the way the post turned out. Good tips in there and i love the links. Now just need to take time to check them out. And I’m happy to be your paparazzi anytime!
So… love this post… and I am a style weary working mama… who feels like when she hit her forties… she hit the fuddy duddys too… And I’m a bigger girl – anyone out there with “cheaper the better” ideas for a plus size lovely who is tired of everything… and I mean EVERYTHING being made with spandex… because really I think I’m beautiful, but well when you got curves that go on and on – ummm… well… they need to go somewhere when you cover them with spandex… it usually ends up rolling over the top and I end up with a Costco (Sam’s Club) sized muffin top or more on top than the good Lord blessed me with? Would love some great on-line deals, stores, ideas available in Canada…
Love all you mamas out there… You’re all beautiful and this post has just reaffirmed that we’re even more beautiful together… {Hugs}
This is by far one of the most useful posts I have ever seen! Thank you from a mom that doesn’t usually try to hard with fashion but now feels inspired to get it together!!!! Thank you!!!!
Ok, I don’t have any good fashion tips {’cause, you know, I’m the one wearing the 6-year-old yoga pants with the droopy rear end right now…and I don’t do yoga so I don’t have any excuse at all}, but I just have to say you are So cute and SO fun. I just love your real-ness, your voice and your new style! You GO, girl!
Impressive list of suggestions! But I already have a 13-year-old daughter who is not shy about sharing her fashion opinions. :)
“All her household is clothed in scarlet.” (Prov. 31) –God cares about style and comfort. And the most amazing thing about these pictures is the glow that you shine because you FEEL pretty. That is better than any makeup or fashionable outfit. A woman who feels lovely is the most lovely thing God made. =)
I don’t know what I loved more: the post or the comments! =) Kudos to you for bravely tackling this, I loved your honesty and voicing what so many of us feel.
I love finding one thing each day whether it’s a scarf or earrings or just flat-ironing my hair and wearing mascara to make me feel pretty. Then I try to smile at myself when I see a reflection.
And I go through times with my little girls where I play dress up, trying to duplicate a look I’ve seen elsewhere (hello, Pinterest!) with what I have in my closet right now. It’s being creative and showing grace to myself. =)
And I love Together in Ten, so many great tips and ideas and encouragement!!
Off to check out the other links!
P.S. I love the last picture of you smiling at Zoe. =)
P.P.S. Love your outfits, I’m totally trying the cuffed jeans look. ;-)
Love this! Putting Me Together is one of my favorite blogs! So inspirational…I’ve spent quite a bit of time working on putting together a wardrobe (on a budget) that works well together and allows me to get dressed quickly in the morning and feel put together. I’ve gotten some great things at Goodwill plus lots of Target and Kohl’s clearance finds. :) I also like http://www.bluepaperlanterns.com. She has a $600 annual clothing budget and puts together some cute outfits! I signed up for StyleUp, too! Thanks for the post!!
Thank goodness it’s not a sin (a time-saver, right?!) to put on makeup in the car…one less thing on my guilt-list! Hooray!
Love this post and all of the comments. Such lovely ladies with transparent hearts. Thank you Lisa-Jo for providing a safe place for our sisters in Christ to share their hearts and encourage one another. And you look beautiful in all the pics – having a “happy surprise” baby at 40 (when my older two were 16 and 14) turned my wardrobe upside down and I am slowly trying to put it (and myself) back together :) Blessings!!
what a great post!!!!! love you in the red sweater too. i seriously looked into everything you posted. thanks for helping some of us fashion challenged moms ; )
Hi! I am a new follower on twitter — loved this! I used to feel quite helpless and overwhelmed and then found cabionline.com and a stylist and lovely wrack of clothes came to my livingroom and I got to select what I wanted with the help of the stylist. (She taught me, finally, what style of jeans to look for!) It was a dream come true. Six years later, now I am also a cabi stylist and don’t own any other labels! Unless I am going to a wedding or a black tie affair, I say “if CAbi doesn’t make it, I don’t need it!” Also, I just stumbled across this great article about how a tiny change, something like a tweak in a wardrobe, can have such positive results. Enjoy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sally-mcgraw/personal-style-happiness_b_2489758.html?utm_hp_ref=body-image
I never comment, but I LOVE this, and I’m pinning it to come back to later. We had a shoestring budget (if even that much, ha!) for so many years, and these days I am still in my belly-ever-growing-and-then-shrinking-and-then-surprise!-you’re-pregnant-again-yes-already stage of life. ;) Even when not with child, I am still “with child on the outside” as a baby wearer, so I sometimes wonder if I will ever be able to look cute and fashionable. I’ve loved reading your responses and encouragements in the comments here – my babies truly are the best and sweetest accessories. :) They are a worthy sacrifice, to be sure. Nevertheless, I’m grateful for the tips and websites you’ve shared here.
