Today was a real “don’t make me come up there” kind of day.
For starters, I forgot that the air conditioner repair guys were scheduled to arrive at 8am. And 8am comes real early when one has only slept in 3 hour shifts, the last one ending at 7am. So I opened the door to them wearing a shirt inside out and my 3am hair – if you know what I mean. My youngest boy was, how shall we say, only partially attired and there was a baby fast asleep on the living room floor.
It was pretty much a downward spiral from there.
Repairmen traipsing in and out through the rain; three-year-old throwing a hissy fit because he couldn’t get the stapler to work the way he wanted, couldn’t draw the kind of Dora map he envisioned; couldn’t have cake for lunch. Throw in a three-week-old who thinks I’m her own personal 24-7 Dairy Queen and nowhere to nurse her in private and you’ve got a mom hiding behind a bunk bed trying to steal a moment for her baby and away from her preschooler.
And on days like this, I feel such a profound wave of affection for my friend, Kristen Welch, one of the few moms I know who’s actually gone on record as admiting that her kid ate super glue. In her words,
“[W]hen someone has the nerve to ask me in a questioning tone, ‘What do you do all day?’ I’ve decided this will be my forever answer, ‘I’m a mom. What’s your superpower?’” Don’t Make Me Come Up There! p.2.
Amen and preach it sister!
By 7pm I realized I still hadn’t showered or brushed my teeth, the kids had picked their way through three random dinner options (fish sticks, lunch meats and potatoes), and the baby still hadn’t napped longer than 45 minutes all day – and only then when she was actually napping on me.
I’ve always thought that with the title Mother we should grow an extra appendage or two. Because, seriously, an extra arm would come in handy when I’m stirring dinner, loading the dishwasher, calling out multiplication facts, stepping over the mock kitchen my toddler has created underfoot, and paying bills online–simultaneously. Don’t Make Me Come Up There! p.1.
In an attempt to steal some “me” time in between my three-year-old’s bout of meltdowns I checked my email only to discover a note from my five-year-old’s teacher informing me that my usually easy-go-lucky son had been written up today for two different acts of disobedience. To quote Charlie Brown, “Good Grief!”
And I feel it worth mentioning that part of today I spent trying to figure out how I was going to retrieve the library DVD I had so proudly dropped off on time yesterday to the wrong branch!
God, I’m so thankful that you specialize in messes. You are good at fixing broken things. I give myself to you, all the successes and all the failures. Please purify me and create a clean heart in me. Don’t Make Me Come Up There! p. 34.
As I write this I am hiding in the bedroom with the baby who has miraculously fallen asleep. I should be sneaking out to kiss my big boys goodnight. But I’m too afraid to jinx the whole sleeping baby thing. Also, I like the whole being alone thing. I’m exhausted and hungry and perhaps that’s why I feel my eyes welling up as I think of Kristen and her funny, loving, totally-gets-the-highs-and-lows-of-motherhood, wonderful book, Don’t Make Me Come Up There!
For all you fabulously real women who could relate to my post last week on how *not* to help a new mom (or any mom for that matter) this book was basically tailor made for you, for us! Because Kristen is the real deal and keeping it real is what makes her so very very likeable. Well, that and the amazing confessionals stories she shares in this book about her own “We are *that* family moments.” I like to think of her as my very own sigh of relief,
Bottom line: I don’t know what I’m doing most days. I buy parenting books, listen to radio programs, and ask advice all the time. I make mistakes daily. But I try to learn from them, do what works, and admit when I’m just plain wrong. The best thing I can offer is prayer. God created my children; he knows what works and what doesn’t. He gives wisdom to those who lack it (raising my hand). Don’t Make Me Come Up There! p. 114.
This book is the cup of tea, slice of chocolate cake and older, wiser friend sitting across from you telling you that everything’s gonna be alright that every mother needs.
And today I get to give one away to one of you.
Just leave a comment sharing your most recent “Don’t Make Me Come Up There” moment and you’ll be entered to win. I’ll choose a random commenter on Monday next week.
And for an extra entry you can “like” The Gypsy Mama on Facebook and leave me a comment letting me know you did.
In the meantime, here’s to you and your mom genes – wear ’em with pride!
Truthfully, I have them daily. Today it was my 3-year old’s well check, at which she refused to let the doctor touch her and screamed when she tried. Eventually the doctor gave up and wished us well. Humiliating for mommy, oh yes it was!
I have *no* idea what you’re talking about (heh) :)
As Meema, I have those days far less than when I had them when I was Mom. But, the last one I had was a few hours ago when a stubborn little boy didn’t like the fact that he was being made to get his socks and shoes on to go home and threatened to throw the little car at his Momma and after realizing that the little car in his hand would be thrown in the trash if it was thrown in the direction of his Momma who was in front of his Meema, he saw it Meema’s way and threw the car in the trash himself, only to realize that it would be gone forever if it stayed there, so he politely took it out of the trash and in his most stubborn voice said “sowwy!” I do have to admit that this was a much easier solution than one “tired old Meema” trying to run up 13 steps to get this little stubborn boy who can climb stairs faster than greased lightening!
