Come back tomorrow, won’t you? And share your answer to this Friday’s question, “Moms matter because…”
Link a post or leave a comment; share from the perspective of a parent or a child – all welcome. Let’s build a virtual standing ovation of comments to motherhood.
Whether you are one or not, whether you ache or not, whether you’d change it all and start over again or not. After this week spent exploring the topic from my perspective, I’d love to see it from yours.
To hear it in your own words.
These pics are wonderful. Love the middle one.
Happy Mother’s Day Lisa-Jo!
Thanks Ginger. I look forward to reading your perspective tomorrow!
You have the BEST pictures! The pictures of the newborns made my womb jump, which is not a good thing! I need a break! :)
The triptych on the bottom is adorable. You’re pulling one into the picture, so sweet.
So, I had to go and look up “triptych” and now I can say thank you and actually understand what you meant ;) Thank you, indeed. It’s what I was going for!
Ooops! I pegged you for an art history type. Glad that I helped you learn the word for what you wanted to accomplish. :)
Art history – I’d like to think of myself like that! But I was a English major, pre law minor. The only art I am good at is if it can be written in words. ;)
Love the pictures. They are perfect – showing the tenderness and joy that is motherhood.
Looking forward to reading what everyone says tomorrow. I have a post in progress – hoping I have time to finish it by tomorrow.
I’m looking forward to reading it! No rush, since I’ll leave it up all weekend to share our posts and comments.
These photos are joy and love and motherhood. Beautiful!
I’ve SO enjoyed your thoughts this week…looking forward to more mothers sharing their hearts tomorrow!
Oops, I’m early for “tomorrow” but it’s already Friday here! I’m busy all w/e so I didn’t want to miss my opportunity to post. You can cut and paste me into tomorrow if you like :). Thanks for this week Lisa-Jo!
Mom’s matter (to me) because we are a crucial part of the family unit, God’s ordained crucible of blessing in our lives. Only mothers, natural or spiritual, can bring the special type of loving affection, comforting prayers and encouragement, and wise counsel that comes from knowing God through the trials we’ve experienced.
I pray that each Mother knows how necessary and important she is.