And since you asked for tips, I have two to share. We are involved in a student ministry, so as a way to spend with younger girls, once around 10 months post partum, I had a few girls come over to do a “what not to wear” job on my closet. They were so kind and helpful (because I could trust them to be honest ;) ) and we had a wonderful time hanging out while purging my closet of things that had been hanging on since high school and other clothes that they confided were total mom clothes and aging me a little. Then they went shopping with me and helped pick out some newer things. We went to Kohls because I had a coupon, but you could just as easily go to a consignment store or Goodwill – more people means you can hunt the racks twice or three times as fast! :)
Also, I stopped washing my hair all the time too. Now I only wash my hair twice a week. I never thought I could, since I have fine blonde hair, but I figured out that putting product in it the day I wash it helps it to look better, not greasier, the second and third days, especially if I spray the stuff around my face; then it stays off my face and out of my hands all day long. I use a dry shampoo (Not Your Mother’s brand, I get it at Wal-Mart) and occasionally baby powder (probably only blonde-friendly because of the color) to help absorb oil on my non-washing days. And a shower cap. Now THAT’S a mom thing to do, lol.
Cheers Mama, thanks for sharing and always being an encouragement. :)
Someone linked your post on fb and I clicked through. I used your referral link to stitchfix.
I usually buy good quality clothing on sale or at thrift stores so when I filled out the profile I put $50 – $100 per item rather than “the cheaper the better” although I would prefer they be “cheap” prices but quality clothing. ‘Just wondered what you put in those boxes.
Hey Melanie,
I selected the cheapest option they had for all of them. And then I felt embarrassed (isn’t that ridiculous) and so I think I bumped one of them up to the $50-100 range. True story.
Oh thank you! I am fashion-clueless, completely and totally. I go for comfort over fashion. That being said, I *LOVE* your red sweater and I totally would have chosen the floral blouse for myself but the sweater would be one of those things a friend would have to talk me into but I’d never choose for myself on my own. I learned to tie a scarf from Trina Holden at Allume this year (I told her she can dress me because she is much better at it than I am!) I need to look at the links you gave because I need *HELP*. :) Bless you, lady!
I am a huge fan of comfort too and it’s why I love that red sweater so much. It’s super super soft and cosy. LOVE It. And yes, Trina has serious style mojo!
Lisa, I’ve just discovered you :) And its kind of funny that this is your post today because before I even hiked on over here from twitter — I was thinking how much I like your smile and how much it makes me want to smile. So…reading the first few sentences about going to blogging conferences and that story you or I can’t spell — I was thinking…”It really doesn’t matter what she wears — she has such an infectious beautiful smile (and it goes all the way to your eyes) that everything else pales in comparison.” Enjoy your new clothes but know that they are in the shadow of the smile that makes the outfit!
Blessings, Debbie
ummm…apparently I can’t spell “store” either…
Well Debbie, you about made my evening! How lovely to meet you :)
how fun! Love the red sweater especially! I have something similar but it’s red/black stripes which I got from walmart clearance for like $4 or something crazy like that. i didn’t expect to love it but I do!
Here’s a post I wrote for Fancy Little Things on how to wear 1 shirt 4 ways: http://www.fancylittlethings.com/2013/01/one-shirt-4-ways/
And one I wrote on how to update your 2013 winter look inexpensively:
http://www.fancylittlethings.com/2013/01/5-cheap-easy-ways-to-update-your-winter-2013-look/ (oh just realized the red/black sweater made it into this last post).
Love your brief foray into fashion! =)
Oooo thank you – going over to check those posts out now!
The confidence that comes from the way you feel in your new clothes shines! Looks like you got some big smiles and sass for free;)
I JUST got my confirmation/acceptance yesterday. Thank you for telling me about this. I’m so finishing my profile and getting my first box. You are too adorable, girlfriend. That B&W shirt – SHUT UP! (a la Stacey & Clinton) Love it!
BTW – what does that shirt look like with the red sweater ? I’m guessing awesome (especially with a belt over both of them).
Oooo I would never have thought of that #Clueless. But will try!
Post a pic if it works. If not, delete these comments. ;)
Just scheduled my first fix for the 15th! Woot!