I so hear you on that!
Oh my! I know it’s not funny in the moment, but hilarious that he threw it away himself! I would have had a hard time not laughing, depending on how irritated I was in the first place, of course!
I only have to mention one moment LOL?? I am a mother to 8, and my youngest four are 5 and under, including a 6 week old (I can totally relate to cherishing the sleeping baby (as I am right this minute!). Two of my girls are 2 and 3 years old, and some days I want to find a good orphanage for them as they both fling themselves recklessly from the furniture, color on the walls, drag out everything (and I do mean everything!) from everywhere, and are just plain loud. My 3 year old has literally climbed out of a bedroom window (first floor), and run through the yard with just her diaper on (I keep waiting for a visit from CPS). My 5 year old has regular meltdowns when things don’t go his way, and my newborn…well she thinks being with mommy at all times is the bees knees….however she does have to compete with her two year old sister, who also thinks it doesn’t get any better than mommy’s lap. I feel your pain, as I dread any visits from anyone that has to come into my house for any reason….especially in the morning when bowls of cereal manage to find their way to the floor amidst toddlers with juice all down the front of their hair and body. “oh come in…excuse me while I bathe my 2 year old for the 2nd time already this morning…”. I think you probably get my drift, so I’ll stop there. Just know that I totally understand, and some days I have to remember to take a deep breath and treasure the days we have…before these precious ones are grown!
And I wonder why my neighbor always tut tuts about how I’m still in my pajamas at 2pm!! So glad you all can relate!
Oh honey, I don’t need the book–my kids are almost grown up–but I just wanted to encourage you. And I want to say . . . So what if the repair guy sees you in an inside-out t-shirt? And so what if your kids eat cake for lunch one day? And so what if you don’t brush your teeth until 7:00? (I’d say so what if your baby doesn’t sleep, but to me, sleep is sacred.) Just hang on to those kiddos and be the mom they need . . . which is just YOU.
Shelly – can you come over for tea sometime and tell me all that in person ;) Thank you thank YOU!
Didya mea to say “mom genes”? Soo funny!
Umm, I was locked in the bedroom myself today, to escape from the nearly hour-long toddler fit my daughter was throwing, to pee for the first time all day, and, you know, breathe.
I got to meet Kristen in person briefly at an orphan conference a couple of months ago. She really is like she writes in her book–humble & gracious. So refreshing.
She is, isn’t she? She’s the real deal on every level! And I totally swiped the brilliant “mom genes” straight out of her book – heh!
{Don’t enter me b/c I already have the book! It has been a salve to my mommy-soul.}
I HEAR YOU! And yay for hiding from the rest of the family. Praying for sleep and peace and an easy tomorrow!
Hi – feel like it’s been ages. And I miss you. Which is weird since I’ve only met you once. But it was over a platter of cupcakes. So really, we’re due for a reunion. You’ve just got that “I’d be an awesome friend” vibe – so yea, let’s do it again sometime, eh?
My latest “Dont make me come up there” moment was when i attempted to take my 4 year old and 18 month old to walmart alone ( i have degenerative disc disease in my lower back) so trips like these are very hard for me and I have to feel pretty darn good to attempt it alone. However, i did. My 4 year old son come out of his room wearing his pirate costume from Halloween full on with the hat. I said.. whatever.. you wanna be a pirate.. be a pirate. lets go. We went, things went decently well. until. my son starts scratching his butt in the middle of walmart..
me: son, stop it, is there something wrong..
him: my butt itches..
me: okay.. let me look but stop scratching like that, we can do that in the bathroom but not in the frozen foods section
–i turn him around… he has on no underwear and has had his pirate pants pulled down competely exposing his bottom to the entire store while scratching. ummm… yay. super awesome times. as an old lady shook her head, i just smiled and said.. well… if i could go underwear-less and dress like a pirate everyday i would. have a nice day :)
Heh! BRILLIANT! My son wears his Spiderman suit ev-ery-where!!!
I took my three kids, 4 year old twin boys and my seven year old daughter, on our first stroller-free trip to the mall last week. One son apparently wasn’t feeling well, and I ended up buying him new underwear and changing him in a public restroom. My other son tried to pull the tail (yes, TAIL) off of a young teen’s rear. My daughter giggled all through Victoria’s Secret and proclaimed it “awesome.” I think it got funny about the time I found myself hovering over a 10″ tall potty to relieve myself.
Loved your post today. I couldn’t help but laugh about the library thing!!
Oh mah word!!! I think it’s the teens at the mall that sound crazy, not your kids! Heh!
Those days are long ago for me, but I can vividly remember wanting to slap the people who said that before I knew it they would be all grown up. Frankly, I didn’t think any of us would survive that long.
However, it turned out to be true. I can’t believe how quickly the years slipped by. These are difficult days sweet girl, but you are doing a super job. One day, after you’ve blinked a couple of times, you will planning a wedding with that wee little girl – just the way I am.
