I’m a ten-year-old mother this year.
The hubs and I each have a mother we love, cherish and that our kids, our laundry and the inside of our fridge all wish lived closer.
So when I started thinking about Mother’s Day, I thought about what we’d love. And I came up with this list of things I’d give myself {and them} if I could.
This video would be at the top of the list.
Perhaps you’ll find inspiration here too. Here’s to the Mothers! There is nothing ordinary about you. You are mighty because you mother.
A box of 52 of your favorite memories about your mom –one for her to read each week over the next year.
- A now and then photo – one from when you were still a baby and she was a young mom and one of the two of you now.
- A collection of favorite family recipes from all the generations. Bonus if it includes photos.
- A list of all the things you wish you’d thanked her for before leaving home.
- A handwritten letter via snail mail each week leading up to Mother’s Day.
- Something re-gifted from your childhood– a favorite lovey, the hospital bracelet from when you were born, that baby lock of hair she’d saved, your first book.
- A table runner with all the kids/grand kids’ hand prints on it.
- A collection of her favorite music you remember from your childhood.
- Pressed flowers snuck into the pages of her favorite book.
My book, Surprised by Motherhood: Everything I Never Expected about Being a Mom
– you can read the first three chapters for free over here.
- Her favorite perfume.
- A week’s worth of doing her laundry.
- A personal stylist in a box – seriously, I’m addicted to Stitch Fix. No changing rooms or bad flourscent lighting or dragging kids to the mall anymore. A mom’s dream come true.
- Candles made out of the grand kids’ melted down crayons.
- A collection of answers from the kids/grand kids: “I love mom/grandma because…”
- A hair appointment, a nail appointment, a spa day, or a simple foot rub.
- Anything from DaySpring’s (in)courage collection {use code GYPSY20 for 20% off}.
- A book signed by her favorite author.
- Her kids/grand kids art in a frame.
A framed print that says, “You were right about everything.”
- A vacuum cleaner that won’t crack under pressure
- A handy dustbuster
for dealing with the Cheerios problem in the car.
- A custom Mother’s Day Necklace that will donate half the cost to a community center for mothers and kids we’re building in South Africa.
- Print that says “She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs at the days to come.” { use code “LJB” for 15% off}
- A Big Ol’ Monthly Chalkboard Peel and Stick Wall Calendar
- A custom return address stamp.
- Custom jewelry with her favorite Scripture verse.
- Handmade totes, necklaces, and bowls by and in support of young mothers in Kenya.
- The cutest custom signs for her veggie garden (use code INREALLIFE for 10% off).
A recurring appointment added to her calendar for a call with you each week.
- Get her car washed, vacuumed and filled up.
- Gorgeous jewelry made by moms in Haiti that both bless other mothers and help support the women who make them.
- Her “secret” cookie recipe printed and framed.
- A YouTube video from the kids/grand kids.
- The Mom’s Devotional Bible
- Vintage map jewelry of the state/country you grew up.
- “I can do all things through Christ” vintage bracelet.
- Make a photo collage of her kids/grand kids.
- Send her out on a date night with her girlfriends.
Let her sleep in as long as she likes.
- A super hero cape.
- Free printable framed with a favorite quote about motherhood (scroll to the bottom to view and print).
- A Mother’s Day card about how motherhood should come with a super hero cape.
- A book for the desperate mom who needs to know there is hope for her to breathe again
- A subscription to an online consignment store with beautiful clothes for moms and kids.
- Starbucks gift cards.
- The Head Wizard Scalp Massager
. I’ve had mine for years and still get it out most nights after I’ve wrestled kids to bed for what feels like hours.
- Shadow box framed kids memorabilia – think toy cars, tiny shoes, hair bows.
- Her favorite Bible verse printed out and framed.
One of those awesome awesome eprinters you can send photos to straight from your phone or tablet
- Replacing the batteries in all the remotes. All of them
- A ticket to the women’s conference that she can tune into from home.
- A recordable storybook as read by the kids.
- A reminder that there is Hope for the Weary Mom.
- A prrrrrettty pink camera bag
- Cleaning up any of the mess that comes with kids making her breakfast in bed.
- Love notes from the kids/grand kids tucked into unexpected places.
- Any kind of jewelry with the kids/grand kids’ names on it.
- A T Shirt reminder that it’s OK to not be OK some days.
Changing her cell phone ring to all the kids yelling, “We love you mom/grandma!”
- Unloading the dishwasher.
- Taking the lint out of the dryer.
- Matching all the socks.
- Fresh flowers as picked by the kids/grand kids.
- Macaroni necklaces – yup, we still love those.
- Membership to the Ten Dollar Tribe that is changing the world, one mom at a time.
- Best mom in the world declaration – a free printable.
- Fun photo bookmarks of the kids/grand kids.
- A T-shirt that proudly declares, “I save lives daily. I’m a mom.”
A Mom’s Planning Calendar – hand painted and so pretty
- If she’s a military mama, then this -Serving You: 31 Days of Encouragement for the Military Wife
- Personalized family tree pillow cover.
- Extra special Hershey’s chocolate bars with custom wrapper.
- Date night.
- Top to bottom clean house.
- A video Skype call.
- The Keurig Single Serving Maker because – coffee!
- That thing you know she’s had her eye on for months but won’t splurge on for herself.
- Italian Herb Garden
for her kitchen.
A flock of geese.
- An ebook of letters by mothers for mothers
{my letter is page 105; use code ML25 for 25% off).
- Custom print: My cup overflows {use code “LJB” for 15% off}
- A subscription to her favorite magazine.
- A reminder that she’s Already Amazing.
