I’m sharing about friendship over here today…

About how when we keep showing up in the small things and when you add them up over a lifetime they are the big, world changing things that can happen in one neighborhood between two streets.

I’m sharing about my friend, Lisa who is my anchor in this Internet world and reminds me simply by saying yes, by helping out, by meeting kids at the bus stop that we belong to a God who moved into the neighborhood. And that we see Him the clearest through the tangible hands and feet and faces and play dates and late nights with the real life people He’s placed in our every days.

These are the friendships that will preach to our daughters.


This is the legacy we get to leave them every day in between the school lunches and sports practices. The women who model what it looks like to love other women well. Generously. With open hands and open doors and messy houses and lives and honest words and second, third, fourth chances.

We need each other. This is the gift. This is the going first. This is the spilling our hard stories so that you know you’re not alone. This is the testimony of the brave who chose friendship in spite of fear.

This is the loud voice of comparison squashed down, drowned out, overcome by a choice to love, to love, to love because Christ first loved us.

Here’s the full story over here – click and keep reading, yes?