Every day seems like a “Don’t Make Me Come Up There” kind of day, around here. I’d love to read the book. My most recent episode was yesterday at the playground at the children’s home where I work (I’m a houseparent and care for 10 kids). My 2-yr-old son went to jump belly-first on a swing, imitating his older friend, and overshot the swing, winding up face first in the mud, getting a mouthful of dirt. Three minutes later, he tripped and fell into bark chips, which stuck to his clothes and skin everywhere, looking like he had just been run over by a tractor or something — he was filthy. Of course it would be that exact moment that my “big boss”, (the VP of Child Care) would walk by and my son would greet him with a mud-mouthed smile, dirt in his teeth and bark chips in his hair. I just gave him a sheepish “yes-you-pay-me-to-take-care-0f-kids” smile and turned back around to find my son pulling his pants down around his ankles to get the muddy clothes off. So far, I haven’t gotten my walking papers, but the week’s not over yet. ;)
Cara, I’d think that visual would simply confirm how highly qualified you are to understand the psyche of kids!! :)
My almost 8YO son decided to have a full blown temper fit today… where did that come from?!?!!
In good news, my 3YO is mostly potty trained… and it was EASY!!
I would love to win this book! :)
I can’t believe I am going to admit this but my moment
just happened today, and I have no excuse because my 2 year old
was upstairs sound asleep….it was me and the baby (11 months) and the dog in the
kitchen. I was washing the dishes and cleaning up from dinner
the nite before so my back was turned to what the baby was doing,
But I could see out of my peripheral vision that he was sitting on the floor
by the dog. Ok they are safe….well as I continue cleaning
I turn back around to throw something away I notice that the left
over pizza that was in the garbage 10 minutes prior was now
being shared by the baby and the dog! Yes the dog was chomping
on the crust and the sauce faced baby was shoving cheese and pepperoni
in his mouth….what’s even worse is I took the time to take a pic before
picking it up…..gross and funny at the same time
I think it was this morning when we were waiting (and waiting and WAITING) in the waiting room to get my #2’s wrist x-rayed. About 20 other people (none of them children–of course!) were also waiting (and waiting and waiting) in the waiting room watching me try to arrange myself and my four children in the scattered available chairs when my #2 (who–let’s give him credit–had a very sore wrist) said VERY LOUDLY, “Mom, stop sticking your bootie in Baby J’s face!” I could *feel* the shocked faces and wagging heads around that room; oh yes, I could.
I like your #2 very much now :) Sounds a lot like mine!
Today…hmmm…when the 6yo unloaded every glass in the cabinet in order to find his favorite one, which wound up never being in there. Or when the 2 year old pitched a screaming fit because she couldn’t find her blanket and refused a much needed nap. Or maybe when the smell of fingernail polish wafted down the stairs and I realized that the 4yo and the 5 yo were playing beauty shop. Or perhaps it’s the so-pregnant-I’m-about-to-pop hormones and, really, none of this was a big deal.
Please, let the sarcasm on that last line seep through! ;)
Would love to read Kristen’s book. I have a vacation, er, uh, hospital stay (birth) coming up within the next three weeks. All the quiet time…
Spoken as one currently on her “baby vacation” I think the book would make excellent reading!! :)
Clicked the Likey button! Thanks again for hosting!
I think I have them daily as well. My latest one was today – well, there were several of them – where I had told my 4 yr old son to go potty then rest on his bed, as he was in serious need of some quiet time. He started crying. I was nursing my 14 month old trying to get him to sleep, and he wasn’t having it, what with the crying and all. Then I told my 3 yr old daughter she needed to rest as well and SHE started crying. All this was right before we were supposed to go to a soccer practice for the 4 yr old which was rescheduled for today but I didn’t find out about it until yesterday AFTER we had waited at the park for 25 minutes with no coach showing up. So at the practice today we find out it’s the wrong age group so we went to the park 2 days in a row for “no reason”. And to top it off, I lost/misplaced/my baby put my cellphone somewhere & I still don’t know where it is & it’s too dark to find it now. Lol
You. Are. A. Hero!!
Found my phone at 1:15am. It was in my daughter’s room that we rarely go in, under a cowboy hat, and on vibrate (which I almost never put it on). The mysteries of motherhood… ;)
I didn’t know you had a FB page! I “liked” it! (and still do…lol) :)
One account? I’ve lost count today. Must be in the air, my friend. I
All day yesterday and today I’ve wanted to crawl back in bed (sleep for four days) and start all over again.
Praying for a great day for you tomorrow!
Right back atcha!
Ah yes…with 4 kids and one on the way, these moments are a daily occurrence for me. Today it was my 2 year old screaming for me when he should have been napping. I warily went to check it all out, only to find that he had decided to change his own soiled diaper and put his pants back on (diaperless) and then promptly pee them (and his bed). I will spare you what his room smelled like, much less how long it took me to clean it all up. Did I mention today is my birthday?
“Don’t make me come up there!” indeed. Blessings to you, Lisa-Jo!
Oh Lydia – wishing you lots of cake (um, perhaps not chocolate?) and a great babysitter!! Happy happy day, friend! Motherhood *is* a super power!!
