by Lisa-Jo | May 21, 2015 | Books you should read, Just plain hard, Motherhood
Sometimes I feel like I’ve been tired for a decade. But my oldest will turn 10 in August, everyone can pretty much cut their own food, handle their own business in the bathroom, and dress themselves in the mornings (even if the style and pattern choices are...
by Lisa-Jo | May 19, 2015 | Cheering for you, Just plain hard, Our crazy little rental house, Our First House
Oh you guys, I can’t even begin to tell you how much your reactions to our story of buying our first ever house meant to me this week. I cherish each of your beautiful comments and emails and I’m still working my way through all of them because I want to...
by Lisa-Jo | Apr 27, 2015 | Cheering for you, Just plain hard, Motherhood, motherless daughter
As we get closer to Mother’s Day my heart always aches for those of us who grew up the motherless daughters and are now the motherless mothers. I know how this season can hurt. How it can dredge up all the memories we never got to make with our mothers. I also...
by Lisa-Jo | Apr 3, 2015 | Cheering for you, Faith, Just plain hard
My kids don’t wake me up at night anymore for milk. Or to get a diaper changed. When they wake me now it’s because they’ve had a nightmare and the darkness is suffocating them. And at 2 in the morning a small, timid voice will appear at the head of...
by Lisa-Jo | Feb 17, 2015 | Cheering for you, Just plain hard
Maybe you’re dying a little bit on your insides? Every day. Every Monday and Tuesday there are little pieces of your soul crumbling and crying and dying. Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch; like me! Maybe you’re over there between...
by Lisa-Jo | Dec 8, 2014 | Blogging, Faith, Just plain hard, South Africa
I don’t know about you, but there have been so many days lately when the world feels hurt and broken and tired. And we feel hurt and broken and tired. And I want to just bury my face in Zoe’s blonde tangles and sniff in all the wonder that went missing...