by Lisa-Jo | Sep 17, 2014 | Book Club, Daughters, Just plain hard, motherless daughter, surprised by motherhood
Our daughters will make the holy journey into womanhood whether we prepare them for it or not. And they will likely lose friends, favorite aunts, fathers and mothers along the way. Whether these core members of their DNA die, are emotionally unavailable, or up and...
by Lisa-Jo | Sep 15, 2014 | Book Club, Motherhood, motherless daughter, surprised by motherhood
“Losing a mother doesn’t happen in a moment. It takes years to appreciate the impact of what’s gone.”~ Surprised by Motherhood. Welcome to week 2 of the Book Club. Here’s how it works each week: Every Monday: Discussion video posted on the blog – feel free...
by Lisa-Jo | Sep 12, 2014 | Book Club, Motherhood, surprised by motherhood
Daughter I want you to inherit freedom from me. The freedom to stretch your long, awkward limbs, your mind, your appetite, your wonder at the world and the gift of being a woman. So when you sit across from me you know I am comfortable feeling full – of life and...
by Lisa-Jo | Sep 10, 2014 | Book Club, Q&A, surprised by motherhood
It’s behind the scenes day today. Where I answer your questions and share your insights about Surprised by Motherhood. Thanks to those of you who joined me on Twitter Monday night – we had such fun conversations – and I hope to recap some of it over...
by Lisa-Jo | Sep 8, 2014 | Book Club, Rabid fear of parenting, surprised by motherhood
Welcome to Week One of our Surprised by Motherhood Book Club!! Here’s how it will work each week: Every Monday: Discussion video posted on the blog – feel free to leave your questions in the comments. Every Monday Night: Live Q&A discussion on Twitter...
by Lisa-Jo | Sep 5, 2014 | Book Club, Cheering for you, Motherhood, Rabid fear of parenting, surprised by motherhood
Our Surprised by Motherhood Book Club starts this Monday September 8th. Everyone welcome! Get your book: If you haven’t already, make sure you pick up a copy of the book. It’s a steal on Amazon over here. And if you order here through DaySpring you can get...