Already “like” you very much on Facebook!
oh gosh I have them all day long! I guess a picture is worth a thousand words…here is my baby eating play dough while I was snapping photos…oops!
i posted this recently as a note on my facebook page. it was titled ‘the past 30 minutes:a review’. ‘let’s review the past 30 min, shall we? 5 yr old pooped in his pants. i clean him up and he goes upstairs to go potty. 2 yr old follows. 5 yr old flushes the toilet. it’s clogged. 2 yr old flushes the toilet again. the toilet overflows. i run upstairs and stop the water. i yell to 7 yr old to get me some towels. i clean up nasty poopy water that is completely covering the bathroom floor. kids are downstairs screaming because nasty poopy water from the bathroom is now pouring from kitchen ceiling. they try to clean up the kitchen floor. i come downstairs to a nasty smelling poopy 2 yr old eating a stick of butter off the counter and 5 yr old, who still does not have clean underwear on, is sneaking bunny graham crackers and grapes. can i go to bed? please?’ i’m laughing now, but that day….. yeah, notsomuch
Let’s see…I’d have to say it was the other day when I was trying to find a thermometer for my daughter who didn’t “feel good” while holding my one-year-old. Using one of his tiny fingers, he managed to pull an entire pitcher of freshly-made sweet tea off the counter and onto the floor. Well, I needed to mop anyway…
I’m a new mommy with a three week old son…this parenting thing is harder than I thought it could be! Whew! I don’t have any stories yet, but I have a fresher chest full of moment-by-moment grace for this hard, hard season. …I really hope I’m the random commenter that wins this book!
My own personal venting section? You may just have another book after asking for our comments. ;)
One of my recent Don’t Make Me Come Up There moments…
I chose to start the day without the usual rush and tackle attitude. Read devotional on Jesus telling disciples to cast their nets on the other side. THEN, when following His instructions, FISH! Two seconds into my relax moment, four-year-old Sophie enters room announcing, “MOM, I have a salon in my room just like the salon where I get my hair cut.” {grins} “AND I let my customers’ hair fall on the floor JUST like at the salon.” {Me: raising eyebrows, sitting up straight} “And you know who my customers are? {Doesn’t wait for response.} My poodle {stuffed poodle, thank you, Jesus} and my Lauren doll {huge ballerina dance with me doll}.” Me: try to speak but interrupted “BUT WAIT! There’s poop on my floor!” {That would be from real dog. 18 year old daughter’s puppy.}
I tried to understand where my devotional went south. Went straight to her room where yellow yarn doll hair and pink poodle fuzz lay all over the floor. All over puppy poop left from night before.
I remind Sophie she’s supposed to ask for scissors. Then it takes me several weeks before I realize I should confiscate her art scissors. Delayed reaction. I tell Sophie she should never cut doll hair. It won’t grow back. Her answer: “JUSTTT real people, RIGGHTT?”
My husband and I lead seperate guys/girls bible studies at our house while the kids sleep. During Bible study I hear giggling and pitter-patter. I go upstairs and find that my 2 year old’s blankie is drenched from toilet water and being used to paint the floor and walls.
P.S. I already “liked” your facebook page.
I was watching my grandchildren 3 yrs old and 23 mons old while momma was running an errand. I just got them both bathed (one at a time) I got my youngest one dressed as I bathed and dressed her older brother. I heard this scratching noise and quickly walked into the hallway to see her “artist work” being created on our wall as fast as her little hand could color w/a blue crayon. (Yes we thought we put up all the crayons). We left it there so mom and pawpaw could appreciate this esp since pawpaw is a clean freak. I have to take you back to “momma” being a little under 3 yrs old and she decided to practice writing “T’s” in black marker (taken from her older sister’s booksack) all over my spare bedroom wall along w/the livingroom textured wallpapered wall. I was hoping for a “paybacks for our daughter after she had her little ones” but didn’t think it would again be “our wall”! I had to laugh, like momma like daughter…she still does things like her momma as her big brother does…
I hope this book will be a winner in my hands to relax w/since I can relate to alot of what the author has probably gone thru herself!
Two blessed words: Magic Eraser.
I “liked” the Gypsy Momma” on FB-
I liked you in FB the day you posted how not to help a new mom. You will forever be my friend for that post.
That picture of your precious little one absolutely melts my heart! But I’m a little emotional about how fast the years pass by. This mama thing is a mixed bag – full of crazy days but lots of wonderful moments.
Today at lunch my 3-yr-old dumped MY bowl of soup on the floor while I was feeding the 11-mo-old her soup. I cleaned it up and got a new bowl of soup for myself. My 11-mo-old then swiped and dumped her bowl of soup on the floor. While I was cleaning that up the 3-yr-old dumped my second bowl of soup. While staring at him in utter disbelief he looked straight at me and dumped HIS bowl of soup on the floor.
We now have a very clean floor and I enjoyed a nice bowl of cereal for lunch.
I think I may need this book…
I’m sure I have these moments all the time, but I’m just too tired to think. My 13 month old is in a phase where he fights sleep at all costs and the hubby has been sick. Long week.
