by Lisa-Jo | Jun 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
There will be days you will question everything you believe. There will be days you will be so tired it’s too hard to make the bed. Just getting out of it will have to be enough. There will be days you will wonder why no one told you that they loved you today. There...
by Lisa-Jo | Apr 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
It’s finally here! The first week of the Never Unfriended Sweatpants Bookclub and we couldn’t be more excited!! We so hope you’re already signed up to join us. If not, it’s never too late — just click over here to jump in! Since this is...
by Lisa-Jo | Jan 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
There are Christmas tree ornaments scattered across the carpet, hither and yon. The tree has long since dried up. It has shed a layer of crunchy prickles everywhere. But I haven’t stripped it of its decorations yet. Instead, right when I should have been starting...
by Lisa-Jo | Aug 26, 2016 | Can't Buy Me Love, Daughters, Family, motherless daughter, Uncategorized
)) Here it is. 42. I made it to my mom’s age. What an astounding thing to be able to look around the world through eyes that have now seen as much as hers did. And I can testify with her that God is good. And while life can feel broken and hard, I will never...
by Lisa-Jo | May 13, 2016 | Cheering for you, It Gets Better, Ordinary Glory, Rabid fear of parenting, Uncategorized
On Friday nights we all stay in. We have pizza and a movie and three kids scrunched onto a single couch cushion because this is how they like it. Except for whoever ends up in the middle. We are a family that never gets tired of a good story. By Friday night, I don’t...
by Lisa-Jo | Jan 1, 2016 | Uncategorized
We’re good at starting the New Year measuring ourselves, aren’t we? At weighing ourselves and being disappointed. At weighing our lives and our lists and our last year’s resolutions and realizing we failed to follow through. Again. We make ourselves...