- One Thousand Gifts
- With this necklace of speckled, turquoise beads nestled like eggs into circle of sterling silver — a clutch of thanks that gives wing to joy — (sent from Ann’s farm, with signed a little gift tag from Ann!).
- This custom coffee mug so that every time she reaches for that cuppa she’s reminded that what she does is heroic because, “I save lives daily. I’m a mom.”
- A week’s worth of driving the car pool.
- Return and pay for all the overdue library books.
- The perfect ebook for planning a low stress {birthday/anniversary/you name it} party.
Her favorite worship song lyrics {use code GYPSY20 for 20% off}.
- Saving Savvy: Smart and Easy Ways to Cut Your Spending in Half.
- An album born out of traveling with Compassion International –Third World Symphony
- A freezer full of her favorite ice creams.
- A nap for as long as she likes.
- FashionABLE scarves that are both beautiful and empower women.
- The highest thread count sheets you can afford.
- Custom postage stamps.
- Yes, breakfast in bed.
A list of 100 things you all love about her.
{A few Amazon affiliate links included to some of my favorite favorites. I work for DaySpring and that’s how I can share my 20% off code with you, and all the rest are just things I love and wish the hubs would give me. Hint hint, hubs!}
Awesome list, friend! Loved the title, too. :)
Just pinned this baby, too.
Great list! I’ll be giving one of these for sure =) She would totally love the first one.
LOVED IT! Thanks so much for posting.
Also wanted to let you know – the emailed version kept crashing my Outlook. (I think it had something to do with trying to access the Pinterest pic.) If no one else had the problem – then it’s gotta be me. But I wanted to bring it up anyway, just in case it’s happened to others….
Yowzers, sorry about that Bess. I wish I could say I knew how to fix it – but my techy skills are sad and all I can say is sorry and hope it doesn’t happen again. Also, your hair looks real pretty today :)
Wow! I feel truly honored to be a part of this list. Thank you so much. I hope you get something special for Mother’s day this year. Thanks for making my day. :)
You’re so welcome. I LOVE your store – it makes this gypsy heart of mine smile just scrolling through all the vintage travel pendants :)
Yowza that’s a list – so inventive and delightful. Great ideas, each and every one.
THANKS YOU for the wonderful Mother’s Day ideas!
thank you for these super special ideas:) ALways need some creative help when my mom lives over the ocean ;)
Great list! Thanks for including #50-the eprinter that prints emails. I have never heard of that. What a nifty idea!
I would add two more ideas:
1. a framed print that says, “I owe my parents everything”, that will hang as a companion to your suggested print “You were right about everything”
2. a small and cute gratitude journal, in which you note all the things you are grateful for about mom
Aww…makes me miss my mom. Guess I will have to shower my MIL and Grandma IL this year instead. Looks like I know what gifts to get too. Thank you for sharing. Love it.
This is an amazing list- which I’m sharing! Last year my husband gave me the most terrific gift, he showed me all the things around the house that my 8 and 10 year old can do themselves… I think I can can count on 1 hand the number I’ve times I’ve done the dishes since then. ;)
#63. Matching all the socks
I would sooo being willing to pay for this service!
loved reading this my Mom’s last day with us were in the beginning March and over the years we have shared a few of these on your list it made me smile reading it and for that i am thankful.
Thanks for the link, darlin’!
Lisa-Jo… you sweet thing you! Thank you so much for including something from my shop in this amazing list!! You are the bestest! :)
Already did #18, that was the best reaction I have ever gotten out of my Mom ever. I have done most of this for my Mom. Gotta get creative this year!
Return overdue library books – And pay the fines. That is so my life. Cracked me up!
What an awesome list! I’m making photo pendant necklaces for our moms’ this mother’s day, with pictures of the grand-kids on them.
I love that you included e-books! Can I suggest one more, especially for moms of boys: http://www.suburbanhaiku.com/new-boys-to-men.html
On my own list this year is the anti-aging kit from Apothederm http://apothederm.com/shop-products/anti-aging/anti-aging-system-kit/
I have tried the cleanser and can’t wait to try out the rest of the line!
Thanks for sharing these great ideas for Mother’s Day gifts! I think I’ll use some for my mom this year. :)
AMAZING list!!!! Thanks for sharing it… Sooooo thoughtful!!! :)
What a great list! I would love lots of these things. One suggestion – can you program your post so the links open in new tabs? I kept having to go “back” to see your great list!
Smart idea. Done! Thanks for the suggestion :)
The fact that you took the time to put this list together is such a good deed and thank you so much for helping me find the PERFECT present for the mothers in my life this year. May you have many joy-filled mothers days.
It is just a idea that the gamer with more expertise provides the very best chance.
In any other case, you will find yourself bare passed.
This is exactly what close friends tend to be with regard to, helping buddies out and about.
The way in which the item works is usually you’ll receive a 300% fit reward with your put in, basically supplying you with thrice what you place in like a extra.
I like these ideas but I got 1 suggestion. Are there any handmade items? That would be a lot better!
How wrote the book letters to mom from moms? couldn’t find it on amazon
Helpful tip! If you’re looking for a good Mother’s Day Gift this year, Amazon is the place to go. Got this %55 discount: http://amzn.to/1pvtvZN – I’m so excited that I just had to share with someone.
Great list! Thank you! A couple of these sound great for my mother-in-law.
Can I suggest for the introverted/quiet moms out there one more idea? My wish every year! http://disquisitivemama.blogspot.com/2014/04/my-mothers-day-wish-i-want-to-be-alone.html
You are the best Lisa-Jo.
and my best friends were and still are colored and they even said it was stupid for all this mess. She is just greedy and Paula is a great source..