You all just made me feel so much better about my life. :) Glad to know I’m not the only one who hides in the bathroom and wears pj’s till 5 PM (or later). :)
If I won a copy I would give it to a young mom at our church who has a 2.5 year old boy plus 5 month old triplet boys. YES that is 4 boys under two. egads no wonder she is a size 0 there is not any time to eat or even go to the little girls room ‘alone’ .
I so get the “only napping while laying on you” part. My sweet son literally slept like that (and ONLY like that) for his first five months. All five months. (He had some stomach issues, too.)
When I was pregnant with him, I told my husband, “I sure hope we have a child who likes to cuddle!” Well, we definitely got one who cuddled! :-)
And now, he is actually sleeping *not* on me. We have a great bond. And he still likes to cuddle. And I love it – every bit of it!
Thank you for sharing your honest heart, Lisa-Jo. I always love reading your posts!
(And thanks for this opportunity for this book! I’ve heard great things about it from many places.)
This was a couple of weeks ago; classic 2-yr old shenanigans:
Serene is upstairs having her ‘independent play’ time (yeah, it works for 5 minutes or so, every other Tuesday in May) –
“Mommmeee…hep me dowwwwwnnnn!” (repeat 25 times within 2 minutes)
Wonderfully patient Mommy stomps upstairs to discover blue acrylic craft paint.
All. Over. Everything.
Clothing. Hair. Table. Stool. Carpet. Bead basket. All painted blue.
Clean white piece of paper with two lovely brush strokes of azure.
Smiling & proud toddler holding paintbrush in hand.
Let’s just say Mommy had to go have a time-out.
Don’t enter me because the book just arrive this week and now I REALLY want to read it.
But just to make ya feel better…
–we took our youngest son to the dentist and he had eight (yes–8– cavities–none of the crew has had cavities before). It was only after that visit that we found the floor vent full of empty candy wrappers that he’d been unwrapping and eating after we told him goodnight.
–the same kid was found alternating brushing his teeth and our dog’s teeth with his toothbrush.
–the same kid stashed a worm-a-day in the fabric seat pocket of our mini van for about 3 weeks until the smell eventually led me to find them.
–we have eaten quarters.
–stashed beans in noses.
–last week poison control had to tell me the signs to look for “if your toddler is intoxicated from drinking mouthwash”.
–and when one of our crew was your baby girl’s age…I came in to find his head completely lathered in Vaseline. Try getting that out of newborn hair.
I think you’re right on track :)
(and you’re my kind of mommy)
after reading, I guess my latest heart-gripping episode was just run-of-the-mill. While attempting to get the dog out on the line, I heard maniacal laughing from the kitchen. I looked around the corner, and DIDN’T see my youngest sitting in his infant seat. My oldest, who usually stops at pulling him up by his arms, had him (rather securely I admit) held under his arms and was laughing at his brother, no, WITH his brother, who was laughing back at him, in his cute little ‘huh-huh’, and STANDING on the kitchen floor. I wish I could say I had a camera handy, or even stepped back to say ‘Wow, I didn’t think you were that strong!’ No, I just picked up the baby and ruffled the older’s hair, and said ‘He’ll play with you soon enough – you can’t do it for him!’
I think I’ll bookmark this and send it to my husband, so when he thinks HE has had a bad moment of crayons straying off the paper, or yet another chase around the room to get him clothed to be out the door ten minutes ago, he can wipe his forehead, sigh and say ‘it’s not so bad’.
Unfortunately, all this too shall pass. All too quickly…
My dont make me come up there moment happened this morning. After nagging at my poor daughter to make sure she was ready for her ice skating competition I finally was on my way only to realise I have forgotten my purse.
Sometimes the more organised I try to be the worse it is. xx
After a recent family dinner, the adults were finally getting to have some uninterrupted visiting time, when the two-year-old comes in carrying a dixie cup of water, and chattering something about the 5 year-old and toilets. Three Mom’s jump up, and sure enough, the boys were playing with dixie cups, IN THE TOILET!!! I am pretty sure the older was convincing the younger it was fine to drink the water!!!!! We should have known the quiet was a danger sign. I was also grateful it happened at grandma’s house rather than at mine, because at least her toilet had been cleaned recently, as opposed to the toilet at home :)
I Liked you on Facebook!
Just yesterday I have two, who knows how many I will have today. Since shoe shopping is on the agenda for today, I’m sure there will be plenty of moments.
Yesterday I stood in the kitchen nervous that there was no peep coming from sister’s room (age 3 1/2) where she and brother (age 23 months) were playing – never a good sign. I walked in to find brother dressed head to head in a “Belle princess” get-up while sister looked on beaming with pride. She has discovered dressing her brother and he is all too happy with her attention. Daddy has requested pirate and cowboy clothes for the 2nd birthday. :)
After changing brother back into his overalls we head next door for a short visit with the neighbor and her wonderful, well behaved two kiddos. Sister arrives in her usual get-up – a crazy hat, fancy dress, and a purse with two baby dolls stuck inside. The visit needed to be short as both mommies had dinner to fix. Despite numerous warnings that we were leaving in “five minutes” I left dragging both my children across the street screaming and crying to stay a little longer while the neighbors looked on wide eyed.
Just another day in the life…
I “liked” you on facebook!
