by Lisa-Jo | Jul 20, 2017 | Daughters
For this mom, afraid of messing up her daughter, Teri Lynne Underwood’s new book is a lifeline. Each prayer, each activity, each new way of seeing my girl with Jesus’ eyes filled me with gratitude and a hearty amen for this book! I’m so glad to...
by Lisa-Jo | Mar 10, 2017 | Daughters, Girlfriends, Never Unfriended
Good morning from a hotel room in Arkansas! I’m supposed to be up and showering and packing so I can be on time for meetings this morning and instead I’m here with my computer balanced on a pillow on my lap writing to you. Because sometimes you wake up and...
by Lisa-Jo | Oct 5, 2016 | Daughters
Let me tell you about last night. You’re five and a half now. The half is important to you I think. And you sleep with my shirt. It was my favorite shirt. It smells a LOT like me because it hasn’t been washed in some time. But when I started traveling for...
by Lisa-Jo | Aug 26, 2016 | Can't Buy Me Love, Daughters, Family, motherless daughter, Uncategorized
)) Here it is. 42. I made it to my mom’s age. What an astounding thing to be able to look around the world through eyes that have now seen as much as hers did. And I can testify with her that God is good. And while life can feel broken and hard, I will never...
by Lisa-Jo | Apr 19, 2016 | Books you should read, Daughters, Motherhood
She is a fierce little mama. Every night before she puts on her own jammies she changes her baby into a onesie and tucks her in just so. And in the mornings when I’m calling for her, pouring her cereal and wondering where she is she can be found deciding on an...
by Lisa-Jo | Mar 21, 2016 | Daughters, Rabid fear of parenting
Oh my daughter, there are so many things I never knew before you. Five years ago I never knew how much I would love glitter and sparkles and unicorns. I never knew how much beauty would be an ongoing conversation and a choice and an example I would have to live out...