I looooove this post for so many reasons. First, just as I believe you don’t have to be wealthy to be healthy, I also believe you can be frugal AND fashionable. The problem is neither of this is inherently convenient…throw a few kids in the mix and you’ve got sweat pants & twinkies for days :). Now, sweats & twinkies have their place, but I’m not sure either of those really gives us the lift we need to be our best every day. There is truth in looking good and FEELING better. I’m a mom that works not only as cheif officer of our household, but also for corporate America. I’m surrounded by the career gals with perfect manicures. I’m lucky if I shower and (gasp) blow dry my hair. I am really excited to check out your suggestions & get motivated to start shopping in my own closet again – my mind is open to the possibilities. Thank you.
Howdy Molly – more power to you! I know the feeling of being the only one who is juggling kids anytime she’d also like to be juggling a hair dryer. Oy, it’s so much more work to get ready when you’re mom. I never could quite figure out the balance and always just have pretty much hit or miss days. But the hit days are nice :)
I’m so happy for you!!
My go to girls are
http://www.jseverydayfashion.com/ and http://www.kendieveryday.com/
I get J’s Everyday fashion in my email and everytime I like something or can copy it, I file it in a Fashion folder.
It might be better if I had folders like: Fashion –Career, Fashion –Weekend, Fashion — Sunday Best;
I would love to know a website where someone chronicles the HOUSE CLOTHES. I have an unfortunate love for crazy non matchy clothes that I lounge around in the house in. My poor husband gets to look at me in the scrub clothes and the world gets my best.
So so sad.
If only scrub clothes were stylish.
Oh Lisa .. I forgot to tell you the most AMAZING thing I’ve done as of late.. We decided we didn’t need a guest room any longer.. so I turned it into my very own dressing room.
Two clothing racks are in there with a full length mirror, ALL jewelry out and displayed. One rack holds clothes that I love and inspire me: The purple lace dress that I paid an arm and leg for, the red leather jacket I got for 70% off, the purple leather jacket I found for a steal at a thrift store, the mink coat I inherited that I will wear one day, etc.. The other rack holds the clothes I will wear the following week. Saturdays, I plan my outfits and hang them up along with scarves & accessories. It builds anticipation for the week and rotates my closet.
A great way to find great outfits is doing the 30 for 30 challenge:
My inspiration for my “dressing room”
There’s a HUGE wall to display my jewelry:
I have my wedding veil displayed on the wall and it makes me happy to look at it everyday;
It’s great to have a room that’s just mine.
It’s awesome if you can do it.
I have found Pinterest to be a great resource. I tad addicting. I found out what my style was from looking at the pins and now when I shop I look for pieces that fit that look. I like to dress up out of sweats on Sundays, small group nights and other special occasions. I do find it easier to dress down at home. I would feel really upset if I dressed up and ruined and outfit
I so feel like I should know how to be cool and trendy but I just don’t know how! Aaaah! Someone else who is intimidated by cool ppl. :-P I might just have to try out some of those links. Thanks!
The great thing about you, my dear, is that you are lovely in these gorgeous clothes, AND you’re lovely in sweats. You show us moms that it’s okay to have both. It’s okay to be comfy, and it’s okay to want to feel pretty and put together. Reading your words has helped me to have so much more grace with myself and my kids. You’re beautiful! (And I looove that black and white top!)
Hi! I’m a couple of days behind on commenting, but another site to check out is thegirlwiththesmile.com. I love her outfits, and I also love the fact that she is not a size ZERO! lol Her post today is actually about that…I would highly recommend her site! :-)
I loved this post! Can relate to SO many things. Belts are thing?! :) Discomfort around (or at least wishing I were more) trendy and put-together people. Yoga pants and Target Ts are my go-to’s yes ma’am. Also can relate to how good it feels to leave them behind (saggy clothes & kids alike) for a bit of a break and feel beautiful on the outside too. :) Thanks so much for practical TIPS & resources!
Mom or no mom, these are some cute looks you’re sporting here, and I just sent a link to your page to a couple young ladies who I think will really benefit. My late mother was a Jackie Kennedy-type dresser, and my daughter works for Victoria’s Secret and is very stylish, but I think single-mom poverty (and a need-to-be-whittled-down waistline) totally eroded any sense of style I once was known for. [Big sigh…]
I, literally, do almost all my shopping at thrift stores, and while I look okay, it’s definitely on the quirky side. I’ll have to check these places out.
I’m really glad you posted about this. Christian women seem to fall into two camps: Devoutly Dowdy and Stylishly Saved. I wish there was more middle ground. Don’t even get me started about Christian Fashion Week (http://www.christianfashionweek.com/) which I find both hilarious and sad.
You have some really great fashion tips. I usually find the styles I like at Berlington Coat Factory. They have some really good deals, so the outfits are more affordable there than in the other department stores.