*sigh* with 4 kids running crazy around here, I have so many of these moments. Yesturday I was trying to pick out a baithing suit at JCpennys and my boys started racing full speed around the racks, I literally had to grab them by their collars to get their attention as they blew past me and nearl took out an old lady. They were completely oblivious, just shrieking and cackling all the way. I was so embarrassed. And I wish I could say this was the first time. Oh man. These moments are constant. Later that evening, I took these same huligans to Awana with broccoli in my hair. Seriously?! I am a mess! Ha!
That makes me like you very very much! :)
I do like you on facebook :)
And with my youngest of 5 now being 8!! (I’m still looking around looking for the missing toddlers!) I don’t seem to have too many of “those” days ~ I’ve learned to walk calmly out the mudroom door to tend to the chickens and dogs when the microwave is opened and a smokin’ glass measuring cup is retrieved with the comment “oops, this soap isn’t meltable, let’s try this…” (sister soap and bath salt making project)
oh, amen and amen…and why do I always have those days when my husband is out of town for work?? (but that is certainly not the only time)…it’s sucha relief to hear other people’s stories too!
I love sahring this with my new mom friends, especially those who are task/goal-oriented and especially in those first few weeks: When you feel like you didn’t get anything done today, remember (and tell yourself) you kept a child alive!
Oh yes and yes! I was literally *just* telling myself that yesterday during the late night feedings – “you didn’t do nothing today, Lisa-Jo, you kept three human beings alive!” :)
Oh my! Yesterday was one long “don’t make me come up there” moment. The worst came at 7 p.m. as one constipated 2 year old was screaming on the potty and my 6 month old was crying for his last feeding of the day. One of me… two of them. I’m outnumbered.
A couple days ago my 2 1/2 year old ran headlong into my now-showing pregnant belly. We told him he couldn’t hit the baby – does he hit his little brother (11 mo)? Somewhat sheepishly, he says “yes.” Well, true enough, kid. SHOULD you hit your little brother? “No.” Let’s not hit this baby either. Or mama.
In the meantime, my baby is trying not to eat any more people food but instead to eat dog food, which is fine with the dog, who’d rather have people food anyhow.
Oh, I like you on fb.
I have a very well behaved 2 year old (knock on wood)…so I don’t have any of those moments yet…although I did walk in the bathroom to find Elmo sitting on her ‘training seat’ on the toilet yesterday…close call for a very yucky elmo that supposedly isn’t washable.
But I did ‘like’ you on facebook! Really loving the blog!
Hi Lisa-Jo….
Thank you again for writing….seriously. I tend to read your posts during my 2 am/3am/4am (or variation of those) when they come up in my email account…they always touch my heart and then I have to remember to come back here and comment.
It sounds like your Zoe and my Isabella would be good sleeping buddies….who needs more than 45 minutes when all you do is sit, poop, smile, and eat? (At least that’s Isabella’s explanation).
Yesterday at the doc’s office the five year old started to announce and denote all of her recent bowel habits…yep. Love it.
Keep up the good work and the great writing…
Thanks Kristina – and often I’m writing these posts in my head during all our long night feedings as well – sounds like we’re in it together, sister! :)
While unfortunately you don’t get an extra appendage…you should make yourself a cape to remind yourself of your super-Mom status :)
I work outside the home full-time, so don’t spend as many hours being “mom” as I’d like to be, but come home exhausted and often guilty-feeling that there are not many minutes between when I walk through the door and put my son to bed, and often I don’t feel like I have much to give him in that window of time.
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Well, it is too early to have had one yet today, but yesterday it could have been when I went outside, knowing both my kids were inside, tired, but not sleeping – just so I could have a good yell. You could say that Mommy needed a time out. It is a good thing we live in the country or the neighbors may have called CPS. ;)
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Last Friday….My 7 year old had swim lessons from 6:30 to 7:00 and needed to be at the ballpark at 7:00 to start warming up for his baseball game starting at 8:00. Before leaving the house, we double-and-triple-checked that he had all the parts to his uniform so we could go straight from swimming to the ballpark.
After getting out of the pool, he went to get dressed. He was taking a while, so I asked him if he needed help. “Um, mom? I forgot my underwear.” Yeah. We had his uniform, just not anything to go under it! So we had to run home and get him properly dressed before heading to the ballpark. We managed to get there right as the game was starting, thank goodness!
Currently I am staying at the hospital with our youngest babe who is waiting for heart surgery, but thought I’d share the story that my husband texted me this morning as he is now “mom” and dad to our other four kiddo’s since I am here most of the time. He had to wake at 2 am cause our 2 year old got sick to her tummy, and I guess instead of cleaning up her bedstuff he just brought her into our bed to sleep after he cleaned her up(which I would’ve done too)….he got up at 5 to shower and get ready for work and I guess heard a thunk a few minutes later. He rushed out to see what Viv was doing and found her butt first in the small wire trashcan we have by the bed…he said it was pretty funny looking but like a good dad picked her out of it instead of taking pics {;0). Most days at our house it’s not uncommon to find one of the little’s mostly undressed running around, the 2 year old likes to climb and color on furniture…. {;0)
Oh girl, to keep your sense of humor during days like that – you’re a super hero. Praying your sweet one is well again soon!
