Monday mornings can come hard and dark and dreaded. I lie in bed and think about what Ann says about moments like these. Just do the next thing. Not the tenth thing down the list. Not anticipating the fifth, sixth, and seventh things all crashing down at once in a rushed row.
Just the next thing.
I stretch out my right arm. I stretch it out from under the cocoon of blankets and feel the sinew flex strong and can almost imagine the pinions unfurl from that hand. I stretch both arms and I arch them and let the words and images wash over me
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31.
I roll over and let those wings filter through my mind’s eye and their strength trickle into my small self as I sit up and stretch out both arms to the day. He will carry me. On the currents of his grace and provision and faithfulness. I only need to unfurl my wings and let Him.
I walk down the hallway to the blue and white bathroom and run the shower. The hot water drains away some of the night’s bad dreams and Peter brings Micah in for a rinse. Toddler arms and legs wrap around me as we laugh in the steam and I wrap mama wings tight around him and we both lift in the moment.
“[I]nstead of measuring your day against what you think you can do, measure it against what you know I can do. There is no such thing as a day too tough for me – not a test day, not a moving day, not a my-parents-had-a-terrible-fight day.”
Sarah Young, Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids
Peter sings in the mornings – made up jingles. And the three of us listening while we get dressed, eat bagels, wrestle into socks and shoes – we giggle and float happy on the current that he trails behind him.
Just the next thing.
I brush out wet hair, put on mascara, pink lip gloss and the Detroit Tigers sweat shirt we’ve had as long as Pete and I have been together. It feels like home. Boys canter down the hallway and I count off all the daunting miles of the list we have already traveled this morning: showers, breakfast, clothes, shoes, glasses, school bags and nap toys all accounted for. And we’re almost on time. And so far, no one has cried yet this morning.
Micah does in the car. He doesn’t like the shirt he’s wearing and I buckle him in over the wails and walk slow and calmly back to the house for another option. One more simple thing done. And my heart feels pounds lighter since I woke up and the breeze holds me steady and today at least, I know I will set my course by Him and let Him be my one thing over and over again today.
I don’t give you the same amount of strength every day. When you need more – and when you trust me more – then I give you more. Sarah Young, Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids
One thing at a time, Monday. Simple steps. Until we are flying.
Photos: Gulls over Charles Bridge, Prague, 2004.
“I don’t give you the same amount of strength every day. When you need more – and when you trust me more – then I give you more.”
When you need more – and when you trust me more – then I give you more.
This has got me thinking this morning Lisa-Jo. Thanks.
Wow, what a concept. Just doing the *next* thing. I think I need to put this into practice. Thanks for sharing this bit of wisdom today! <3
Ahhh. Sighing with relief. The next thing. Thank you.
Oh yes, Yes. And? Yes.
Please link this to Tuesdays Unwrapped tomorrow. Please. It is perfection.
For you? Anything!
Love the photos. Is that Georgetown? Going to be chanting that to myself today. Mondays are my long days. The Hubs comes home early and home late. Hard day. I needed this.
Yes – Mondays always feel long, don’t they? The photos are taken from the Charles Bridge in Prague when Pete and I visited there a few years back before we had kids and all the lists seemed less daunting. :)
You must’ve seen my to-do list for today!!! :)
Now, the hard part is picking the “next thing”. Should it be the easy Thing? The Thing I’m putting off? The Thing that I’m SURE the fairies will come and take care of if I wait long enough??? :)
Hee hee – I like to choose the next “essential” thing – for me that usually involves food :)
HA! That is exactly what I’m working on! A recipe for dinner tonight! NOW you know how much I’m procrastinating!! I never cook!
Needed this this morning, Lisa-Jo. Thanks for the gentle reminder to lean into Him and take it one step at a time. I think my next step needs to be some quiet time with Him.
I love it! Great thoughts, Lisa-Jo. This morning was a bad morning–uncooperative children, one massive temper tantrum, etc.–and I knew we were going to be late. I told myself, “So we’re going to be late. I can’t change that fact now, so there’s no point in losing my temper. We just need to get Caleb to school.” And I didn’t lose my temper! I carried a crying child into the car and buckle her amidst kicks and screams, and we got my son to school a few minutes late. I walked him in, and the day went on.
A little different than your morning…but kind of the same idea. I like how you put it–just do the next thing–and move on. Don’t focus on the previous moments or the ones two jumps ahead. Just the next thing. Thank you. :)
You had such a mama victory this morning! I would shower you with roses if I could. Or a month of free house cleaning. Those moments of managing to stay calm amidst crazed kids, those are golden. Thanks for sharing, my friend!
I love when the breeze holds me steady.
Spirit arms pushing me to that next thing…
If I could always remember “just do the next thing,” my life would be stress free! Thing is, I forget — a lot. Thank you for this gentle reminder! You breathed peace into a whole lot of Mondays
Amen and amen. These have been my words this morning. “Just one thing at a time. One by one, by one”. So good to be next-thing-in’ it with others. :)
Yes and Amen and I adore you so!
Kids or no kids, Monday lists are daunting. Thank you for reminding me (so gently!) that there is only ever one thing immediately in front of us. What belongs to our pasts or futures cannot be taken care of; we can only do the step in front of us, and trust that the rest is in His hands.
Thank you for your writing, Lisa-Jo. I’m inspired!
I needed this today. It’s going to be one of those weeks for me. Husband’s rehearsals, grocery shopping, choir concert, an ancestor doll that needs to be made (tonight), a class to teach tomorrow night, dinner with friends, lunches, dinners, breakfasts, drop-offs and pick-ups, and what is that pile of laundry? Where did that (okay, those) come from?
Praying for you this week, friend!
Ditto to you and to Ann. DITTO. :) Hope it’s better at the end.
Thank you so much Lisa Jo! So well put.
I love the simplicity of this…why do we always want to make life so much more complicatd that it really has to be? Sometimes I’m so busy worrying and thinking about the 5th, 6th, & 7th things that I miss the “next” thing. Then my day gets all out of sorts. Do you suppose that’s what it is to be insane? :-)
Doris – you and me both!
“and let Him be my one thing over and over again.”
so simple and so hard. i needed this reminder, Lisa-Jo.
and, by the way, is that Jesus Calling “for kids” book rockin’ the worlds of the adults at your place, too? it moved from the babe’s shelf to my nightstand, and i think it’s there to stay!
For one who has lived long enough to know the absolute truth of this, I so needed to be reminded of it. I have a tendency to let my mind run miles ahead of today – and fret and worry about all of those future things I will have to somehow get accomplished. He has been gently teaching me to “just do the next thing’ and rest in Him.
Thank you for this Lisa-Jo. It is so timely for me.
“I know I will set my course by Him and let Him be my one thing over and over again today.”
Yes, and yes, and yes again.
amy in peru
Some days it’s enough to just try to search for a little Hope. Scary. So many little arms clinging around my neck, cereal-sticky kisses, overwhelming to-do lists…and still, Hope clamors to be pursued.
Thank you so much for this sweet reminder. i am so quick to look all the way to the bottom of my list, start panicking, grumbling, and almost hyper-ventilating! I need to remember to just do what comes next and to let Him be the One thing that my focus is on more than anything else. If it’s His will for me to accomplish my list, then he will give me what i need to accomplish it.
The next thing is all I need to see, all I “can” do is the reality, I thank God for His blessing of grace in this post. Deep breath in and out…He’s with me…now I continue with my day.
Thank you so much Lisa-Jo!
Beautiful pictures :-)
I love the background on your blog. It makes me want to break out my passport every time I stop by! Hope you have a great week!