I loved this post! Your sweet new baby girl is precious. I’m going to have find that book, it sounds like I need to read it!
Here are just a few mom-moments from my neck of the woods:
Loving your posts and all the moms who keep it real, honest and pointed toward Heaven. Blessings to all and smooches to that adorable Baby Girl of yours!
Oh! my recent moment is awful. … I got my 2 middle boys up early to jog to church with me for morning prayer – it’s about 3 miles, but dad was going to pick us up at the 2.5 mile mark. I patiently got them up and helped them get shoes, and then I looked at the clock and realized my exercise time and quality time with them was being sucked away by all their last minute water stops and breakfast bar bites and I snapped and was ugly. I didn’t exactly scream, but frustratingly said “I should have already left… y”all are taking too long to get ready. I’m going by MYSELF next time…”
I did apologize before we got to the end of the driveway, but felt the sting of that petulance for days……and for the record we made it the 2.5 miles in record time. that made me feel so much better, not.
You *RUN* to church??? You *Run* anywhere? With Kids in tow??? I have no words….
Since I already like you on FB (and in RL :) I shared this post on FB!
Great giveaway! Looks like a fun read.
I so hear you with three little ones. My youngest is finally 9 months and some semblance of normalcy is returning. Timing is so hard. My four and two year old somehow manage to always come need me that last minute while the baby is drifting off to napland. It’s magic.
My 2 year old is on a REALLY early morning streak right now. As in, the clock usually tells me that the time starts with a 4… and that just makes me grumpy. We stumbled out into the living room the other morning and he, with way too much energy, picked out some books and clambered onto the couch. I sat bleary-eyed on the floor. Then he pushed back the curtain, looked outside, and exclaimed, “wow mom. dark outside.” Yes, son, yes it is.
Yes indeed! (Is it bad that I think that’s exactly the kind of moment Dora was invented for!)
That book sounds both clever and hilarious – a real treat!
As to my moment:
I was waiting on a customer today, in our store, while my daughter (almost 18 months) was playing at my feet. I’m finishing up with a customer and I look and she has a box of expo markers all opened, ink on her hands, clothes, face, and fortunately paper. I love that expo washes off really easy!
Little sister comes in from a morning of play with Big brother. She is covered head to toe with dirt (I had just bathed her and fixed her golden hair in prep for going out). When asked “What happened? Did you do this?” He was very creative – “Maybe a bird with dirt in his teeth flew over and dropped it in her hair?” Needless to say, we were 30 min. late to our destination.
Hmm…my most recent moment was RIGHT NOW as my 3-year-old is not sleeping at 10 pm but instead bathing herself in apricot baby oil and making 50 or so stacks of paper towel sheets. And I really needed a break from the kids today. I’m going to lose my mind!
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My moment was tonight at our local Walmart where my daughter so giftedly cried and screamed when I told her she had to walk and stay next to me, which she had to do because she would not be (even in the least bit) quiet or (even pretend to) sit down in the huge mammoth semi-cart beast that she just had to have me get our groceries in.
I stayed patient through the whole thing but it was really very trying.
I’m thankful they are all in bed and that’s where I’m headed next.
Life in Central Asia for an American family with two kids under 4 is never easy. The other day was “one of those days,” to say the least. While in the height of morning sickness (preggo w/ #3) and in the midst of “Mommy, can you just…” chaos all I simply wanted was a shower. It had been days. Daddy was working, so I shuffled the kids outside (did I mention we have an outdoor bathroom?) and informed them that all I needed was 10 minutes alone…please play kindly, no fighting, and stay in the yard. No sooner had I locked myself in the bathroom, turned out the hot water, breathed in the steam and sighed with contentment did I hear the all too familiar screaming… “MOMMMMMMY!!!! There’s a HUGE MOUSE chasing us!!!” Ahhhh yes the rats. We seem to have a rat problem ever since daddy shot the stray cat that was eating our pet bunnies that the cleaning lady brings as “presents for the kids” in her purse.
The banging on the door and screams of terror were a little too loud for me to ignore, so I hurriedly unlocked the door (pregnant and naked, lovely) and said “Hurry up! Get in here and SIT DOWN on the floor and let me shower!!!” I shuffle the sobbing kids into the bathroom, close the door and hop back into the thankfully still hot water. No sooner am I back in when I hear more crying from my son “I have to poooop!!!” Daughter starts freaking out and insists that I must help him onto the toilet. “Put him on there yourself, Vera!! Help mommy!” “But mom I cannn’t! Jonah already pooped his pants….there’s poop everywhere…” Oh MY.
I quickly pop out again, pull down his poop-filled pants and plop him on the toilet as he sobs and sister continues to freak out. “I am finishing my shower.” I state firmly. “Sit there until I am done.” At this point I am on the verge of vomiting (which wouldn’t shock anyone) and just praying to Jesus for 3 more minutes of peace. As I get back under the water I hear “Mom, Jonah’s touching the poop. It’s all over his hands. I have to go potty now too mom!” Oh this cannot get any worse. “Vera,” I say. “Just leave Jonah alone, and you either hold it or go outside and use the squatty potty” (essentially a hole in the ground with walls around it). “But mommmm, the rats will get me!!” Ahhh yes, the dirty rats which started this whole fiasco. “Fine. I’m done with my shower. Just give me two seconds and I’ll get out.”
Turn off the hot water – it was a nice thought. Throw on a towel and proceed to wipe up the poopy boy. Yup – poop everywhere, a nice smear or two on the wall. As I reach in for a baby wipe I discover a lovely surprise – it’s the last one. Oh that’s right – Jonah took out ALL the wipes yesterday and shoved them in the potty (all but one, apparently). As I wet toilet paper and attempt to wipe him and the toilet seat down, daughter dances around insisting she has to go right at that moment so I hurriedly take him off and plop her on (she had already peed her pants once that day, we were not going to have any more of that!!). She made it.
With half naked son & half naked mommy I pray that the over-bearing landlords had not popped by for a surprise inspection and that we would not be greeted by them as we run into the house. “Ok kids let’s go, hurry up” I say, only then to learn they are both terrified to leave the bathroom at all because of the rats. “Oh COME ON!!” I yell, “This is silly!” (while on the inside I am dealing with the inner turmoil of “This is what we get for moving abroad to love people with the heart of Jesus…rats, tears, and poop?! Why are we putting our kids through this??”) I proceed to carry one child in each arm, seriously hoping my towel stays up and that no one sees me.
Praise the Lord, no one saw me and there were no surprise visits from the landlords. My son and I got dressed, I laid down to try to escape the inevitable vomit that follows moving around, and my daughter graciously put her arm around my son and said, “Come on Jonah, let’s give mommy some time.” Thanks to Vera’s 4 year old maturity and God’s grace, there was no more fighting, and I finally got the 10 minutes of peace I had been longing for – and even ate a little snack for the growing bitty baby in my womb. Thank you Jesus that each day is new, and that you love and care for my kids when all my strength is gone.
I love how your title said “A Giveaway”, and then there was a picture of that darling precious baby! If that sweet thing is part of the giveaway, then please enter my name ;)! LOL
Good to visit here today sweet friend…
Amy :)
Oh my you made me laugh today – so many memories of such wonderful, crazy times. I am now a grandmother to 4 delightful grandchildren but raised 3 children (with some help from my husband lol:). I am not entering my name in your give away but just had to say how much I enjoyed reading this post. I would like to join the 5- minute Fridays and will check below. Thanks again.
I have an ornery almost-four-year-old. Almost every moment is a Don’t-Make-Me-Come-Up-There moment. Especially regarding his fists and his siblings. :-P
I’ve heard of the book and it sounds wonderful! Hope your day today has been better!
Oh, I’ve had more than I’d care to admit lately. I’m very pregnant, not sleeping well and lacking in energy. My tots (2yrs, 4yrs) are wonderful but they’re still little so…
Hang in there…and I will too! :)
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jennifer @
I don’t know that I can stop crying long enough to think of just ONE moment that would qualify, when it seems as though that’s all my days are made up of. And tonight, yeah, didn’t end so well, so there’s all that bad mommy guilt I’m scarring my children for life thing. So glad to read this and know I’m not alone.
My son, the 2yo escape artist, was found digging around in someone else’s car the other day. That’s SO MUCH WORSE than finding him at the park when you are already supposed to be somewhere, mud up to his tenderonies, in his second outfit of the day, and now you must change him *again*, and that makes you really late. And angry, and the babysitter can see that.
I think I need a hug.
Ok. Thank you ladies. I feel much better and have had a few laughs with all YOUR tales. Co-misery loves company. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to commiserate with you , Lisa Jo.
I’ve had so many of those moments recently, but I can hardly think of what to write. How about sitting in the back of the children’s Sunday school class last week, nursing my newborn, when I realized that my 3-year-old on the had undressed herself completely over on the other side of the room? I was trying to wave and gesture to her to get her clothes back on, but she just loudly told me, “I was hot!” And she couldn’t redo all the buttons anyway. The teacher just called her up to the front and calmly dressed her, while teaching, but I was still embarrassed!
Telling you that my (only) child – who apparently thinks he is a whole set of triplets rolled into one – etched an “Austin Martin” into the surface of our dining table with his dinner fork the minute we took our eyes off him is going to look pretty tame compared to the stories already shared. However, it is this latest infraction that sits at the forefront of my mind… mainly because the ‘work of art’ is still sitting there staring each time I pass by.
We really should get it refinished, but… it is much better than anything he’s done on paper to date. Maybe a carving class is in his future? *sigh*
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Our latest moment was yesterday, when I ran downstairs to find some clothes to wear out of the laundry pile (morning sickness finds me quite behind on putting the laundry away), and came upstairs to find my son had broken into the Easter eggs and was stuffing jelly beans in his mouth! (I had just told him that he couldn’t have any more, of course.)
I didn’t know you were on Facebook! I “liked” you (but have for awhile now). :)